Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (2024)

It’s true! My youngest took a taste and proclaimed the honey good.

To prepare dandelion jelly, steep dandelion petals to make a tea. Use this tea to create the jelly. Preserve the jelly by canning it, or simply put this in the fridge for immediate use.

Dandelion Jelly was a fun project to try out. I was a little leery as to how it would taste so I only made one batch the first time. It would be a bummer to use all that sugar and find we really didn’t like it. I had no reason to fear. It is delicious. I made another 2 batches to have for Christmas gifts. (Uhm….. if you are a relative of mine pretend you didn’t read that.)

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (1)

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There are four sections to this page…

  • First make your Dandelion ‘Tea”,
  • Then make your jelly out of that ‘tea’.
  • Then preserve it by canning.
  • Finally, a short video where I answer the most often asked question about this recipe. :).

If you want to just store it in the refrigerator you can skip the canning portion. Just jar the jelly up and put it in the refrigerator. It will set up in there.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (2)

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Know your Canner

If you are going to can your jelly please be familiar with using your canner. You have two choices for processing dandelion jelly. Steam canning would be my first option if you’ve got a steam canner. If not a simple water bath is fine.

  • Waterbath Canning
  • Steam Canning

These posts will familiarize you with how a canner works and what steps to take to get set up for any canning project.

How to Make Dandelion Jelly; detailed step by step

First make the ‘tea’

How to harvest dandelion flowers.

Pick your flowers. Be sure and pick your dandelion flowers where you know they have not been sprayed. We don’t want chemicals mixed into our jelly.

Pick at least 10 cups of dandelion blossoms. Just blossoms no stems. (they are bitter) The yellow petals is what you are after to make your tea. But for now get the whole blossom.

When we asked our neighbor farmer if we could go out in the field and pick dandelions. He said sure. Then he looked at me a little funny! Haha, I’m the crazy neighbor lady picking dandelions in his field. 🙂 I gave him a little jar of dandelion jelly as a thank you.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (3)

I sent my sons and a visiting friend out foraging with a gallon drink pitcher and they were back in a jiffy. Their friend probably though I was a little kooky too! I think I’m getting a reputation!

Snip off base of each flower until you have just yellow petals. You need to end up with 4 cups of dandelion petals. I tried several methods of getting the petals. I finally settled on pinching the flower and using a scissors to cut off the base. This is a little tedious… ok it is a lot tedious. But it is worth it!

Then I used my fingers to pull off any green parts that were left. It is ok if there are little bits of green.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (4)
Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (5)
Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (6)

Making the tea from your flower petals

Next pour boiling water over the flower petals. (Use 1 cup water for every 1 cup of blossoms.) Let this sit until room temperature or overnight if possible.

If you brew overnight allow the tea to cool to room temperature then put it in the refrigerator overnight. When this has brewed you will have a darkish yellow dandelion “tea”.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (7)

Strain the “dandelion tea” through a coffee filter or or jelly bag to remove all petals. Now you’ve got your tea for the jelly recipe.

You might wonder at the color of your tea. It’s not always a pretty yellow at this point. Dont’ worry, when you add lemon juice later in the process, it brightens it right up!

You must measure this out to the appropriate amount. Add additional water if needed to measure the correct amount for your recipe.

Three cups of liquid will make one batch jelly.

How to Can Dandelion Jelly

Gather your canning supplies. Fill your canner 2/3 full of water and begin heating the water as you make your jelly.

Which pectin should I use?

I only have instruction for using powdered pectin for this recipe. I’ve tried to use a liquid pectin, but I had issues with it setting up. I had better luck with powdered.

Having said that, if you prefer liquid pectin give it a try! Just follow the instruction on the packaging. It certainly won’t hurt to try.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe with Powdered Pectin


  • 3 cups dandelion tea (see above on how to make your tea)
  • 4 1/2 cups of sugar (yep! Lots of sugar. Remember it’s a treat, you won’t be eating it by the spoonful. well… you could... but probably shouldn’t. 🙂 )
  • 2 Tbsp. lemon juice – you need this to help the pectin set up.
  • 1 box powdered pectin
  • yellow food coloring (optinal)

Follow the directions on your box of pectin if it differs from my directions here. Yours might have slight differences.

Add dandelion tea, lemon juice and 1 box of pectin into a large saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil. Add the sugar to the mixture and stir.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (8)

Bring back to a boil. Continue boiling 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat.

Add yellow food coloring if desired. My jelly color varies with each batch. Sometimes it’s lighter, sometimes darker yellow. If you want a strong yellow add a couple drops. It doesn’t take much! I do not add food coloring I just go with what comes out.

Process in a water bath canner.

Pour hot jelly into hot canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace. Wipe the rims of the jars clean and place on the lids and screw bands.

Use pint or half-pint jars. Both are processed for the same amount of time.

Process for

  • 10 minutes if you are below 6000 ft elevation.
  • 15 minutes if you are above 6000 ft elevation.
Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (9)

Then hide the jelly jars from the kids….

…. or you’ll find this on your counter by the end of the day. Empty jar… notice the bread crumbs all over the counter?

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (10)

You may have heard that you can eat dandelion greens. Just add clean to a salad. But did you know you can even eat the roots? Check this out.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is dandelion jelly good for?

Toast! or crackers. Honestly toast or crackers is what we put it on. But you could use it just like any jelly. Add it to ice cream, yogurt, sweeten up some muffins.

Are there any health benefits to dandelion jelly?

I know there are benefits to dandelions. Dandelions do have vitamins and minerals. It’s been included in many herbal health teas and salves. The Jelly? I don’t think it should be considered a ‘health’ food. You’ll be eating a tiny amount at a time. And there is the sugar factor. Yep this has a lot of sugar. I’ve seen people say it has the same health benefits. But personally… I consider it just a wonderful jelly.

Is dandelion jelly safe to eat?

Yes, absolutely. Dandelions themselves are edible, it is a flower jelly. And super good too!

Video Chat

In this short video, I address a question from a viewer named TonyAnne. She asks…

“I am fascinated by your dandelion jelly recipe. One thing about the recipe I would like a little more input on. You don’t say how much water you steeped thedandelion petals in. Could you clarify? Is it four cups? Is it six cups? And is the water bath necessary? I’ve made lots of jams and jellies without that. Thanks.ToniAnne.”

The short answer is…. To make the tea just be sure that the petals are covered in water. About 1 cup water for each cup of petals. For the recipe, you’ll need approximately three cups of dandelion tea (the liquid from steeped petals) for each batch of jelly.

And yes you do need to process this if you want to store it on the shelf. If you just want to put it in the refrigerator then you can skip the processing shelf.

Here’s the Recipe! Short and Sweet.

For more details on each step check the article above.

Dandelion Jelly

Dandelion jelly tastes like honey – just ask my son who tasted it and proclaimed the "honey" good! 🙂 It's a fun project and turned out delicious too. (Follow the directions on your pectin if it differs from my directions here. Yours might have slight differences.)

Print Recipe

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (11)

Prep Time:13 hours hrs 30 minutes mins

Processing Pints (adjust for altitude):10 minutes mins

Total Time:13 hours hrs 40 minutes mins


For Tea

  • Dandelion Blossoms
  • Water

For Jelly

  • 3 cups Dandelion Tea made from above ingredients – see instructions below
  • 4 ½ cups Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
  • 1 package Powdered Pectin one box; you could use liquid pectin instead – use instructions on the package
  • Yellow Food Coloring optional


For Tea

  • Snip off base of each flower until you have just yellow petals left. Measure out 4 cups petals.

  • Pour boiling water over flower petals (1 cup water for every 1 cup blossoms).

  • Let sit at room temperature overnight.

  • Strain through coffee filter or jelly bag.

  • Add enough additional water if needed to measure 3 cups total liquid.

For Jelly

  • Start by preparing jars and getting water in the canner heating.You want the canner hot, but not boiling, when the jars are ready to be processed.

    See full water bath canning instructions here.

  • Add dandelion tea, lemon juice, and pectin into a large saucepan.

  • Bring to a rolling boil.

  • Add sugar and stir.

  • Bring back to a boil.

  • Continue boiling for 1-2 minutes.

  • Remove from heat. Add yellow food coloring if desired.

  • Put hot jelly into hot jar, leaving 1/4” headspace.

  • Remove air bubbles, wipe rim clean, and place seal and ring.

  • Place jar in the warm canner. Proceed to fill all jars.

  • Process according to directions below.


Processing with a Water Bath Canner

Place the jar in the warm canner. Proceed to fill all jars placing them in the canner.

When all the jars are filled, bring the water in the canner to a boil. When a boil is reached that is when you’ll start your timing. Process for the length of time on the chart below. Adjust for your altitude.

After your time is over, turn the heat off remove the lid and allow the canner to rest for about 5 minutes. Then bring your jars up out of the water. Allow them to rest for another 5 minutes. Then remove the jars and place them a few inches apart on a thick towel to cool completely. Leave them alone for about 12 hours.

When they are cooled remove the metal bands, check the seals, label the jars and store them away!

Processing Time for Half Pints and Pints in Water Bath (Hot Pack)

  • 0-6,000 ft – 10 minutes
  • Above 6,000 ft – 15 minutes
Source: The National Center for Home Food Preservation

Author: Sharon Peterson

Dandelion Jelly Recipe; It tastes like Honey! SimplyCanning (2024)


What does dandelion honey taste like? ›

The taste is strong with medium sweetness and a slightly astringent lingering aftertaste that has been described as refreshing. A creamy, buttery texture suits an application on toast and this combination makes a fine morning treat.

What does dandelion jelly taste like? ›

Got a yard full of those pesky little yellow flowers? Send your little dandelion picker out to the yard and make some jelly together. This jelly is amazingly sweet and flavorful. The flavor would best be described as tasting like fresh honey.

Is homemade dandelion honey good for you? ›

Did you know you can make 'honey' from Dandelions? Not only is it the perfect vegan alternative, it's also packed full of goodness. The primary health benefit of dandelion honey involves the digestive system.

Do bees make honey from dandelion? ›

Carrie is a freelance food stylist and culinary producer who loves having a table full of guests. Dandelion honey isn't honey made by bees, but rather it is really dandelion syrup made from the flowers and sugar.

Is dandelion honey safe to eat? ›

You can use this anywhere you would use regular honey – on toast, drizzled on pancakes, in salad dressings or in tea. If you want to add more interest and complexity to the honey consider adding other fragrant edible flowers in along with the dandelions such as gorse, lavender, rose petals or a little magnolia.

Why is my dandelion honey bitter? ›

Remove the green parts of the dandelions as they can give the honey a slight bitter taste. The easiest way is to pull the petals off whilst holding the base of the flower.

What are the side effects of dandelion jelly? ›

Dandelion might cause allergic reactions, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or heartburn in some people.

Why is my dandelion jelly cloudy? ›

Cloudy jelly is usually due to improper juicing of the fruit. Fruit should be cooked gently rather than boiled. Dripping should happen through a fine mesh jelly bag or layers of cheesecloth. Never squeeze the jelly bag or cheesecloth.

Does dandelion honey crystallize? ›

Dandelion Honey crystallises quickly once harvested, which is why it is worked in its creamy form. It's an excellent honey to spread on toast.

Is eating dandelion everyday good for you? ›

Dandelions are rich in antioxidants and could be a healthful addition to a person's diet or daily supplements. As with any supplement, it is best to speak to a doctor before taking them to discuss possible risks and interactions with other medications.

What does dandelion honey smell like? ›

The dandelion honey has a yellow color which varies from lemon yellow to canary yellow. The scent of dandelion honey reminds of Northern woolen sock, which has gotten wet during the archipelago boat trip. The taste of dandelion honey is mild, not too sweet and it has a minor aftertaste of liquorice.

What is the color of dandelion honey? ›

Dandelion honey has an intense golden yellow color. It has a pungent taste and he aroma is described as ammonia. The taste is strong with medium sweetness and refreshing. Dandelion honey help the liver and keep the bowels in a healthy condition.

Is killing dandelions bad for bees? ›

The real problem 2,4-D poses to bees is the destruction of their food supply. Honey bees in particular are fond of dandelions and may be dependent on them in certain seasons. But even more affected are native species of bees that cannot fly far enough to find a new food source.

Where does dandelion honey come from? ›

Dandelion honey is a monofloral honey that is produced from honey bees collecting and processing dandelion nectar into honey. The monofloral dandelion honey is derived from the nectar of flowers in the genus Taraxacum.

Which flower honey tastes best? ›

If you've ever tasted honey before, chances are that it was clover honey. According to Mariah, clover honey is seen as the gold standard of honey because this plant is so abundant. It has a clean, mild, and sweet taste, with a typically light amber color (depending on where this was harvested).

What are the side effects of using dandelion? ›

In some people, dandelion can cause increased stomach acid and heartburn. It may also irritate the skin. People with kidney problems, gallbladder problems, or gallstones should consult their doctors before eating dandelion.


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.