What Is "gold" Referring To In The Poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"? (hint-it Is A Metaphor!) "Nature's (2024)

English High School


Answer 1

Answer: The Gold Robert Frost refers to is the Gold of the seasons, and the purity of life. The gold of the sunsets, and the gold of the flowers, and the autumns crisp leaves soon die out with the birth of bitter frozen Earth and winter. The Metaphor "Nothing Gold can stay" means, the beauty of life and Earths most precious seasons, may not stay, but will hide its life and "golden" nature with in the dawn of winter.

Hope this helps ^_^

PS. I love this poem Frost is one of my favorite poets.

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The topic sentence is usually the first sentence

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b. encoding specificity principle.

c. recall effect.





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He shows that the situation he is going through is not real and that he is delusional about it. This shows how Gregor thinks of himself as a negationist and believes only in rational things.


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Read the excerpt from Julius Caesar, act 2, scene 1.

BRUTUS. It must be by his death: and for my part
I know no personal cause to spurn at him
But for the general. He would be crowned:
How that might change his nature, there’s the question.
It is the bright day that brings forth the adder,*
And that craves wary walking. Crown him that,
And then I grant we put a sting in him
That at his will he may do danger with.

*An adder is a snake.

Which summary of the passage is the best?

Brutus wants Caesar to die.
Even though Brutus has no personal reason for killing Caesar, Brutus decides that, for the good of the people, Caesar must be killed. If Caesar were crowned, it may change his personality, and the power may cause him to become dangerous.
Brutus compares Caesar to a snake.
The snake comes out in the sunshine. People must be very careful when walking around the sunning snake. Crown Caesar and I agree that we may be giving him the power to sting us.




Even though Brutus has no personal reason for killing Caesar, Brutus decides that, for the good of the people, Caesar must be killed. If Caesar were crowned, it may change his personality, and the power may cause him to become dangerous.


The answer is B


Edge 2021

1-Do you agree with Anne Frank



what? like agree with what?


if you elaborate then I can help you!

Read the sentence from "Black Hole Beginnings."

As more stuff gathers, its combined gravitation grows stronger.

What question should readers ask to determine the effect in the sentence?

A) How much stuff is combined?
B) Where does the stuff gather?
C) Why does the gravitation grow stronger?
D) What happens when more stuff gathers?


Umm maybe letter C “Why does the gravitation grow stronger?

its d

the person above me was wrong lol

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Fertility Rate

Mortality Rate




Other factors may include food access, disease,

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How can a person improve his language learning?
An important characteristic of successful language learners is their willingness to make mistakes. Young children learn their first language by trying to communicate a message rather than by trying to learn grammar rules. Children are not worried about correctness, they are concerned with the message. The message is more important than the grammar. In the same way, second language learners must try to communicate even when they are not certain of the correct forms or words. For example, if someone else cannot understand what the learner is trying to say, then the learner must change the way he or she is using the language. Therefore, the more learners use the language, the more skilled they become in the language.

Please help!!!



A significant quality of effective language students is their eagerness to commit errors. Small kids get familiar with their first language by attempting to impart a message instead of by attempting to learn punctuation rules. Kids are not stressed over accuracy, they are worried about the message. The message is a higher priority than the syntax. Similarly, second language students should attempt to impart in any event, when they are not sure of the right structures or words. For instance, in the event that another person can't comprehend what the student is attempting to say, the student should change the manner in which the individual in question is utilizing the language. Subsequently, the more students utilize the language, the more gifted they become in the language.

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In 2001 the UK National Census recorded that more than 1 in 20 Londoners were of black African descent, a figure that has continued to rise in the years since. Modern British life and culture now have a strong African component. This development is merely the latest chapter in the history of relations between Africa and western Europe, and in that long and turbulent history the Benin Bronzes, as they used to be known, hold a unique place.

How does the author engage the reader


by presenting a series of interesting facts that make the reader curious about the significance of the Benin Bronzes


According to the given excerpt from A History of the World in 100 Objects, the author narrates how the UK National Census in 2001 made the discovery that 1 out of 20 Londoners were of black African descent and that figure has continued to rise since then.

The author engages the reader by mentioning the Benin Bronze and how there is a supposed relationship between Africa and Western Europe which makes the reader wonder about the significance of the Benin Bronze.

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judgment or disapproval of someone or something

write a paragraph:
Do you like to listen to folk songs?why?why not?




Yes, I do like to listen to folk songs. Folk songs appeal to me because I tend to like music that translates well into a live setting. The simplicity of folk songs aids two of the main goals of folk music- telling a story and spreading a message. l also enjoy the crosscultural interplay between the music of Europe, the British Isles, and the manner in which it crossed the Atlantic to flourish and mutate in the New Word. Lastly, it is not overproduced, pure, and uncurrupted by marketing. The lyrics reflect greater depth unlike most other genres of music.

No they make me very sleepy. Their also very slow

please do this fill in the blanks​


[tex]\huge\underline{\sf Answers:}[/tex]

judge, judgementdifference, differanswer, answernecessary, necessitywise, wisdomdecided, decisionforgiveness, forgive

Spring and Fall
To a Young Child
by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Márgarét, áre you gríeving
Over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leáves like the things of man, you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! ás the heart grows older
It will come to such sights colder
By and by, nor spare a sigh
Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie;
And yet you wíll weep and know why.
Now no matter, child, the name:
Sórrow’s spríngs áre the same.
Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed
What heart heard of, ghost guessed:
It ís the blight man was born for,
It is Margaret you mourn for.

What do the falling leaves represent in "Spring and Fall"?

the sadness felt by young people

the heart that grows colder as years go by

the process of learning and growing

the inevitability of aging and death



the inevitability of aging and death

"l never saw him look so tall". Who is the person mentioned? What does the speaker mean by the
above statement?



the person mentioned is Mr.M.Hamel.

the meaning is look so tall..this is a phrase means SAD

PLS HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



nws e. e w w. w w e. s s w q qe euwueh e e usuwhbw whsihs 3 euwbhw8s8sbvehs99sjebe e8eb ebwisus. wuwhbwia9kwbu88ewhsiruatrdo morahhd

The man first worries about frostbite on to build a fire


are you asking why the man is worried about getting frostbite? because if so, then he was worried because it would delay him.

Why do companies implement new technology?Select all that apply.
1. to help their company work more efficiently and more effectively
2. to keep up with their competitors
3. to have the latest greatest technology out there
4. to grow their profits
5. to generate a lot of new work for their employees



1. to help their company work more efficiently and more effectively

English :
Hi, my name is tiara, I am a person from Indonesia, I hope I can get to know each other, even though there are different cultures, tribes, languages ​​and tolerance, I want to have friends who accept what it is even though I am still learning another language, hope it can be helpedฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Indonesia :
Hai perkenalkan nama saya tiara saya adalah orang dari negara indonesia semoga bisa saling mengenal walau pun berbeda budaya suku bahasa dan toleransi saya disini ingin mempunyai teman yang menerima apa adanya walaupun saya masih belajar bahasa lain semoga bisa terbantu






semoga senang dan dapat teman banyak disini Tiara

What are the two main factors that play a role in determining writing style?

A) Audience and Topic.
B) Details and Facts.
C) Audience and Purpose.
D) Descriptive language and imagery.


Its C. Audience and Purpose

For example, if the purpose is to start taking the coronavirus precautions more seriously, then it can easily let you find out that its persuasive writing.
The same goes for audience, it works with the purpose. For example, if you know what your purpose for writing is, then you must know who are you dedicating it. The two are the MAIN things to find the writing style.

Which of the following sentences contains a visible action verb?
I know Samantha's e-mail address.
Nicole helped Tamara with her French homework.
The students remember important dates in American history.
Salim often wonders about the future.


“Nicole HELPED Tamara with her French homework.” seems to have the most visible action verb :))

Answer as soon as possible, please!

Describe the similarities and differences among the events of the Salem witch trials, the McCarthy era, and current events of the war on terrorism. Your response should be at least 150 words.



Explanation:If you were to be jailed, killed, or even brought to court even when you have not committed any crime, Being questioned about your political or biblical values and being called of being a witch and possibly losing everyone you loved and cared for . Being accused of such a horrible act can lose you many respect, friends, family, and jobs. You lose everything you ever worked for in life just to be wrongly accused of a crime that you have never once committed or even thought about committing in the first place. This act had occurred during the Salem witch trials and the mc McCarthyism era. Mccarthyism was a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under senator joseph. Having this happened was not a game on yourself. The majority of the people that were accused had lost their jobs and were blacklisted. A lot was lost from these accusations. Salem had occurred when challenged by a group of girls that claimed to be possessed about witches, which had led to a bunch of citizens being accused of being witches in court just because they had behaved differently than other citizens.

"While confined here in the Birmingham City Jail, I came across your recent statement calling our

present activities 'unwise and untimely! Seldom, if ever, do I pause to answer criticism of my work and

ideas. If I sought to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would be engaged in

little else in the course of the day and I would have no time for constructive work. But since I feel that

you are men of genuine goodwill and your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I would like to answer

your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms."

Which rhetorical strategy does King adopt in these lines? (5 points)

He goes on the offensive by berating his opponents.

. He acknowledges and endears the opposition.

He cites facts to add credibility to his argument.

He gives examples to explain his concerns.



He acknowledges and endears the opposition.


In the text above, we can see that King is ready to do something that he has always avoided, that is, to respond to one of the countless criticisms he receives about his work in favor of civil rights. On this occasion, although King does not agree with what his opponents are saying, he recognizes and appreciates the criticisms that these opponents are establishing, as he believes that they are doing this with sincerity, even if they are positioning themselves in the wrong way. This valorization of the opposition, can be useful when King says "But since I feel that you are men of genuine goodwill and your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I would like to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms."

Need help assapppppppp



B. Monarchy because monarchy is with leading a country Kings and queens

Why does the statue of liberty looks the way that she does?​



The Statue of Liberty looks blue-green because of a chemical reaction of copper (the metal that she is made of) with the air as the years passed on; corrosion took place, hence creating the blue-green look we have today.

Background (useless) Info:

The statue was designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, and was given by French to Americans as a gift of the alliance between France and the USA during the American Revolution.


The Statue of Liberty's exterior is made of copper, and it turned that shade of green because of oxidation. Copper is a noble metal, which means that it does not react readily with other substances. The Statue's copper is only three-thirty-seconds of an inch thick and unusually pure.


pls brainliest

5 What does the statement "I know I'm going to have to pay my dues" (paragraph 11) show
about the narrator's attitude toward her plans?
She thinks the price of fame might be too high.
She realizes success depends on more than setting a goal.
She is highly motivated by the idea of becoming famous.
She thinks becoming a celebrity chef requires only money.


Answer :She realizes success depends on more than setting a goal.

Explanation: The most obvious answer. A is clearly incorrect, D is incorrect, and C doesn't make sense for this specific quote. So the correct answer is B.

The narrator's attitude toward her plans She realizes success depends on more than setting a goal. option (B) is correct.

What is attitude?

Attitude is a scientific discipline construct, a mental and feeling entity that inheres in or characterizes a person, or their attitude is their approach to something or their personal view of it. Attitude involves expectation, outlook, and feelings.

The cost of fame, in her opinion, may be too high. She understands that setting a goal alone won't guarantee success. Her desire to become famous is a major motivator. the notion of selecting only a few. Richard Haass is the author of the phrase "a la carte multilateralism,"

Therefore, option (B) is correct.

Learn more about attitude here:



Hi, can you please help me? *as fast as possible*

Read the bar charts carefully and then describe the given chart within 3 paragraphs at least.


there are 6 girls and 3 boys that’s play soccer.
there are 2 boys and 2 girls that play softball.
there are 5 boys and 1 girl that play basketball.
there is 1 girl and 2 boys that play other sports.
Soccer is the most commonly favorite sport by both genders

Answer this riddle When you put this in a heavy
wooden box, the box will
become lighter.



a hole


have you ever been caught in 4k?


Yeah... dont ask...

Answer: Mate got caugt in 8k

Explanation: cause 8k has better picture

Where did Henry Haggard get some of the examples for his speech?
his mother who was an immigrant prior to gaining her citizenship
a movie about a volunteer community center called Sacred Heart
Valeria Luiselli's book Tell Me How It Ends
his own childhood story of when he lived in South America



Valeria Luiselli's book Tell Me How It Ends


I took the quiz


Valeria Luiselli's book Tell Me How It Ends


Henry used researched examples from Valeria Luiselli's book to support his claim.

What is "gold" referring to in the poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"? (hint-it is a metaphor!)
"Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay." HELPPPPPPP



Happiness and perhaps good luck


I'm honestly not sure, but I think it's saying nothing good lasts forever

What Is "gold" Referring To In The Poem, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"? (hint-it Is A Metaphor!) "Nature's (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.