The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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JOHNSON DARTMOUTH GREENIELD to 1145 AMHERST sur NORTHIELD SCHOOLS GREEN AT COHN ELI REV EDM UNH 1 CASEY Amusem*nts Amusem*nts STARTS TOMORROW HERBERT SUNDERLAND BRENON! BELCHERTOWN HIGH CANCELS TURNERS ALLS 'RECEIVES COMMISSION the THE AEE HIGHLAND SCHOOL WINS GRIKHA Amusem*nts Amusem*nts EVERY SEAT A COOL RETREAT 3 PROGRAM 0 NOW 3 0 3 VT Tel 3 M14 Publix eatures ftlATtJJL 925 LOOR AS 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 Chairman No 1 SHELBURNE ALLS GREEN ROSH DIN irst National Presents The Ace of the talking screen HALLIGAN CHOSEN CLIVE BROOK Come To MOUNTAIN PARK Amusem*nts STAORD SPRINGS SWEETHEARTS and WIVES with ii 1 1 1 niTi ri ii i in rrrnri nimi i LEILA HYAMS ORANGE Ends Today Miss Enjoy Yourself! 'OURTSQTHEATR 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 2 2 3 0 10 the Method the home of 11 i 0 2 2 3 2 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Athol Greenfiel'd 0 0 1209 2X5 4UB Avery Chairman A Kinard William Hag Kansas nb 5 5 5 5 Am De in the outstanding achievement of her entire career in NEXT WEEK CHICOPEE BRIES He I Thrilling Thou a liquor export bill al Rufus Tope ot Que amendment that the sif Toy Town tavern at inn return was made Millers alls to schoolhouse RECKLESS More New Rides 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 the class their GREATLY ENLARGED MIDWAY Many New Games by the late Bishop OTteilly Im mediately after his ordination he went to Worcester where he spent his ab 3 3 3 according to Stirring Story of Marriage Marriage ATHER CASEY MARKS GOLDEN JUBILEE TODAY Holyoke May 21 The Junior High" nine defeated the Law rence Junior High team in The league game this afternoon on Pros pec street grounds by a score of 11 to 4 It was a walkaway contest from the very first inning Tom inn handled the ADS TODAY 3 0 0 0 0 0 rom the Hanover May 21 Joseph Sawyer of New York city Dart hurdling star was lost to the Green team for the dual meet with University of Pennsylvania this Saturday when taken to Hitch co*ck hospital today for an appendi citis operation Due td the loss of Sawyer the burden of the hurdle races will be carried this weekend by Hugh AlcornA i ruin more men than a bitter fate with its relentless curse of making some of them wild daring reckless because they are membership Mrs Halligan program Mrs Heery super Davidson Mrs children were Willard of Lincoln averue ot the committee on auult appointed by Presioent now in Canada where he SIDNEY RLACKM ER ALBERT GRAN 91 Seniors Take All Day Tour to New Hampshire Looney Petrin3 Lalor Lavin Bitters Horriganp 3 3 0 0 0 One of the strangest stories ever told Mingled with Murder Scandal Mystery Comedy and Romance DETROIT AGAIN HOST TO MEDICAL SOCIETY Ambitious Women Shelburne alls May A confer ence of the older girls of the Western Massachusetts Girl Scouts will be held at Ashfleld riday Saturday and Sun day A delegation Is planning tn go ADD PLANNING COMMITTEE Coming Saturday Timme Colonials South? Hadley alls May 21 Man ager Roger Roberts of the South Had ley High school baseball team an nounced that game with Belchertown on the Beach grounds had been canceled by that team Ar rangements are being made for a meeting between the two teams at a later date in the season possibly June 16 Ed ar ub anni VICTIM DISCLOSES WHITE SLAVE RING Dana Salmon Made Second LJeu tenaut In Reserve Corps Turners alls May 21 Dona Salmon of this town son of Mr and Mrs Tj Salmon of Montague street has been commissioned 2d lieutenant in the coast artillery corps reserve and has been assigned to 904th coast artillery (AA) to the command of bat tery of Amherst The 904th artil lary is anti aircraft and is mainly al located to Western Massachusetts having units at Springfield Amherst Holyoke Pittsfield Westfield and Northampton He was examined for his commission by a board of officers at Hartford He served in the World war and is' a past commander ot Clarence Allen post of the Ameri can Legion and a past master of Me chanics lodge of masons i short business meeting at 715 an en tertainment at 730 and dancing from 815 8000 Delegates Are Expect ed to Attend our Day Convention June Detroit May or the fourth time since American Medical as sociation was organized Detroit is Stafford Springs "cf May The funeral of Mrs Lena Holt of urnace avenue was held at the home this aft ernoon Rev Arthur Moseley pas tor of the Methodist church assisted by Rev A Legg a former pastor here officiated Burial was in Staf ford Springs cemetery Miss Ann Collins a teacher at the Crow Hill school has been called to her home at Springfield by the death of her father Miss Mary Dineen has returned to her duties as teacher at the local grammar school after being confined to her home at Springfield by Illness RIVERSIDE PARK Now Open Hanover May 21 The Dart mouth freshmen baseball team took an easy game from Cushing this after noon by a 10 to 5 score Dartmouth uncovered a good left handed pitcher in red Prince who held the visitors to three hits during his stay Mas kilieson led his team at bat starting a rally in the second inning Cushing gave ragged support to Lippe and Sheldon Selemlcf Wydra3 Barnes 1 Bradley 4 Lyncnj Banister! Hogan 3 Youngc Miles 4V Alonquln St 6 room mod ern garage new reasonable apring neia lagv MSmlth3 Rainey cC White a Moultonl Maronir Hill 2 Starrett Lincoln 0 2 1 0 90 NOTICE HOUSE REMOVAL Proposals will be received by the Board aWter Commissioners for" the Town ot West Springfield until June 2 for the re moval of the house situated on the prop erty formerly of Kuhnel located at the junction of Prospect Avenue and Holyoke Westfield Rnad or Information call at the Water Department Office Right Is reserved to reject any or all proposals i (Signed) BOARD WATER COMMISSIONERS May 2D 1030 BOLTER 58 PIES There is to be a public hearing In the eelectmens rooms in the Plotkin block on Tuesday night the 27th at 8 on the petition of the Greenfield Electric Light Power company and the New England Telephone Tele graph company to erett a line of poles and wires on the Greenfield cross road at Montague The operetta will be presented In the Opera house riday night by mem bers of the glee club of the High school The musical numbers are In charge of Stuart MacKirdy super visor of music and the speaking parts of Miss Alice Teed of the English de partment There are 12 in the cast with a mixed chorus of 25 voices All seats are reserved and will be check ed at the box office of the Opera house Thursday afternoon at 2 A large audi ence is anticipated An authority who has visited most of the principal airports in the country gives a very favorable com parison of the ranklin airport lo cated here with all ot them It will be pleasing to the residents of rank lin county to hear that this authority eays that the field is second to none In the matter ot drainage ground and air hazards and otherk things that go to' make up a first class airport With proper lighting and night landings and a machine shop for repairs the field will compare favorably with any of them It will receive a good test on Tuesday at 940 when the big bevy of planes ii the New England council good will tour will land here At the meeting of the Mohawk league held at Keene IL last night Dennis Shea ot this town was elect ed president The league games will start Saturday June 1 1 and games wil be played Saturdays and Sundays There will be Rve teams in the league as follows: Springfield Vt Keene Miltord Brattleboro Vt and Turners alls The local team will be managed as it was last year by Albert Guilbault and al local players will be used The eague had a very success ful season last yar and It is expect ed that this season will also prove successful tion ot Miss Mildred Marble Scout director Rev Purdue will have for his ubject at the midweek meeting to Sunderland May 21 Mrs Arthur Hubbard Mrs' George Hub bard and 'Mrs Theorcn Warner have been appointed as the club committee to buy a piano i for the chapel The prudential committee of the Congregational church has arranged a bee at 9 tomorrow morning to wreck the church horse sheds All men of the parish are asked to at tend If it is stormy the event will take place the first une day Mrs Rose Sharkey is under care of a trained nbrse CANADIAN SENATE ASSISTS DRY LAW secretary of interior Chicago Nashville Wendell York: Jackson Mo and William Thayer po a 1 3 3 ATHOL po 10 1 2 1 3 po a 0 morrow night "Echoes State Convention The midweek service of 1st society will be held at Miss Helen Baker of Summer street tomorrow night at 730 with the pastor Rev IS Nichols in charge red Warfield who recently com nleted bls task as census enumerator is gathering the vital statistics ot the town of Buckland previous to 1850 for publication by the Essex Institute at Salem As thetown records were de stroyed bv fire more than 50 years ago these statistics will have to be obtained from old church records tombstones and family records kept before 1X50 Anyone lii Buckland hav ing such records will aid in the work by communicating with Mr Warfield The Woman's shop which has been conducted in this place tor the past seven years by MrA Maybelle Smith and Mrs Emma Benton will go out of business July 1 as the block is being sold Hanover' May 21 Dart fast travelling baseball club will attempt to continue its march toward the Eastern Intercollegiate league title when it opposes Cornell at Ithaca tomorrow The Green and Red nines will be meeting for the first time since the campaign open ed Dartmouth will be seeking its sev enth straight league victory With Tom Eagan third baseman once more in shane" the regular Dartmouth lineup will be ready to support Gun nar Hollstrom IV 4 2 00 6 24 8 4 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 3 Smith White 2 Starrett Smith hits Lincoln Ko Bitters Stolen SACRED HEART Toronto Ont May 21 The burning sands of the of Araby will burn in reality for ik3 entertainment of the nobles of the Mystic Shrine here in June One of the fireworks displays prom mised by Luttrell 'captain gen eral of splendors for the Shrine con will be a spectacular desert scene in varicolored flames covering an area of 12000 square feet The fiery picture will show a sandy desert with the Sphinx and the pyra mids in the distance trees in an oasis will wave their Llazing fronds over a group of Arab huts A camel caravan will be seen wending its way across the desert while far to the erar Mt Ararat will be seen TURhS J1O1VN OER remont Neb Attractive vaude ville contiacts fail to impress Perry Sharp proprietor of the armers' produce station here who recently re ceived an offer of $135 a week to ap pear with his trained goose smoke a cigar like a vet eran likes sit up at the tabic for his sip ot coftee will pull objects from the master's pockets and leap frog playing dead and sitting down are easy for the fowl Class has CLASS DAY PROGRAM Matinees Tues Wed Thurs Sat 2oc 35c 50c The James Thatcher Players With rank Lyon and Shirley Booth PRESEAT Prnnclne Present Comedy necess I Within two weeks it will be illegal to export liquor into the United States from Canada as the Senate has given Pre mier MacKenzie King's bill prohibit ing that traffic its third reading without a vote Gov Gen Viscount will give royal assent to the measure by May 31 7 inal approval was given last night but the measure must go back to the House of Commons for concurrence in an amendment correcting a clerical error Great 1'Ifiht In Senate There was no great tight in the Sen ate against the though Senator bee moved an act should not come into force until a day to be named by proclamation of the governor general in council This motion was defeated 39 to 10 Sir George oster one of the most distinguished members of Parlia ment and easily the most eminent pro hibitionist in Canada supported the King measure although he is a Con servative Cairye Wilson millionaire and first woman senator strongly sup ported the bill Although the Canadian government will sternly suppress any attempts at liquor exportation to the United States there Is a feeling that the rum ring will continue to ship to St Pierre and Miquelon rench islands in the Gulf of St Lawrence and from those points will send liquor to the United States It Is expected that the action in bringing down the measure will He an issue in the coming Domin ion election Liberal members will ap CHESTER MORRIS BETTYCC ivlPSON JEAN HERSHOLT ANO OX THE MARION OAVSSS THE SPRINGIELD DAILY RE PUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MAY 22 1930 DEIANT EPIC MAN WOMAN AND WAR! No frills no Stiff no jazz no themeong but a terrific etory out of the heart! of war scarred men EX US TODAY ON THE South American Organiza tion of 424 Members Brings Ignorant Girls by Inckery rrom Europe "Jhienos Aires Argentina May Buenos Aires police have uncovered a vast white slave organization having 421 registered members whose activi ties would appear to justify Argen tina's unsavory reputation as one of the world's most promising paradises for vvhite slavers The organization was properly reg istered as a limited stock company' under the laws of the province of Buenos Aires with branches in the federal capital and nil the provinces More than half of the 42 1 members have local police records as white slavers While pretending to function as a legitimate business organization the stock company has been importing women from Europe principally from the Polish Russian and the new Slav ic nations set up by the treaty of Versailles' Young women were brought to Ar gentina on promises of honest em ployment jth good salaries but once here they were forced to become pros titutes Their earnings were taken from them by the exploiters belonging to the organization and after they were completely subdued and no long er hopeful of regaining liberty they were sent into the provinces or to other South American republics Investigation of the white slavers followed charges made by one victim who was forced but of an honest re tail business that shq had established Robbed of her savings she was forced to return to prostitution under a threat of death after she had formal ly bought her release front the slav ers with money she had surrepti tiously saved during the two years of exploitation position as a' rich field for white slavers has been discussed repeatedly at League of Nations com mittee meetings reputation that the courts and police are determined to getzat the root of the organization The investigation has been in prog ress for more than a year during which the police have Investigated every one ot 424 members The supposed stock company's rec ords were kept the Yiddish lan guage A member posing as a rabbi performed marriage ceremonies with out civil rites which are requisite to make weddings legal in Argentina On the strength of these marriages the exploiters would rob the women of everything they made The white usual procedure was to bring ignorant young peasant women to Uruguay where passports are not required for landing They were treated with every considera? tlon until agents in Buenos Aires ob tained falsified documents under which they brought them into Argen tina It Is not until their arrival here that they learned of the fate awaiting them THE TEXAN preparing to play host to the medi cal men of the UnitedStates who will hold their annual session here June 23d to 27dth Approximately 80H0 aie expected to attend The major activities of the con vention will be divided into four principal classes namely the meet ings of the house of delegates the scientific' sessions the scientific ex hibit and thee technical exhibit Only the jygpng of June 24th will the members told a general assembly At this meeting the incoming pres ident Dr William Gerry Morgan Washington will make the principal Dr Harris retiring president? also" will speak and medals will be presented the 17 past who are expected to be present These former presidents Ors Keen Philadelphia: rank Billings Chicago and Charles Mayo Rochester Minn: William Welch Baltimore Rupert Blue Washington Arthur Bevan Chicago Alexander LambertNew York Braisted West Chester Pa Hubert Work Wash ington former secretary of interior George' de Sph iveinitz Philadel phia Ray Lyman Wilbur Washing ton Allen sard Wife of Toms River Shooting Victim Implicates Another Lakehurst Man Toms River May 21 Docal authorities and officers of the Lake hurst air station carried on a search today for a marine who is accused of aiding Lester James Underdown an other marine in the slaying of Robert Evans and Albert Martin Duffy here last Thursday Underdown and the missing man are accused of shooting Evans and Duffy and then placing the bodies so as to make it appear that the men had killed each other Mrs Evans who is held as a ma terial witness in connection with the murders made fresh changes in her story today but does not admit com nltniTv in thA crime James Mercer Davis prosecutor of Bergen County She at first sup ported the theory that her husband and Duffy had killed each other in a quarrel part ofi which she wit nessed but' she now asserts tnat Underdown and a companion were the slayers Mrs Evans who is 35 years old had a small roadhouse for Marines from Lakehurst She was estranged from her husband a sailor in the navy who was discharged after 12 ycars'of serv ice during the visit of the? fleet to New York He had received letters from his wife telling him not to re turn to Toms Itivcr and threatening trouble If he did so He was privately Informed early last week that plans were being made to km him itne re turned On that account he took Duffy with him as a bodyguard According to Investigation the slay ers the house tojinvent a quarrel with the object of claiming later if necessary that they acted in self defense r' 4 Comdr Pearce at the Lake burst station sent a navy plane to fly today over a section where1 the missing Marine was reported in hid ing but he was not found 5 MAMMOTH Two eature Show! 40 10 27 9 Northampton 0 Sacred Heart 0 own committee Aliss Mabel Raguse Alis Julia Heery Herbert Ware Miss Intendant rank May Boice hospitality Mrs GouldJ who will choose her own committee: Mrs Wolter Smith who will choose her own committee I i'll DANCING with Orch Cltv Baltimore 1 The house ot delegates which is the governing body of the organiza tion will be i In session arie 23rd and 24th with 'Dr rederick Warnshuis of Grand Rapids speaker presiding During this time a series of clinical lectures will be gven and the last three days of the conventon will be devoted to the la scientific sections of the association each ot which' represents a special branch of medicine In demonstrating the most skilful methods in treating fractured bones 70 of the leading orthopedic surgeons will take turns lecturing and demonstrating iwith persons as models In the pathology exhibit fresh material will be furnished by De troit hospitals that physicians may hear eminent authorities explain the causes for changes in the diseased organs a few 'hours after they are removed from hoepitaj patients Members of the Mexican Medical association and the Medical societyof Cuba have been Invited attend the session and several Widely known European specialists have been asked to be guests ol various sections SANDS DESERT and BILLIE DOVE Northfield May Ninety one Northfield seminary seniors the largest graduating class in schools history with their teacher Miss Beulah had class day outing yesterday With lunch and supper prepared by the junior class the seniors left the campus at 9 a in busses and other cars An all day tour took the party to Keeife Marlboro Dublin and Peter boro NTL where the McDowell col ony was visited Plans for lunch out of doors at the colony were interrupt ed by dampness of the previous rain but the au thorities opened the town hall for this purpose ollowing the luncheon the pupils visited the Peterboro museum of history Un the afternoon other stops were made at at Winchendon and at Templeton The through Athol 'and the Northfield arms where supper was served and the class day program given as follows Class history prepared by Grace Dudley of East Douglas Edna Tower of Springfield and Harriet Talbot of South Hadley and read by Grace Dudley class prophecy prepared and read by Eunice Hatfield of Pough keepsie 'and Helen Locke of Woodside class poem written and read by Margaret Mace of West New Brighton oration given bv Mary Atanasoft of Burlington a native of Bulgaria and honor stu dent of the class Miss Wilson the seminary pal joined the seniors for the class day program and supper Us Be Br RACHEL CROTI1KRS WINS NET TITLE Brookline May (A P): The ex perience of Henry Johnson Jr of Dartmouth today enabled him to de feat his teammate John Richardson in the final round of the New England Intercollegiate tennis singles on the Ixmgwood courts The scores were After settling their argu ment Johnson and Richardson then Joined forces and defeated the Am herst team of Hayes and Rj Bowditch for the doubles title by scores of 6 1 6 2 6 6 3 John son was runner up to' Ted McDonald Dartmouth tennis captain in the 1929 tourney McDonald was unable to de fend his Lille because of the pressure of his studies Holmberg Gives No Hits In raternity Contest Amherst May Ossie Holmberg football star hurled a no hit no run game as Iambda Chi Alpha defeated Phi Sigma Kappa 3 0 in A interfraternity baseball tonight Wil son losing pitcher struck out 10 All thre run? scored by Lambda Chi Alpha came as a result of a single by Buck Stockbridge boy Rice hit two homers for the faculty but Alpha Gamma' Rho triumphed 7 5 Tim Minkstein of Westfield hurled eff'e tively as easily won over Sigma Phi Epsilon 8 0 A Robinson Chairman of Group to Study Chances of Getting New Home Westfield May Business trans acted at the annual meeting of ths CT A board of directors last night included appointment of a planning committee with Archie Robinson as chairman to Investigate end watch the possibilities of acquir ing a new' building soon Those asso ciated with Mr 'Robinson are: Darwin Gillett Allyn and the executive committee Harold Dougherty was reelected president and the other offi cers are as follows: 'Executive committe: Presiden Harold Dougherty Harry LaneA Robinson A Stillman A Rhines inance committee: Chairman A Robinson Smith Squire AWT White Cleveland A Juckett Allyn Property committee: Lane Gaylord Moulton? Publicity committee: Higgins Clark Roe Physical committee: 'Chairman Chatlos Herzog Smith ogarty A A Mcarland AitNaldovsky Leisegang Social committee: Chairman Smith Ely arr A Stillman Gendreau Herman Duperault A Grubert work committee: Chairman Gillett Lane A Mar cciillier Clark Smith "Membership committee: ChairmanT Barnes Strickland Ralph Sizer Cecil Barber Lester Robinson The shipment abroad of $50000 000 worth of farm equipment during the first qua'rter of 1930 established a new high mark for the industry for that timejof year held this morning at hair by the board of About 00 Bars Exports of Liquor to United inal Sanc tion Hinges on Correction or blight Error By CHARLES Ottawa Ont May neal to the 'prohibitionist element for support in viev of the prohib itory nature HUNT SECOND MARINE IN NEW JERSEY DEATH to curacy iiJP In 1887 he was appointed to organ ize the new parish of Williamstown Blackinton and Greylock of which hewas made the first pastor In 1891 ather Casey was trans fared to St Paul Minn to work un der Archbishop John Ireland in re organizing the cathedral parish and in forming new ones Two new parish es in the city of St Paul St Peters tmd St were given to him tu organize and he Lvas made: pastor of the latter 'He continued his work in the city for some time afterward building a church and a rectory rom St Paul ather Casey was called to Portland by Archbishop Christie of Oregon who had been a priest in the St Paul diocese Going to Portland ather Casey reorgan ized the cathedral parish and was made rector of the cathedral In 1901 at the hight of the gold i rush to Alaska ather Casey was called to Seattle by Bishop who Jiaj just moved his episcopal see to that city from Vancouver on account of Seattle's rapid growth ather Casev organized what had been St church into the pre cathedral parish of which he was made pastor He succeeded in raising a large amount of money for a new cathedral and saw a site for the new edifice se cured The strain of the work told heavny 'upon ather physical strength 'and he sustained a nervous break from which he has never fully recovered In 1910 he returned to the Springfield diocese from which he had been separated and was assign 1 ed to the chaplaincy of the arren hospital i The club of North parish will meet tomorrow night and will have members of the club as guests There will be a debate solved: That Greenfield Should Have a Town The affirmative will be debated by Peter Plantinger and Rollin arr Elmer Smith and William Clark Harold Duncan Herbert oote Otto Nau and Bernard ish will speak against the question The judges will be Winthrop 1 Abbott Sander and John "Murphy The first ot three piano recitals to be given by the pupils of Charles McCarthy will take place Monday night at the junior high school hall ourteen of the younger pupils will appear The recital will include solos and ensemble composition for two pianos four hands and eight hands Mrs Ernestine Brown Hubbard so prano soloist and Miss Dorothy Treml of Turners alls will be the accompanying artists An effort is being made to raise money'so that the school band can go to Pawtucket I on Saturday to compete for the New Efigland cham pionship The local band took two prizes at the contest at Boston bat The second session of the diptherla clinic was Washington health The annual meeting of the rank lin county council of Parent Teacher associations will take place tomorrow at the Mansion house Officers will be elected and the presidents of the organizations will tell of the they occomplished during the year A2J Athol High Tossers Beat Greenfield 10 to 3 Athol May Athol High took the measure of Greenfield High at ish park this afternoon to the lune of 10 to 3 It was second de feat of the season and sixth straight win and seven out of 10 games won The I po niaupnan ss i OIMrozcf 0 0Smlthl 2 lAlex2 OIKorchlnklT 1 Alumni Reunion June 21 1 Orange May 21 The 47th annual reunion ot Orange High School Alumni association will take place Sat urday June 21 in the town hall and is open to all who ever attended the school There will be a banquet at 6 at the Unlversalist churcli vestry a SKearer 1n THE 9 27 1 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 Run Mouiton Maronl 2 Hill 2 Dalor Bitters Two base rensKi mi xmushi kjv bases Slfilth Rainey Smith White Ta masunas Smith Struck out by Lincoln 3 by Bitters 4 lilt by pitched ball by Lincoln Mbroz: by Horrlgan Tamasuaas Umpires Henrich and Kelly Time 2h HOLD EVERYTHING or the Laugh of a Lifetime PROS LUNK TWICE Hanover II May 21 Dart history professors 'will re member today as a black date for they went down to defeiit' twice in a baseball double header with students majoring in their department The unfiergraduajes won 14 to 11 in the first nine inning affair and then tri umphed over the professorial nine 6to 5 in a seven inning contest Prof 'Brainerd Dyer pulled an Irdn man stunt in pitching both games for the profs LOST TO DARTMOUTH No 2 Warner Hroa present WHO with MONTE BLUE LILA LEE Packed with Thrills with AY WRAY A Two itted ighter Thrilling Senoritat with His Lobe Starts Saturday1 MRS Elected Head of Parent Teacher Body at Annual Meeting Shelburne I Yills May The an nual meeting of the Shelburne alls parent Teacher association was held tonight at 8 in the community rooms SZ with 50 members present Mrs Halligan presided The following of fleers were President Mrs Halligan first vice president 2Irs Deane Davis sec fe ond vice president Mrs Arthur Law rvn less secreiary ura treasurer Mrs William Morrissey directors Mrs Philip Eldridse Mrs Earl Gould Mrs Horace Knapp Mrs Walter Stanford i "Ways and means committee Mrs It H' Mills chairman who will elect her South Amherst Native Passes Away After Long Illness Amherst' May 21 Harrison Edward Bolter 58 of South Amherst died this morning after a long illness He was horn at South Amherst March 1 1872 son of Edward Bolter who vivefC He also leaves two sons ot Cambridge and Ralph of herst and a daughter Mrs Leo sotell of Springfield several brothers sisters and grandchildren The funeral will be conducted' riday afternoonvith burial in South Amherst ceme tery John 1) Willard In Canada John a member education Hoover is will make a comparative study of the dominion and provincial particlnation in While in Canada he will visit Guelph Toronto Ottawa and Quebec During May he has attended many educational com mittee meetings May 9 and 10 he at tended a meeting of the American Council of Education at Washington and the executive committee meeting of the national advisory committee on education appointed by President Hoover and Secretary Wilbur to study the participation of the federal gov ernment in education May 12 to 15 he attended the annual meeting of the American Association for Adult Edu cation at the Edgewater Beach hotel at Chicago and on May 16 and 17 the annual meeting of the Minnesota state council for adult education at South St The funeral of Mrs Mary Cominski 57 who died at the home of hey son Adam at North Hadley late Monday night was held this morning at St church She was the widow of John Cominski and came to North Amherst in 1904 She is survived by her and three daughters Mrs Katherine Gagnon of Springfield Mrs Mary Carnoski of Deerfield and Miss Anna Cominski of North Am herst? several grandchildren and a brother Joseph Rodzwell of South Deerfield The bearers were Charles Waskiewicz of Sunderland Adam of South Deerfield Jos eph Barona of Greenfield and Adam Sawkowski of North Hadley Burial was in St cemetery at Plain vine Mrs Roscoe Thatcher will en tertain the women: of the faculty of A who have birthdays during Mav at her home tomorrow afternoon It will be birthday SO A Side Splitting Comedy eature Another Great Double eature Program! STARTS TOMORROW I WARNKH IIHOtf CAPITOL New Rides Better han Ever COOPER Northampton Downs Sacred Hearts 3 to 2 Holyoke May 21 The Northampton High nine was given a scare here this afternoon by Sacred Heart tossers but when the final out was made they were winners by a "3 to 2 score Miles allowed the Hearts but three bingles Northampton clinched the contest la the eighth frame when they pushed across two markers with the count at one ail Rutkowski featured the stick for Northampton with Brocho leading the attack for the Hearts The score: NORTHAMPTON I arren Hospitd Chaplain Has Served in Berkshire and in the Northwest a Greenfield May 21 SV tnund chaplain of ren Memor hospital will serve tomorrow The golden versary ot his ordination to the priest s' hood 1st recognition of the jubilee the Sisters of Providence have ar range a dinner at the hospital to ather Casey and a small company of his clerical trlonds where he will re ceive congratulations Later a dinner will be served ut his home to utcar relatives ather Casey was ordained at tne Cathedral nt Springfield May 22 1880 CLARKSON TOPS CADETS May (AP) Clarkson's baseball team defeated Nor wich 7 to 4 on Sabine field here to day Norwich tied the count in both the third and sixth innings but there after was never in the running Both hard but the Cadets made five errors Steves Clarkson short stop starred at bat with a home run triple and single WEST SPRINGIELD BRIES PtlBLIX Tltcatrr 1 Stack 0Brocho2 It reaneys Barrett! Bohan f'n v' erh 2 8 28 3 27 10 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 i 5 KVi ll v'S rA 1 i 1 'r EU? wit IB HI sHaRSt At in SSHfi 3 I I jfV 1 liliLlii M'l LkliLIll I I1 It a A a i fj sasfC sk aBi'? if 4 wf 1 I MX KjT iSMIMMM rV OS A' XV av a WE a 0 JMnh 1 XT 4 kN I.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.