The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (2024)

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (1)

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe---it has a bit of a reputation. And I have been dyingto try it ever since I first laid eyes on the recipe. The only thing that took me so long? Bread flour and cake flour. Due to my tiny NYC digs, I don't keep them around, and-in fact-had never even used them before! But when I received bags of King Arthur Flour organic flours to review-and 1 of them was bread flour-I knew I needed to make this happen! I already knew of a cake flour substitute-so that was no problem :) Can I tell you how excited I am that King Arthur Flour has organic varieties?? I try to go organic as much as possible, and I use flour SO MUCH-so I was beyond ecstatic. And I've been having so much fun playing around with the different varieties--but you'll hear more about those later. Moral of the story: organic flour=awesome and they all do an absolutely perfect job. And, hi, yeah, I got to make these cookies:

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (2)

If you keep up with my facebook page or Something Saturdays, then you know that my old hand mixer died, making these cookies. (Still totally worth it!) Apparently this was too much for her. So, due to this fact, I wasn't exactly able to make this dough according to the exact specifications in the recipe, because it died during the creaming of butter&sugars phase. I ended up mixing most of this by hand. The good news is: the cookies still turned out amazing!So, I don't know if all the exact instructions are necessary, or if this cookie would have been even better if I had been able to follow them. All I can say is-don't freak out if something in the mixing process doesn't go exactly according to plan. Everything will probably still turn out delicious. And, on the bright side of the tragic death of "Mixy" the hand mixer, I was able to buy a brand new one! Woohoo! I think there are many more delicious cookies to come :).

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (3)

In Memorium

Mixy the Hand Mixer

"She died doing what she loved best...making cookies"

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (4)

Anyway. Now that we've talked flour and hand mixer drama, let's get down to the nitty gritty about these cookies. What makes them special? They use bread and cake flours, for one thing. They contain delicious, good quality chocolate (hint hint). The cookies are larger (about 5 inches when baked)-providing more distinct textures within one cookie. A little sprinkling of salt on top creates the perfect marriage of sweet with a touch of salty (just enough to bring out the flavors, not enough that you feel like it's a pretzel.) And, the big one: You let the dough rest for, preferably, 48 HOURS! (I know, that is a long time to wait for cookies. Trust me, though, it makes a difference, and is totally worth it!) There's some science behind this, The New York Times article explains it best:

"A long hydration time is important because eggs, unlike, say, water, are gelatinous and slow-moving, she said. Making matters worse, the butter coats the flour, acting, she said, “like border patrol guards,” preventing the liquid from getting through to the dry ingredients. The extra time in the fridge dispatches that problem." and, it turns out, the originator of the chocolate chip cookie, Ruth Wakefield, chilled the dough too, "At Toll House, we chill this dough overnight,” she wrote in her “Toll House Cook Book” (Little, Brown, 1953). This info is left out of the version of her recipe that Nestlé printed on the back of its baking bars and, since 1939, on bags of its chocolate morsels.

Um..yeah...that should not have been left out. Cookies that rest longer bake more evenly, turn a richer shade of brown, and have more complex, nuanced, flavors. I am here to tell you people: these cookies live up to the hype! They delivered everything that I was told they would. I don't have words to express it better. I love these cookies. Are they definitively the best? Matter of opinion. They are definitely SOME of the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had. Michael prefers the browned butter ones I make (ironic since the boy is never entirely sure what "that flavor" is, lol). I think that's OK. I don't want to, or need to, choose. I can have more than one favorite cookie. So can you. But I definitely recommend this become one of your new favorites. just do. You'll thank me, I promise.

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Adapted slightly from The New York Times/Jacques Torres (and countless bloggers whom have used the recipe)

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (5)

Makes about 18 five in. cookies

*Note chill time of 48 HOURS.*


  • 2 cups minus 2 tbsp. (8.5 oz.) cake flour (or cake flour substitute)
  • 1 2/3 cups (8.5 oz.) bread flour (I LOVE King Arthur Organic Bread Flour)
  • 1 1/4 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp. coarse salt (such as kosher salt)
  • 2 1/2 sticks (1 1/4 cups) unsalted butter
  • 1 1/4 cups packed (10 oz.) light brown sugar
  • 1 cup plus 2 tbsp. (8 oz.) granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 1/4 lbs. bittersweet/dark chocolate (I used a combination of Ghirardelli 60% and Hershey's dark chocolate chips)
  • Sea salt (or kosher salt) for sprinkling


  • Sift flours, baking soda, baking powder, and salt into a medium bowl.
  • In a large bowl (preferably of a stand mixer) cream butter and sugars together (using paddle attachment) until very light, about 5 minutes.
  • Beat in the eggs, one at a time, making sure they are fully incorporated before adding the next.
  • Mix in the vanilla.
  • On low speed, add the dry ingredients and mix until just combined, only 5-10 seconds.(I had to get in there and knead with my hands since I was mixer-less.)
  • Gently incorporate the chocolate into the dough.
  • Press plastic wrap against the dough and refrigerate 48 hours (at least 24, can be up to 72 hours). Dough can be used in batches, if desired.
  • When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheet(s) with parchment paper/silpat.
  • Scoop 3.5 oz dough balls (LARGE golf ball size) onto baking sheet, making sure to leave ample room between (should be able to fit 5-6 on each sheet, depending on the size). Sprinkle each dough ball lightly with sea or kosher salt.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes (varies depending on oven) until golden brown but still soft.
  • Transfer sheet to a wire rack and cool 10 minutes, then move cookies onto the rack or other surface to continue to cool.
  • Repeat, as needed, and in as many batches as desired, until all the dough is used.
  • Eat warm and make sure you have a napkin near (for crumbs, melted chocolate, and the drool that will inevitably accumulate due to the overwhelming deliciousness)!

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (6)

I dare you to tell me these are not some of the prettiest chocolate chip cookies you've ever seen.

You can't.

I'm gonna go eat 7 now, if you'll excuse me.

Disclaimer: I received bags of King Arthur Flour's organic flours to sample. I was under no obligation to review or write a positive review if I so chose. I did not receive any further compensation for this, or future, post(s). My opinions are always my own.

The New York Times Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (2024)


What is the secret to making the best cookies? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  1. Always use butter.
  2. Choose the right sugar.
  3. Choose the right flour.
  4. Check your flour is in date.
  5. Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  6. Cream the butter and sugar.
  7. Beat in the eggs.
  8. Fold in the flour.

What makes chocolate chip cookies taste so good? ›

In the center, it's softer. The chocolate gives us a melty, dense mouthfeel. The caramelized butter, sugar, vanilla, chocolate, and subtle notes of salt offer a balanced flavor profile. The saltiness highlights and enhances the preexisting flavors.

What makes chocolate chip cookies fluffy instead of flat? ›

Room temperature butter is just the right consistency to incorporate air when it's creamed with sugar. These trapped air pockets result in risen, fluffy cookies. If the butter is any warmer, it won't incorporate enough air and your cookies will have less rise.

What is the most successful cookie? ›

Oreo is the best-selling cookie in the world. It is now sold in over 100 countries. Oreo was first produced in 1912 by the National Biscuit Company, now known as Na-Bis-Co.

Do you flatten cookie dough before baking? ›

Flattening the cookie dough provides more surface area that comes into contact with the ice bath, shortening the time it takes to chill. Then submerge the dough in the ice water and let it chill. After 20 minutes the dough will be completely chilled and ready for baking.

Why do my chocolate chip cookies always get hard? ›

Don't Overbake!

This isn't a revolutionary tip and is probably quite obvious, but if you leave your cookies in the oven for even a few minutes longer than necessary, the mix will dry too quickly and lead to more rigid, dry cookies.

Why are my chocolate chip cookies crunchy instead of soft? ›

Using lower-moisture sugar (granulated) and fat (vegetable shortening), plus a longer, slower bake than normal, produces light, crunchy cookies. That said, using a combination of butter and vegetable shortening (as in the original recipe), or even using all butter, will make an acceptably crunchy chocolate chip cookie.

Should I use baking soda or baking powder in cookies? ›

Baking soda is typically used for chewy cookies, while baking powder is generally used for light and airy cookies. Since baking powder is comprised of a number of ingredients (baking soda, cream of tartar, cornstarch, etc.), using it instead of pure baking soda will affect the taste of your cookies.

How can I make my cookies fluffier instead of flat? ›

Melted butter incorporates more easily into the dough, creating a more cohesive and pliable dough. Use a mixture of baking powder and baking soda as leavening agents. Baking powder provides lift and helps create a fluffy texture, while baking soda helps to densify the cookie and create a chewier texture.

How do you make cookies thick and not flat? ›

Increase the Flour: Adding more flour to the recipe will help create a thicker and denser cookie. Gradually add a little extra flour to the dough, about 1-2 tablespoons at a time, until you reach the desired consistency. Be cautious not to add too much flour, as it can make the cookies dry and crumbly.

What is the #1 cookie in the world? ›

Every year, more than 40 billion Oreo cookies are produced in 18 countries around the world.

What is America's number 1 cookie? ›

Nearly 93% of all American households serve and enjoy cookies as treats or after meals. However, it's the chocolate chip cookie that's the most popular in the U.S. and around the world. How much do youknow about chocolate chip cookies?

What is the #1 selling cookie in the US? ›

Oreo Double Stuf Cookies

Nabisco introduced Double Stuf Oreos in 1974 by taking the nation's top cookie brand and offering customers more of it. The idea was straightforward and, of course, successful. Indeed, for the second time in this list, Oreo is clearly the best-selling cookie brand in America!

What makes a cookie the best? ›

The best cookies have layers of texture. A slightly crisp outer shell that holds up to some heat with an inner core that's soft and chewy. Premium cookies taste great at room temperature, straight out of the fridge or slightly heated. Creating cookies in small batches is key.

What is the most important thing in cookies? ›

Flour is the main ingredient that provides structure in a cookie – without it, there would be no cookie! The gluten in flour forms a web of sorts – the framework that catches the air bubbles/gasses given off during rising.


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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.