The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

-THE GAZETTE, FRIDAY, JUNE 8. 1911 MONTREAL STOCK PRICF RANGES CumoiaUvei 1851 1950 215,419,000 TJSZm N.Y. MARKET PRICES Wedn'day lOO.m THURSDAY, JUNK MARKET JUNE 1 Comulatiy) Stocks Mine 1U98.I37 1,061 4M70.936 VOUI MICtI Thursday Wednesday mi High Low tocki Mines 147,13 S1.13S 237,436 Stock DiV. TOCK EXCHANGE 1951 High Low Stock DiV. 28 27'ZUers 6 pfd.

Bank i 28 I 24 Commerce 32) 21 Montreal 46 1 39 'Nova Scotia 31 (23 IKoyal 10! CCHB 14 I Anglo-Nfld. Develop, 20'i' 13 Atlas Steel 33 32 Anlo-Can. Pulp 1.80 210 185 fielding Cort. 16! 9 Brown 123 96 1st pfd. 31 47 Brown 2nd pfd.

23 20 D. Sugar 37i 3214Can. Indus 9 I 3 Can. P. tk P.

Inv. 45 32 Can. P. P. Inv, pfd, 6 Can.

West. Lumber 1314 rood A 25 21 ICatelll Food 3 18.00, 1 8.00'" 3.00 LOO! 1X)H 600 440 -Com. Alcohol (ct.) 4014 3214Cons. Paper 18 10 Dom. Woollens 68 I 60 IE.

Koot. Pow. pfd. 8' 6 Eastern Steel 33 I 29 Farmer 310 1150 IFleet (cts.) 70 49 A 80! 30 'Gt. Lakes Paper 15; 13 Leaf Milling 18 i 18 Maritime T.

Sc T. 185 90 Mica (ctsj 33 25 Sc Paper 37 35 'Mtl. Refrig. 28' 24lMoore 27 I 22 Russell Industries 1 RA i 11.50US? 1 12 00! 300: 2 .50 I 1.00 us 1.9$ US 1.00' sal 21! 17 Union Gas (Unit. Amusem*ntx 13 12 Watson Jack Mines (Quoted In cent) 1 310 Anacon Lead 84 69 lAnkeno 240 205 Ascot 63 I 24 'Blle-Chib 14 4 iBouscadillac 614' 4 Cartier-MalartiC 37 15 ICitra-Lartic 13 1214 Cons.

Astoria 72 45 Cons. Candego 125 110 Quebec Gold 20 16 Dome IS) 950 lEast Sullivan 12 914 Falconbridge (S) 1S: 10 Hollinger li) 38 12 (Hudson Rand 3 Jack Lake Uaculet IKerr-Addison (I) Ladulama Lavalie Macdonald Merrill Island TMonpas IMontauban New Pacific Coal Normetal Pato IPershcourt Pitt 'Ouebee Chlb 22 1914! 16 53 I 30 35 i 13 130 1 85 1M I 78 I 3 64i4f 48 20 54! JD 185 I 99 600 450 245 1 .40. 340 42 90 7 81 25 40 3 30 17'Ouebeo Labrador 415 24 I 245 'Quebec Manitou 12 IQuebec Smelting j08 ST. sift tea trest 463 '260 iSherrltt-Gordon 20 I 15 Kherritt Gordon (rts.) 130 1 60 'Siscoe 1075 700 ISteep Rock 370 '290 Sullivan 220 120 Torbnt 45 28 'Wendell 33 16 Western Ashley .08,2 1 Otis iWuuttd In eentsl 8 Calgary Ed. 151 625 225 '490 Calvan Cons, 1185 Explorer 225 luaspe 18 13 IHome Oil f) 49 33 Pan Western 180 I 85 IPhlllips OH 120 I 85 'Superior Oils 30 1814 Western Homestead I 0' 1.0O 100, 1140 1.00, 18'VAWtibl p.

ft P. 243, Abltlbl i jo pfd. 181i Acadia-Atlantic A 28 AlKoma Steel 1.00; 25 li 1.501 zt 35'i 107 I 1-20 3.60Us' 1.00' .00 1 12.00; 2.00-t 91' Aluminum Ltd. 26 Aluminum Co. pfd.

1 3 I Cora. 39 lAsbestoi Corp. 641 40 IBathurst A 174 Bathurst 39 li Bell Telephone '41 1 27 WOO Bralorne (ct.) 22', Brazilian 29iB. A. Oil B.

C. Forest Prod. 28Jb. C. Power A 19 i Bruck Mills A 31'iBldg.

Product! 64 Can. Cement 19 Can. 1. Fndries 23 iCan. Stesmehlp 44 'Can.

Steamshin rM. 2.00' 1.00' .40: 1 711 l-eoj V20 1 oox 250 I 11.29' 34 24 I 33 74', 22 37'. SO anil ii 'tan. Breweries Wis! 291J Can. Bronze ftl 25 iCan.

Canners 13i Can. Car foundry 68 I 50 Can. Celanes 89 ii! 33 Can. Celatiese pfd. 139 139 ICan.

Falrbanki pfd. 32ii Pac. Hy. 13 Can. Vickera SHi! 22'4co*ckshutt Plow Smelting 36 Textile SOTi! 2,5 ICons.

Glass 1.601 i 2 401 1.73' 6.00 a 1 1.80' 13.00 1.20' i 1.801 11.201 il.SO' 17 i on cor by 's a 34 I 27' 67 I 5S Domtnlon Bride 23 21iDom. Coal nfri. 150 80 I 64 Dominion Glaus II.80; Z7 uom, steel Coal 11.50 89 I 32 IDom. Tar IS0 18l 13 T)om. Textile 2 Km 179 B66 Iom.

Textile pld. 7.00! 39 I 29 Donohue Broi. 3854! 28 IDryden Paper 1.60'x 26 20 (Eddy Paper A 1.J0, 16 14 'Electrolux 26 25 'Enamel Heating 1.40' 18 J'Famou Playert 1501 S0( 10 IFoundatlon Co. i0 20 17-Gatmeau Power 101 ISO 245 (Gen. Bakeries (CM.) 23 18 Gn.

Steel Wares tl.00 I.6O1 3.00 24.00' 60 I 100 12.00 27 ilO 62 I 68 Howard Smith I 64 Hud. Bay Min 3' 17 Imperial Oil is 1 ivv -lorjacco 15! 23 'Imp. Tobacco 4 pfd. 27U Ind. AcceDtanpe 68 85 Ind.

Accept. 4 pfd. 4.23 Int. Nickel 1US1.60 42! 3514 Int. eo ti int.

Faper 21 13 lint. Petroleum 37 28 Lake of the Woodi 27' 17 SVIacMillan A 28 I 16'MacMillan 13'4f 11 Mansey-Harria 28 19 12; 19 'Nat. Breweries 81! 27'Nat. Steel Car $1 US 1.60 0 .50 .50 .50, 100' tl.50' 4.00, 1.00 220 13.00 1 40 1.50 .80 1.00! 1 43j 851; S3 271J 83 27j 69 Noranda 21 'Ogilvie Flour 5114'Page Hersey 17 Placer Dev. 61 Powell River 20 Power Corp.

27 14 Price Bros. 33 Prov, Transport 1814 Quebec Power 12'Royalite Oil 28 St. Law. Coro. 16 I 20 13 49 96 Law.

Corp. 1st pfd. 200' 20 St. Law. Corp.

2nd Dfd. .75 20 525 60 I L. Pacer 2nd nfd i An 39 31 IShawlnlgan 47 43 Bhawinigan pfd. 21 20 Sheraton 30 25 ISher. Williams 21 18'Sicks Brew 27 25 jSo Can.

Power IS li'Standard Chem. 33 30'Steel of Canada 14! 12 IThrift Stores 601i 5014 Walker G. it W. 26141 23'Weston 11.20' 200' 'l ti.oo: 11.20 1.60 TORONTO MART Toronto, June 7. Closing stock quotations: Quoted In others cents) 130 CortyA 320Craig 1.700Crowshr 1,300 Dav .50 1,00 Last Net .814 High Low Sale Ch'ge Bid.

Alk. jo 20 I 201, ,1 2.1141 undh; 25 33 I 1V 80: 18'V 18'i unoh 18ii lBJ.i 2M 34 34 i 33'al 34 25i 68 1 98 I unch 95; 9fi'i 5' 23 23' 23; unch 23s, 23 400 12! j2i4l i2 U'i 12! 245' 54! 441,4. a 64 '1 65 zim 9U i st bo uncn I SO 1 so 100 29 I 29 29 unch 29 I 30 39 OH 'J 8 30 22 31 '4 1A1 742 39: 38 39' i 39 lfloeoo eoo 800 unch 600 23 IV 23 800: 34l 34 unch unch 34, 60; 8 8 200! 30 I 30 8, 30 22 30 I unch; '22 75' 22 22 75' 3-1 31 31 'i 125: 70 I 70 70! 300! 21 21' 21, unch 3 30 I 30 30 18 25 45! 4544V ",4 470 20 20 20 22 32 45! 454 20 203, 294! 30 31 250' 31 30! 31 100: 14 I 14 63 57 87 30' 57 87 5120 1120 14 unch 13! 57 I unoh! 57 58 57 57 120 10 111714' 775! 27! 27 unchl lRf.i 1.) i3il 400 16: 18 via Z7 27 I 27 I unch' 27 I 27 723 148 (148 10' 21 21 21 U- XI 22 80 26 I 28 26 unchl 28! 26 12! 12 12' 12' 12 1.860! 28i 28! 28' 2S' 29 155! 62 I 62 I 62 1 82 I 62 mi avj uncn xtyt 75' 70 70 70 unch1 65 71 2O01 36 750! 39 330! 14 135165 50 35 II 30 34 34! 34! 35 37! 38' 1 38' 3814 1314 1 13' 14 Iflfi fl66 2 165 I 34! 34 Jl 36 30 I 30 12 I 30! 32 350! 22 22 I 22 I unch' 21 23 300' 14' 14 14( unchl 14 15 16 10 Z3 I 25 1 25 1 2 25 200! 16! 18' 16' 225! 10l 10 1014; 10 2J0I 18 18 18! unchl 18 100 325 150 20 6251 24 251 98 325 325 5 '325 20 unch! 20 24 unch 20 24 66 24 99 65 36 11 29 83 38 54 19 35 24 24 12 27 21 28 98 3 97 55 B09' 361i'38i! IV MSi1 l.V'r 11 11 14 23! 2314! 23! 2314 23 715' 29 I 29 29 1 unch 2814 20 82 82 82 '3 38 141 unch 64 I unch' 19'- 737! 38! 36! 54 19i 31 IUI 31 I iil 31 i 14 60 2314 1, 23 125' 23'; 231423 unch! 3.375; 12, 12 12 unch 125 27 27 27 1.730) 2114S 21 12 27 2T.4! jw wy4 ZBlif 453 73 72, "73 I unch' 72 73 23 23 23 23 22; 23 60 53 S3' 63 53! 54 525' 25 lj 24' 25 4 225 80' 80' 80' unohl 79 80 .12. HJ2 l24 lunch 24 24 875 32' 32 3214' 32 32 113 1314: 13; J3 13 131 31 13 18Vi 19 14. 18! 19 13 14 175 13 13' 13' 360; 43 44' 45 130 89 88' 89141 44! 45 89 90 Z75 20 20 20 unch 1.30J 20 464 60 60 I 60 I unch! 60 135; 33 33' 33 unchl 127 44 43' 43 i 81 2114 21 12114 14! 21 Oil1, 33 43 26 20 25 32 13 64 28 12 5i4 17 20 8 23 15.000Keyboy 19 Z.U10 KU-KLiK 73 2,000 Kroy 117 200 Labra 0 4,600 LacHila 32 775 'Lake Sh 9 210 La Luz 220 lOOLameq 640 5.000 iLevalle 13 MOOLeitch 102 a ffl 29 I 25 100 20 I 20 20 unchi 25 25 I 25 25 unch! 18 I 14 I 14! Si' 14i 205 3214 32 32l5- '4 300 13 13l 13 unch 13 1 23141 25! 26i 14! 25 17' 16 Mo kio 110 hub Seag 28' 28' 28 (Supplied by A.

At KIDOEB A CO, Stock and Uiv. Rate in Hlfn Low Cl'te Cane Abbott Labs 1.83 Admiral Cor 1.00 Air Rcduct 1.20. Allied Chem 2.50 Allis-Chalm 3.50 Aluminium 3.90. Am Airline .28. 84 1 62 54 1 23l 23 26 28; 28- 69' W'al 80 5, 45 44: 45 88l 88i 88' 114 15' 15! 15 4- Am Can 6.90 110 110 ,110 Am 3c El 3.00 54141 6414! 54141 unch 19 I 19 Am-Loco 1.40 19V, Atn naaiai l.ou.

11' 2 14 1414 Am Smelt 6.50 77 76 77 Am Steel 2.40 30' 3314! 33! 1 AmTtT 9 00. 153'1554o5: Am Woolen 2.00 36f 3514! 35; unch Anaconaa 4d1 4i 14 mk 4114' 1 Armco 4.12 41' 40 41, Armour ec 10 Atchis 8 9.50. 136 115414 156 3 Atlas corp 1. 60.

25' 2514 Avco Mfg .03 7'S 714 unch Baldwin .60.. Bait It Ohio Bendlx Av 9.29. Beth Steel 4.75 Boeing Air 3 00 Borden's Co 2 80 Borg Wsm 6.00. Brlggs Mfg 3.79. Budd Co 1.80 Canada Dry .85 11 i 19 114 11 19: is4 44 48! 4 unch 4B'ii 61 tll 61 45 43; 45 48 48 48 ,4 64' 64 33s 18! 1614 12! 1214 25 24 80 60 i 31 I 30 04 I 33' unch 16! unch 1214 2414 unch 6014 114 304' 30 Can Pacific 1.50 Caterpil Tr 2.76.

Celan Corp 2.70. dies 4 2.00 31 3014 Chicago Mil 4.00 21 20 ai; 1 70 6814 6914' 11 Chrysler 10.25 Cities Serv 5.00. 103'101i4'103! 2'4 Colg Palm 3.00 50' 60 I 50' 14 ol Sc El .7714 13 13 1314' unch 26 i 25' 25 28 28 unch 30" 30 unch Com Solv 1.25 Com Credit 4.80 Con Ed. NY 1.90 Cont Can 2.20 37 3714 3714. Cont Motors .40 li' 8il' 811 unch Cont Oil 5.20 Crane Co 2.60 101 400 101 -f 1 3114' 3111! M4'.

,1 Crucible Steel 3S! 38! 38' 1014! 10 10 unch Curtiss Wr r.00 Deere Co 3.50 Del Hud 4.00. Dist Sea 1.70 Dome Mines .79 Douglas Air 5.75 62! 6214 62 46! 4614 46 28 25 1514! 13 zo' uncn 18 4 48 49 UU Pont De 5.43 9311! 94! 94! 1 Eastman 1.80 43' 43 43 4911 Ciec AUIO Li 3.73 4014 4914 last 101 Elect Boat 1.25. Eversharp. 1.10 19! 19 19' 13 i3iiF 13! unch 91 90! 91 I unch Firestone 9.00 Gen Elect 3 55.. Gen Food 2.40 Gen Motors 3.S0 Gillette 100 Glidden 2.18 Goodrich 2.00 Goodvear 8.00.

85 54 64 44! 40! 44 4S I 48: 48 27 27' 27 35 SS: 33! 8 B3 92: 2 7814! 79' 13 13141 Ul Gotham Hoa 1 00 13 unch unch Graham Paige Greyhound 1.00 Grumman A 1J0 Gulf Oil 4.00 3l ur 1114! 1114'-21 21 ut ii''i zz unch 87' 86 87 li Hiram Walk 4.46 Homestake 3.00. Houston Oil 2J! Hudson Bav 6.00 111 Cent Ry 3.00 4914 49 unch 35 351 unch 68'i 804 80' 35 SI 601 Int Bus 4.00 204'204 204! unch Int Harvest 2.18 33; J3! 33' 14 Int Nickel 2.00 Int Paoer 3.00 Int .30 35' 38 35' 80 80 8011 li 16' 13! 18' 6i'V 64 I 55! 1 VT? 73' 73' 32lJ 32; AO al, nr! Johns-Man 3 7J. Kennecott 6.00 L-O-F Glass 3.89 Ligg 8.00., Lockheed 3.00.. oovj DO't uncn mk 385 383J Loews Ine 1.50 Louia 3.78 62 61 52 Mack Trucks .80 Maey co 2.00 Magnavox 1 Molnt Por 3 Missouri Pfd. W4, Ot'jt -T 21' 21 I 2lfl' MUTUAL FUNDS I'Dlvldend Bid Asked' Et Fund Inv Aff Inc 4 81 lir ec, Auto Amer Bus 4.CS 4 35' Gr Sec, Rail Balanced Fd 15.98 17.561 Gr Sec, Steel Boston Inc 22.81 24.66.

'Incorp In ves Bull'k Fund 23.16 23 37ilhv Mut of Can Invest Fd 6.08 6.70; 'Key Cus B4 Comw Int Cp 5.13 S.641 Lever Fd xd Corp 6.59 6.04 'Mass Inv Tr INTERNAT'L BONOS I Bolivia Rep T.1 81469 3 8 g-30 77 2-377 Asked 1, ziusirai Bzl 3 Bzl 3 I6I41 16 1634 33: 33 33 25 15 15' 15'- 15 ftl 1L inin St So so Sh BF Ine 7 Var. or interim ti On arrears, Plus oonus I Plus part dlv. 1 Plus ment on arrears, c) Cents. Ex-dividend. 1 Odd lots.

12 12 814 6 7 6 17! 12 Pet 21 20 100Davls 8 I 8 2.000 DecalU 2314! 23 74 1118 1740 I 31 9 1.13 Sales Hlsh Low Close 013 -AD1UD1 105 'Do 25 105'Acsdla 6 20 20 28 25 4.000 Delhi oi 5S 15; 16 87 87 32! 33 103 1105 ew uei Il.SOOAcme 19 8814! 228 Alg'ma 33 100'Dome 40 185 DFndy 105 786 100'Dome 18i! lfli! lf.i 161, Bank 26 80 25 Do 99 100 DMan 13 1314 1.000 Lencourt 614' 6 50 98 13 13 37 8014 12 28 50 99 13 13 3814 82 13 170 Lob A 31 SOU' DO 32' 32'Louvle 17 I 200 180 (ISO 8,101 Maedon" 100 96 614' 6 7,200 Macksn 91 94 lOO Macleo 248 1248 38 30 600fAnac-n 260 .800 Anchor 43 2,210 AngioC 610 14.9,33 Ankeno 70141 12 245 1246 41 43 WOO 61C 68 70 12 12 1.920 uonaio 3A DIVIDENDS, MEETINGS. ETC. ANGLO CANADIAN PULP AND PAPER MILLS LIMITED DIVIDEND NOTICE Notics Is hereby given that a dividend ol forty-live cents 45c per share has been declared oQ the issued shares of the capital stock of no par value of the companypay-able on the 2nd day of July, -1951, to shareholders of record al the close of business on the ISth day of June, 1951. By Order of the Board. H.

D. RUTHMAN, Secretary. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a dividend of seventy-five cents (78 cents) per share on the Capital Stock of the Company has been declared for the quarter ending June 30th. 1961, and will be paid on July 1st, 1931, to shareholders of record at the close of business June 13th, 1951. The Stock Trans fer books of the Company will be closed from June 16th to June 30th, both dates Inclusive, for preparation of the above dividend.

By Order of the Board, J. CUNNINGHAM. Secretary. Montreal, June 6th, 1931, MERSEY PAPER COMPANY LIMITED DIVIDEND NO. PREFERRED SHARES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE NT THAT a dividend of $1,125 per share on the Preferred Stock of the Company has been declared payable July 3rd, 1951, to shareholders of record as at the close of business on June 16th, 1951.

By Order of the Board, J. A. PARKER, Secretary. Liverpool, Nov Scotia. June 5th, 1951.

DOMINION TAR CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Quarterly dividend of 25c ner share has been declared for the quarter ending the 30th of Septem ber, 1951, on the Cumulative Re deemable Preference Shares of the Company, payable the 1st of October, 1951, to Shareholders of record at the close of business on the 1st of September, 1951. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that quarterly dividend of 37 Vi per share has been declar ed for the quarter ending the 31st oi uctooer, 1H31, on trie common, Shares of the Company, payable the 1st of November, 1951, to Shareholders of record at the close of business on the 1st of October, 1951. By Order of the Board, D. S. THOMAS, Fjcxs, Secretary.

Montreal, P.Q, 4th June. 1951. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ADVOCATES BUCHANAN, DALME, MacGREGOR MCALLISTER Barristers It Solicitors 437 St James St W. Crskln Buchanan. K.C.

Paul Da'ma Laurence G. MacGregor, BCLj AfJ.C. w. koss McAllister, Bex, John Ewasew, B.CL. MONTGOMERY, McMICHAEL COMMON, HOWARD FORSYTH fr KER Adveates, Barristers ans Soiltltan Pjs Royai Sank eig 560 St Janva St f.

Tslephonsi BArbour 4241 in. N. Momgomtri, SX. om. MeMuaaal, KA frti Common, K.C I nomas R.

Ktr, K.C Sllbtfl k. Htwaro, rA Llontl A. Sonyth, KX. eiSrlSet Cttt, K.C C. Ruutll MrKmrlt.

'ul fiauttiiw J. ttith 8 itlws, KC CHoOt S. Richtreum. J. Angui Osim.

K.C f. Cam ball Copt, KA. John G. Porttoua, K.C HS2ta Hamsrs, John tft M. Marwr, Sea.

H. Montsomtry, t. AoOrt Forftt fhomtt M. Montsomsiy Stui f. Rtntsit free Cltrkt John 6.

Klrkpatrkt Rteart I. Monoe frank B. Common, Jr, Wllllani 6 Tynaalt Ktnnttk S. HMarS Scott, Hagessen, Macklaler, Chisholm, Smith Davis Advocates, Barristers and Solicitors Aldred BulldlnR. 607 Place d'Armes Telephone HA.

I2SS N. B. Scott. Hon. A.

K. HueeaM. KjG. lm. Macklalsr, KX.

Jotm f. CMsnolia, K-C H. Urrstt Smith, K.C H. Wtlr Dav. KJt, firm P.

Anails Ptttr M. Lainf Riehard 0 Wtldoa f. Jstauss Courts) tm CSirkMd Edward K. Muomt Heward, Holden, Hntchbon, Cliff, McMaiter, Meiheo Hebert BARRISTERS SOLICITORS 08 St Jars Street Hast MontrsaJ I Teiepbonai LAn cuter 1171 S. rlrwa, K.C.

g. HutCtllWB, i. McMssttr, KC Heewt, K.C. S. R.

W. Owe CO. Short t. BfOTSttttSf R. C.

Hoots, KjC E.H.CM6, kt. T. R. MtieHtn, CA A. M.

MimIos R. A. Ptd K. Cerataa MAGEE, O'DONNELL Cr BYERS Adeorates, t. Aldred Bonding, S67 Piac d'Areaas Allan A.

Mtttt. Jb. HutS t. VOtmsn, (X Oonsid S. Srsrt tmX K.

kkOsucaS Auttla Johntea Wsinwrigbl, Elder. LaJdley, Leslio Bourgeois Aldrtd Bonding, s7 flac t'Araa lneld Wtlinwkjht, KX. AuSrsy N. ltr. KX Wtftde H.

Uidlty, KX. Charitt W. Leslie Wiliiao Oilama S. St Bara). KA Taiitl Ooheny Mmn A Dixon, Claifon, Seneeol, Turnbull Mitchell Bask Caaada Biilg, Set Victoria Sajoare, MONTR! AX i.

S. Ohm, KC Jmcmm aamal. KX. Musii M. ItrnSvll.

KX. Jama i. MttoMII, KX isnnR.SUIrt foMrSW. Ams tnmtt Kisraas A. S.

Cuhw J. S. arton -Man. Broekt CJaitc, KX- at g. E.

B. FAIRBANKS BARRISTER SOLICITOR BArbemr MS7 111 The Royal BacJt Bulldlac Robertson, Abbott, Brierley O'Connor J. H. loatrusn, KX. J.

t. BVifitr, 6. McDouftll W. A. CamsMil W.

0. ri St. games St. D. Sbfcott.

KX i. 0 Connor J. Hemtns R. C. T.

Harrts Thorn! g. Fhoa RA. O'BRIEN, STEWART, HALL I NOLAN AlareS BcildiBg. St? riara d'Anae KML.irs-m.iit j. W.

Mall A ttiaa hSokaans rrrstwwa I 3Z 16' 17 180 98 6 95 '248 71 "Mac A 23' 23 23 773 Do 23' 23' 23 800 Madsen 207 203 207 DIVIDENDS, MKET1NG8. ETC. DIVIDEND NOVICE T. H. ESTABROOKS CO.

Limited "RED ROSE 1EA AND RED ROSE COFPFE" Notice is hereby given that the quarterly dividend (26 cents per hart) nn th na Cumulative Radeemable Sinking Fund Preferred Shares Pr value J23.00 per share) of the Company has been deciarad payable July 15, 1951. to shsreholdeTS of record at the close of bus.ness June id, ma. By Order of the Board. B. BRYDON.

Secretary-Treasurer. Saint John. N.B., 18th May, 1881. United Securities Limited NOTICE Or REDEMPTION To th holders of the Collateral Trust Bonds Series 3 od Series 3 of United Secy. tties Limited due.May 1952.

tinTtra unRvnv RIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Moeniure of May 1. 1927 between United Securities Limited (hereinafter called "the and Montreal Trust Company, as Trustee, as modified by Indentures supplemental thereto dated February S. 1929, June 27, 1929 and September 30, 1942, securing the Collateral Trust Bonds of the Company, and to the t' of the Bonds Issued thereunder, the Company Intends to redeem ana hereby calls for redemption all of Its Collateral Trust Bonds Series 3 and all of Its Collateral Trust Bonds Series -B" 3 due May 1, 1852 at the redemption price of 100 6t the principal amount thereof and with accrued Interest on stich principal amount to the 9th dav of July 1931, the date fixed for redemption, upon presentation and surrender of such Bonds, together with all unpaid Interest coupons appertaining thereto; In the case of the Series 3 Bonds they will be and become dne and payable on the 9th day of July 1951 in lawful money of the Domir.lun Canada at the principal office of The Roval Bank of Canada In the City of Montreal, or, at the holder's option. In such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of payment shall be legal tender for public and private debts, at the Agency of The Royal Bank of Canada In the Borough of Manhattan, city of New York, United States of America, or, at the holder's option, in English sterling (being the equivalent of such lawful money of the Dominion of Canada at the fixed rate of S4.86 23 for each tt sterling) at the principal office of The Royal Bank of Canada in London, England; and In she case of Series 3 Bonds thev will be and become due and payable on the 9th day of July 1951 in lawful money of the Dominion of Canada at the principal office of The Royal Bank of Canada In the City of Montreal, Canada. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in case the Series 3 and Series i Bonds hereby called for redemption are not so presented for redemption on the 9th day of July 1951, all Interest on such Bonds will cease from and after the said date.

UNITED SECURITIES LIMITED By J. L. T. MARTIN, Secretary. DATED; Montreal, 31st May 1951.

NOTE Holders of the outstanding SH Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Gold Bonds of United Securities Limited, due 1st May 1952, are required to surrender such Bonds to Montreal Trukt Company in Montreal In order that they may be exchanged for 3 Bonds pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement dated 1st June 1942 as set out in said Supplemental Trust Indenture dated 30th September 1912, PROFESSIONAL CARDS ADVOCATES Martineau, Chauvin, Walker Allison BARRISTERS SOLICITORS HtrolD S. Walker. K.C jtas Uartinun. Frank S. Crawls, gofctrt H.

Walker, Seortl A Alliws Saw L. wiles vakj us oak) (14 Kt James Street MA. 4111 MATHEWSON, LAFLEUR BROWN 697 Place D'Armes Vtsur Msthemon, K.t Kinntlh H. Srewn, KX nsnri unuf, s.b Paul S. PMdwt Albert 0.

eadfcott Telephones BA. a. Miwtll Soultss Riatce B. tsmk Srant HaH Oaji 4234 and HA. S1S4 BEAUREGARD, BRISSET REYCRAFT ADVOCATEI Gnardlan Building, 240 it.

James I treat BA. 1164 Lucltri BisunasrS, HJt, Jtin Brliwt, K.C t. grrtrart Julst atatmsam DUQUET MacKAY Barristers ft Solicitors The Royal Bank Building 369 St James St West Telephone BArbour 8291 John E. Ouourt, K.C ee Wolfs KaeKty, K.C siuart b. Knstmi artnur M.

wndos Clauds M. Trtrault S. Gordon Kohl Coimul, Joh D. Kearnty, K.C. TRUDEAU, BEAULIEU ETHIER 304 Notre Dam St W.

Mawles Twdtau, K.C FwkoIi Mors! LA. 1124 goesr Siaullsu J. Alfred Ethlsr Alan Moenoushten, K.C.,M.P. Bamster Solicitor Alas a. Macnausmas.

St Jamea St 1 Ale Oas tssian LA. 4MI FOSTER, HANNEN, WATT, STIKEMAN ELLIOTT BARRISTERS SOLICITORS Bank of Canada Bonding fll Victoria Sonars Tslepbons UMvernty 431 detent etit, KJL Rarms Htrtiwfi. Aiartalr M. Watt. K.C N.

Htward Stiktmaa. K.C. Wiittf C. Lt9u WMIiasi i. Hulklf John H.

E. Color R. f'tbt giiiott Albtrt Slswmtttt JEAN F. LAUREYS C.L, Con. Barrister Solicitor 263 Cralg it SolU tt FL.

1663 GERALD S. TRITT, K.C. Advocata, Banister. Soli:) tee Salt 2-11 CartJer Bldg. 484 McGUl Street L'Niverslty 6-1139 PATENTS FETHEPaSTONHAUGH CO.

Caale W. Taytet, Uaaagsr ROOM 533, CANADA CEMENT LOO- SI ONTREAL. Tel. LAaeastw S4SI Per Aforseyi 1434 DRCMMOVD ST'. HA.

42S3I MARION MARION Establlftied ISSt FatenU. Trade-Marks. Oeslg-ras AsseclAtas aJi Ceemtrtes S4ST SUBBseo street. lUaueai R. Xli LIVESTOCK PRODUCE MARKETS THURSDAY, JUNE Member a of the S.t.

Block Cxcbxnte Stock end Dlv. Rate in I Met High LowCl'se Chit Monsan i.87 Mont Ward 4.00 Motoro 4.3714 Nash Kel 3 00 Nat Bis 2 00 Nat CM 2 99 Nat Dairy 3.00 Nat Distil 2.00.. Nat Steel 3.10 86 1 85 1 85 I unch 71 70 7014 46 45 46: 1 1814 18 18 32: 31, 31 M'J 50 5P. 4- 45 45 45 unch 29' 28 29 1 4714 47 4714 unch 18 lit nil' unch NY Central 1.00 Nor Amer 120 17l 17 17 Nor Am AV 1.25 15 15 15' Nor Pacific 2.00 42 41141 42; 2 Ohio Edison 2.00 Ohio Oil 2.70 Pac 4c El 2.00 Packard Mot .20 Paramount 300. Penn 1.00...

Pepsi Cola Pste 420 Pressed 6t Car. Proct tc 3.70 Pullman Inc 4.00 Pure Oil 2.00 Radio Coro 1.23 Radio Keith Radio Keith Rem Rand 1.00 Rep Stl xd 4.50. Rey Tob 'B' 2.00 31' unch 82 1 32' uncn iz iz'if iz's 68; 45141 40 43-4 19! 1914-' 1914 a. 3: -s, OIS.T 'i 19! 19 19! 41 40 40, 1 33 32 32 14! 13'i 1 1 Regis .70 Schenlev In 1.50 3611 36 36' Sears Roe 2.75 63 I 62i' 52! unch Shell Un Oil 3.23 68! 58 58 1 Simmons Co 3.00 32 31! 32! Sinclair Oil 2.50 39 38 38: Skelly Oil 3.00 Bill! 81! 81 unch Socony Va 1.53 29' 29l 29' Eioutnem co .80 ni Pacific 560 65! 64' 65 naiiway j.bu Do pfd 6.00 65! 65: 65 14 Soerry Corp 2.50 2914' 29' 29: unch Std Brands 1 70 22! 22' 22 14 Std Oil Cal 260 43' 45 48 Std Oil Ind 2 00 66 li! 65' 66 1 Std Oil NJ 6.25. 118 '114 115' 1 StO OH Ohio 2.00 35 35 35? Studebaker 3.50.

2 29 i 29' 1 Texas co wz vz'a. Tex Gulf 5 50 97 I 96' 98: Twent CFF 2.00 18 18' 18; unch Un 3.00 46' 48 I 46 14 Union Carb 2.50 59' 59' Un Pacific 6.00. 105'105 unch uncn 'l 1, 14 14 unch 11 14 ITnll Air 9 no 5tT. 90Jf Unit Corp 20 4 4j 41 Unit Fruit 6 00 69 68 681 US Rubber 4.00 6414' 6311' 64, Do Pfd 8.00 133 133 13314 US Smelters .75 63' 83 5314 unch US Steel 3.65 41! 40' 41 14 n. i4 tin 1 142 142 35' 33 I 33; 12! 12' 12! unch 28.i' 2811' uneh Canad Corp 1.90 Warner Pic 1.00 West Pen 190 28 28 28 Uncil West Un 'A' 2 50 West Elec 2.20 Woolworth 2.50 Young 2.80 37 36! 3614' unch 38 37' 38 I 4311' 4314' 4814! 47! 47.

NEW YORK CURB MARKET PRICES High Low Close Ch'ge Brailllan Tract. 2i; 2i 2i; Brown Co 3'il 1311' 131 'i De $3 pref 11' Do 3 pref Colonial Air Cons Smelters Dosco 'B' Elec Sc Share rord of Can 'A' 46 46 46 unch 7' 7' 7 136 kJ341S4 32 32 3214 21 21 21 UKCh 46 45! 46 Imperial Oil 33 18 3 is 11 33T4 33; 33 Internat Pete ii is uncn 6141 8' Kaiser Fraser Massev Harris 11 Molybdenum Cp racinc ete Royalite Oil St Law Corp Do 1st pfd Shawlntgsn uncn 180 1.971 Dojr Inc 3344 38.31 29.96 32.03 Re of Can 6.67 6.23 18 60 Timed Inv Fd 4,40 4.83 7,81 6.50 7.24 30.93 6.14 11.35 3.70 16.90 8.23WeU Fund 1 18.55 21.33 7.131 investment Companies ,1 2 Ind Trust Sh 2.33 2.6S NA Tr Sh '35 4.83 Dn lOSa 4S7 6.64. 12.38 Un Bond 16 4.071 18.27 VS. funds. 1711 378.

38 40 47' liWM-- 33 36 Rome 61452 3611 Livestock Receipts at hoth Inrat llvxWI, kta during the past week consisted of came, lei sneep ana lambs, 2,401 hoes and 3.402 CAlVM- armrHimf tn the Marketing Service of the Federal iroinmcm oi Agriculture. Moderate cattle offerings were easilv sold et 1 higher than last week. All classes met with a very good demand during the week. Steers came in larger quantitus and of better qualltv than in previous weeks. Light steer's of medium quality made 32-33.

some common 26-30. Heavy steers sold in mixed lots of good and choice at mixed good and medium A few good heifers sold at 50. medium common Good cows were some tops 30, medium common Can-ners and cutters sold at Good bulls made some tops up to 32., common and medium Calves met with a good demand and brought 1 higher than the previous week. Good to choice vealers made 36-38, common and medium vealers mixed with drinkers were 32-33. Drinkers only 28-32.

Some grassers sold at 20-23. The few spring lambs were offered at 20-27 each, while sheep ranged from 12-i24, according to quality. Hogs were 1.50 higher than last week and sold at an oil-time high of 33 for Grade A. About 100 sold at 38.25 for Grade Buffalo Market: (fV-Cattle 250; good dairy tvne cowa 28-27: heiferte type 27-50-28; cutters fat yellow cctw canners gooa dairy type heifers for slaughter com mon heifera goed weighty sausaee nuns; iigntweignt cutters 2650-29. Calvee 150: aood end choice handv- weight calves medium to good culls and atrongweight bobs Hogg 823; bulk of good and choice 170-220 lbs.

nearby hogs 21.25-22.73; good sows New York Copper; Futures closed quiet, no sales. New York Lead: Futures closed quiet, no sales. New York Cottonseed OU: (fp oiracnaDie coiionseea on ru lures Closed 38 lower to 60 higher. Sales 631 contract. July 20.31-34; Sep.

18.48-54; Oct. 1755-66; Dec. 1722-24; Jan. 17.13 oia; Mar. ll.u; VLay 17.00 bid; Sep.

16.80. U.S. Carloadingg Off WashingtonCarloadings during the week ended June 2 were 4.9 per cent above the like 1950 week but tell off 8.3 per cent from the previous week, according to the Association of American Railroads. Loadings during the June 2 week amounted to 744,844 cars, an in crease of 34,748 unit from the like 1950 week and a decrease of 67.153 from the preceding week. The asso ciation explained the dio load ings from the previous week was due to the Memorial Day holiday.

witn int like 1949 weeic. carloadings were up 6.8 per cent. or u.ozu cars. All commodity carloadings dur ing mi wees: enaea June 2 were down from the preceding week. Coal, l.c.L and livestock shiwncnti were also down from the 1850 week.

DIVIDENDS, MEETINGS, ETC THE MURPHY PAINT COMPANY LIMITED The following quarterly dividend has been declared payable 29th June, 1951, to shareholders of record at the close of business on 15th Jwne, 195L Common Stock Twenty Cents ($0.20) per share on the No Par Value shares. P. TOD. Secretary. MONTREAL.

23th May, 195L 01 01 62 614j 32 3 4,: 22'4 21 22 14 19 18 19 10 1 9 9 unch 63' 66 63 unch 31 as i us 8' 8 12 12 12 unch 41 41! 4114 14: 81 ill 81, 3314; 3014' 30! Ijut Net Bj.lea High Low Slt Ch'g Bid. Ask. 25 27 27 17141 MAKKtT 1.125 11) lP.i;'!!'! unch! 11 11 17 17 33 33 (210 14; 14 5: 17, 17, 17 unch! 100 33 33 S3 10 200 '200 '200 U- 8 lso: 14! 14141 14; unch: mill ill ill unchll3'i 115 662, 50 60 60 unch! Wa'i SO 100 20! 20 20 uneh! 20 20 238 35( 35 35! unchl 38 36 Ml 6 6 6 7 23 38 38 3814 unch! 45 1.280 8: 8 12: 12 4' 20 30 475 20 20 1 I zs 79 47S 113 460 1485 336 38 38 unch! 38 10 10 69! 88 iJiiiS 38 10 75 11i 30O 101 10 691! 7 29 10, 69 300 8 150' 29 450 193 193 1183 200 ii'49 14f 49T4j S014 49 46 49 13 I unch 13 18 V- 1 U65 I unch 165 200 ISO, 49! 380, 49 49 10f" 13 18 lfcV'155 13 1 18 155 1165 lunch 1201 30 1 erA.F (j- SOW 30l- 14 2914 30V4 36 35 1 UJKh 33 24 24 26! 26'; 14 2614 24 100; 26 75 20 IK'', XU, Li oil' 75 914 1214: 9' 4- 114 100 12 U14I 12 700 245 15,500 69 900 213 500 27 11 1,000 411 243 69 210 27 1245 US 1245 ti '209 249 71 69 210 210 27 11 unchi 25 4- 6 I 10 27 11 8 4 4 1 i 11.000! 37! 33 3714; 514 37 2.0O0' 1214 1214 mi .14 3.300' 47 43 47 2 46 47 IOC-110 110 110 Ho ,135 500 16! 16! 16141 unch 300 770 1765 :763 14-20 16! 17 765 10 10! 10 14 25 12 12.,12 unch 12 10 13 22 I 4 24 21 21 21 2 1.0O0! 3 200: 23 123' 17 500- 31 13 1,100 100 1.500 61 21 2.50C1 50 3 3 unch! 3 25 I 23 2 I 21 31 31 unch, 31 32 14 100 61 13 97 61 21 49 13 97 61 21 50 161 518 r- 1 13 92 I 3 61 20 49 10 3 17.1163 100 515 100 315 32 53 4 160' 32 20 200 363 15 180 160 161 515 unch 815 unch 305 316 313 31 83 4 32 20 32 65 4 32 20 1 31 33 to 5 32 22 -I 35 unch1 20 unch 360 unch' 14 unoh' 214 365 380 15 214 15 15 3 2 2 283 'r-31 '23 16,100, 17! 17 17 I 90 295 175 34 16 1714 95 AID 80 200730 1.2O0 297 300180 3,000 34 16 ff30 293 175 34 I 16 unch 833 unch 295 299 5 175 130 unch! 33 34 unchl 15141 100 15 900623 700 225 15 I600 15 '625 1225 unch' 15 4-25 '620 125 unch 220 700 225 224 '225 4 i225 830! 14 14'14 unchl 14 unchl 40 14 42 SOU 40. 4" 40 200120 115 '113 10 110 116 700,104 104 104 4 96 1,0001 J614! 16141 1814' 414 WINNIPEG! Cash prices: Oats, 2 C.W., 87: ex. 3 C.Vf., 84; 3 C.W., 84; ex.

feed, 84; 1 feed, 83; 2 feed. 80: 3 feed. 78. Barlev. 1 and 2 C.W 8-row, 12834: 1 and 2 C.W, 2-row, 125; 3 C.W.

6-row, 126; 2 C.W. yellow, 124; 3 C.W. yellow, 122; 4 C.W. 6-row, 122; 3 C.W. 2-row, 121; 1 feed, 121; 2 feed, 117; 3 feed.

107. Rye, 1 C.W., 206; 2 C.W., 206; 3 C.W, 201; rej. 2, 189; 4 C.W.. 193; ergoty. 187: track.

206. Flax. 1 C.W., 454; 2 C.W.. 448; 3 C.W, 378; 4 C.W., 200 flat; track, 464. Range of futures: open Higa low Close Oats July 87 Oct.

87 Dec. 86 7 67 86 128 122 1191a 207 190 186 87 37 89 124 121 119 2C514 189 169 17 87 86 126 122 119 207 190H 184 cariey juiy Oct. Dec. Rye: July Oct. Dec.

Flax: July Oct. Dee, 125 121 11914 206 189 169 4M 435 454 488 422 422 Prices of class two wheat fot export to countries outside the International Wheat Agreement were: 1 231; 2. 229; 3, 22714 4. 223V4: 1 Durum. 231; 2.

229: 3, 227; I.W.A, and oomestic Canadian prices: 1 192; 2, 190; 3, 18814; 4. 18414; 1 Durum, 192; 2, 190; 3. 188. Wheat Board Quotations for local sales: terminal sales (subject to contimationl: Oats. 2 C.W..

87'li: ex 3 C.V.', 85; 3 C.W., 84: ex. 1 feed, 84. i feed. 8314; 2 feed. 81 li: 3 feed, 78, mixed feed.

70: 4 mixed eratn. rsaney, 1 ana i w. o-row, ix'i; end 2 C.W. 2-row. 130: 3 C.W.

6 row. 133: 2 C.W. vellraw. 124! 1 C.W. yellow.

122; 4C.W. 6-row, 127; 8 w. 2-row, 122; 1 feed, 122; 2 feed 10314, 3 feed, 108; 3 mixed gram. CHICAGO: Cash nrie: Wiuinm, Corn. 1 yellow, 178.

Oats, 1 heavy white, 89. 14. Barley, nominal: malting, 136-160; feed, 110-130. Soybeans, none. Range of futures: Open High.

Wheat: Low Close Jury 239 239 241 2451, 3474 1734 173 18511 168 238 240 244 246 172 172 23814 24114-241 24414-3S 347 173- 24-1 Dec. J44 Mar. 147 com: July 172 172 164 187 Sept. Dec. Mar.

Oats: July Sept Dec. I'M 164 164. 167 168- 81 si 14 63 86 80 82 86 87 192 184 184 8fl-4 6-Vs 87 1924 184 184 83 ..7 Mar. 87 88 Rve Old Stvler July 192 193 Sept 183 183, Dec. 186 186 Rye JJew Style: July Sept Dec Soybeans: 194 165 186 322 July 321 Sept, 233 Nov.

278 Jan. 2801, Mar. 24 324 2S7 280 262 264 321 29414 277 279 283 278-279 28114-281 283 LONDON CLOSING PRICES London, June stock ciotinas in swung. Ang-A SA 163 '9 IMex Eagle 2210 WJ 1 M.Ik I 1, Angio-Iran 1113 and Mines 1439 Anglo-Mid 913 Rh Ang Am 63 Assoc Elec 99- IRhokana 4S26 Bab 4c Wil 62- Rolls-Hoyc 1229 Boots 624 Shell Til C3 B-Am Tob 1226 Tanganyika 436 Br Celanese 349 -Tr Leaiehid L26 Un Molasses 38S Can Pacific 152 14, Ventarspoet 32 CarTaa 'A' 1163 Vickers Ltd wwiu irin- wirwrrs euvfc Consol GF 4810 Woolworth 499 Courtaulda 603 I Bonds De Beers 62r Br 2 Cone HavilTd 5: BrJ WL S3 7S JJilUusrs 241 4 '6040 103 DunkwRub 674 BT3 T8-S8 1 34 7-13 Eiee It JO10 German I '24 22 Ford Ltd 804 Consols 4 103 8-16 Gen 93t Wars 102 Guineas A 146. Funding 2 97 Handiey 3SJ Victory 104 Hud Bay Nat Def 1038-16 Imp Chem 534 Convera 3 90 Imp Tob 108- Treasury i 77 Lever Bros 87- Redemption 63 Metal Box 15S i S3 '85-46 7U-1S Per luo mt value.

053 Arn-3 aid S530.462 tn May leefl. During May there were 59.100 torts of ore milled with an averaee recovery cf 4382 per ton. Production for first five months of the current year at fM13.340 from 28S.4O0 miiied tons of we, or SS 77 a ton as amst out- r-Ji of K59i from 2TS.7O0 tons, or wJ a on. far tre corrt-apwKfcnc period of U50. 625 26 25; 26 1 54 28 6.

27 27 27 27 151 44 '4(43 4414 214,43 45 1,115, 27 26: 28i i 26 26 li 1,000 EastCre 13 2,100 EMalar 110 1,890 Sull 770 6,550 Rim 70 190 'East Stl 8 Tar '106 760 107 765 65 8 70 8 100 Mai GF 198 ,140 159 4,050 'Msssev 12' 12 30 I 29 225Mercur 450 150 MexLP 340 335 80 10 80 10 281 l.SOOArjon 201 19 20 6.700 Ascot 213 1209 213 lJOOAtlOil 290 280 280 17V4 17! 17 60'BKMU 27 ZH'i' Z8 VJS Bk Nb 45 4JOBarnat 112 2,200 Base 56 1.312Bell 381 43 ii 40 109 112 65 I on. I 9ftf 01' wo 16.600 Estelle 166 1,600 Eureka 87 101! 3314 ZM'FFarm 29 175 "FGrain 22! 22' 2214 12 1 12 I 34 33 ,606 1,000 Bobio 121; tOOBordul 24 IflOBralor 605 400 D' 'Co 5 IMidCont 13 890 40 196 '199 193 4.700 LSOOMmda 231 l.NSFFete 3,400 Fleet 165 FordA 48 49' 49 100 'Found IOI41 10! 10 1,682 Braill 23 23 23' 666fBAOU 34! 34 34 2" UOB 31 For 8 8 8 I.Z'lOrrOblS 18' 18 104 1104 mo ivioore dn; 100NDrgp 11 S58'miiB 27 530 329 329 18 iw 18'N9Car 281! 154 laoO'NCalu 297 l.OSONDick 134 l.OOOVMarlon 6 3,270 NLund -450 3.300'NHosh 24 3,000 KPacalU 81 100 650 "Norand 73 4.000 Norpold 4 104 t60 670 650 A 530 640 J650 600 3214 680 680 '32 32 Eagle 7 (fen 714' 714 748 7SO 900 900 900 4fl! 48' 49 18' 18! 18 24 24 24 BlO'BUfA 30 30 70O! -Do 614! 814! 5 400 BWlBt'OUl 117 ins in 1,675 Do looruia pr 31 31 15 15 SOOCalmnt 110 ,108 625 Mo 270 '265 25C Mach 7: 6 20C S3 45 45 33 Com 251, 23 31 110 l25 'C65 300 Giant l.aoO Gods 10.000 Go 1 ivxi 100 Grid 8' 46' 25 1,270 Can 31: 30 31 ZSO'HBrldg Pete 780 Gl.Pap 300 'OWSad 329 Gyp'm 13! 131 w-turea 43 42 43 150CF'odA 8 8 8 100 Do 68 I 68 68 17 "CPR 27V 271'. 271 200'HCaro HarHib 45 2,500 Harrican 9 4.000 Heva 11 50'CVick 16' 16; 16 350Hr.lllne 1214' 725 'Homed 14 14 iw "castieT zw iZfiO Z80 1,300 CSLed 205 200 '205 l.ow Homer 4 wmetai 51s 873 'N Star 12! 14.500 Ofcaska 31 I 450O'Bnen 115 31.500 0 Select 12 3,200 Okalta 248 100 'OrCrush 81: 1 A IV 914! J.SOOOsisko 104 7 675P Pete 92 5 160 Her 54 18,400 PWest 43 53 175PickC 158 900 Pioneer 200 BOOPorRein ll'-4 Z3', 4l 4 47 45141 47 38 3ii 31 510 'Powell 81: 13 11 11 I 43 I 43 814! 9 10 I 11 1 1214! 12 Mi, 4 4 I 8j 6 85 5514 30 30 A ior, 231 200ChatP 6' ia 1,000 Hwo e.iuocn Rex inn 101 noz Zis 'H Fay SBOi'ImpBk 30 1114) 300! Do 4p 23! 700Crom 300 t30O 300 283.423 CitLar 38 33 103 103 605Cochen 158 156 Jfl.SOOC Astor 13 12 200 Baker 71V 7 l300OCordan 110 (106 37 104 156 1214 108 1,500 indLake 150 I Metal ean'iNick 24 1.1O0C Nich 23 24 lt.SOOC Lebel 11-' 11 1114 268 'IPete 19-i 19 191, 54 200Jacknif 10 9 10 200PTOsAir 193 3.500 QueLeb 23 1,400 QMan 360 S50'Q'mont 23 400 Reeves 450 lOOR'abie 345 e-J3 -ressA 8 200 Do 235 '236 '23-5 66CGas 148 '146 143 lOOConwest 280 '280 2,000 Joliet 48 47 I 48 9.000 K'rand 18 I 16 I 16 100 Kelvin 1S! 1814' 16 3,000 K'ville 21! 21 I 21 900KerrA 17' 17 IT 15 M9 115Renfr'w 6i 3.50.-)Rlchf'd 31 31 1 31 3.200 Roche 10 9 Zin'UoyBk 27 1 26 27 300Hoyaiu 13 1S! 13 120 'Russel 26 26' 26 3,700 Rvan 22 1 20 20 233 StLwP 105141051410514 225 'StLwP 10060 10560 10550 233 Do 2p 60 60 60 WW SanAnt 250 250 250 75 111 220 1540 13 102 30 18.930 Scurry 88 86 1 88 2,900 Free 153 150 152 8.700 Selb'rn 216 205 216 19 18! 18 33. 3SI44 a4 20'UO 44 l.OOOSCreek 135 43! 4.3 135 136 7.7ai 6herrit 296 286 291 37,553 00 Rts 18! 17 17 156 2.900 SilvMil 156 153 220 'SDaiA 10! 10 15 'Sim A 36 I 34 1014 34 198 198 12 I 29 335 255 Do 31 aiii an aii, 9414 94 94 35: 35! 35 63 UO 1 300 Slate: 3,167 Stadaco 37 35 33 33 1414 14 131.4' 131.4 914! 5 11 11 6.230 'SChem 13 75'StdPav 14 3.375 Rock 735 1,000 Sulllv 299 1,300 SupOil 104 85'Suptp 100 2.007! Do 160 228 228 1730 24141 24 11 11 27 2711 1296 1100 294 101 100 180 614 UB5 1MO 1190 28 28 1,700 Surf SOOSylvatl 125 1113 l.lflO Teck 210 500Torbrit 178 1173 1130 152 123 9in 292 295 123 '123 81i! 9' 175 12'i' 12T1' 12'i 145 J45 7,000 Tow Pet 30 I 28 30 3.165 TrancE 325 '320 (320 9MI Do TV 21 I 20 I 21 UO'Un Gas 20 I 19' 20 1.500 Asb 102 10O 100 910 Un Ken 11' 11 lOOUpCan 149 149 W49 120'Ventur 11 1 11 11 1.000' 110 (108 V1O8 li! 11 1 1 L4 54 54 1 54 467 Wpg El 39 38141 39 1.000 Wr Har 145 143 143 6.500Ta!e 81 58 58 7.700'Yntf 93 901i 1 21 21 8 100 100 73 73 31i! 4 510 12 I 12 30 I 30 113 115 10 12 1245 '245 814 4 104 10 920 53 41 53 158 200 1117 '923 96 83 95 64 42 51 CURB 176'AnNfl u4J 11 11 875'Brown 14! 14 14' 60 'Do lp 114 114 114 405 CD5ug 20! 20 20 800 OC Dun 440 1415 440 8141 1.160' Pap 38! 38 I 38 90 'DBrief 62 61 62 ZOO'I Pap 54! 53 64 635 'MOPao 30' 30' 30 2,700 Pend 760 '750 760 2.000 Temtsk 11' 11 11 Tojal aalee 1,126,000. 1UI '200 117 80 80! 195 20 '360 23 450 '245 193 I 360 "450 49 OVER-THE-COUNTER MARKET By Ktppen it.

Co. Mines Algo Ry 10 Ang CT 11 Beauhar 26 IS 11' Artie 3 1214 Bar-Man 20 28 Barvue 543 11 3 (ConChlb 16 Cop 6 4 4 23 860 230 7 20 8 8 5 S3 7 4 11 18' 13 6 66 8 80 4 13 39 13 a 6 Beau Pr 9 Arena 71 C'SuOil 11 Cao Wlr 15 CityAD 45 ConTheB 2 Cooks A 17 Do 11 Cuba CS 7 Dupuis 21 75 CGoNa 380 Hart 12 HudBav 13 HuskvOil 7 Int Brick 7 Int Hold 9 I Hyd A 17 IHydp 98 Lapraine 10 Do 130 Prov Bk 16 Prud Tr 13 Que Apt 45 St Bk 80 IF mag (0) 3 JFrebert 30 Gan Cop 3 Glen Greenlee 4 19 13 23 I Insco 410 Jet Oil 18 14 Uoyd 11 14 'Mate 4 814 Mmdus 63 New Nat 90 19 lObalskito 1 102 Oha'fk'n 16 lOpemisk 33 9 17 IQuyta 6 4 43 Tr Bid 13 CALGARY OIL QUOTATIONS (Quoted ta cental (applied Jaiaea Rlcbardssa A Ions) Bid Asked BldAakea Admiral 17 18 ted Cal 70 Alb Pac 38 40 I Led Con 30 72 34 16 29 14 14 160 160 260 lis" ft 24 134 ii'" 43 34 101 325 24 73 38 AlliedO 117 Anae'da 16 Ang 600 120 Long Isl 18 1314 McDSea 28 610 Mercury 12V4 Atlant soo Calmnt 109 110 Cain'rth 18 19 MU1 City 13 Mode! 43 Nat Pet ISO Br 148 Nor Cent 8 243 Pet 800 Prmc(n 140 RedLeti 36 i4 3014 I Roxans 19 CenLed 190 210 Com id 65 Com'oil 170 Comw 220 223 Cont Oil 48 49 Dalhout 421. 45 Davies 20 22 Pecalla 23 34 Delrio 107 1:0 Can 13 East Cr 7 $iRovail 13 FedPet S10 6-13 11 Fiank 35 36 S'th Eras 7 Freehold 5 jSoooner 40 Hanna 10 11 'Sunset 32 Hartal 11 Superior 99 Hifhwd 11 12 EriD 320 Jump 48 SO 'Turner JO Jupiter li IIS Umd 74 KroyO 113 116 I Vuictn 34 Dome Output' Higher Dome M'ries Ltd reports as SrUy vai S52UU6 compared wife CLOSING BID AND ASKED PRICES Unit Steel Corp 9 Zeller'a Ltd 13- TOCK EXCHANGE Bid Asked AcadU-AUantlc 614 6 Banks Produe Commodity Exchange and Job lot egg prices were up slightly on top grades while other grades remained unchanged. Offerings were light and demand was fair. Potato prices held steady.

No. 1 pasteurized Quebec fresh butter on the Open Markt slightly higher at 6314, cents. Cheese prices were unchanged. RECEIPT! (excluding fe-uck Butter Cheese Cks Soxes Boxes mursasy 239 Year ago 446 EGOS (clamper down) i ess Job-lots I 66- 71 67- 68 65 63 64 Spot tCom. Retail 1 72-73 69-70 66-68 66-68 tQuotei 63-63 A-med.

61- A-pullet 59-59 55 60 Exch. 63b 61b 69b 54 49b Free wooa cates. i Can. Com. Exch close basis So cases min.

Small lou to retailers in cartons; 3c per doz. less loose. 1 Approximate price tc consumers in large retail outlet. BUTTER (e. per lb Open Market: No.

1 pasteurized Quebec fresh, 6314. Jobbers prices: prints, 6314-94. Commodity Exchange: Spot: 300 boxes at 6214; 400 at 631 400 at 6314; market closed 83-63. Futures: 1 Nov. at 60; market closed 66 traded.

CHEESE Wholesale Quebec white. 36; wholesale Quebec colored, 36-36. Wholesale Ontario white, 36; wnuieMiw vi lai io coiorea. 4t, untsrio white a 32. POTATOES: (per 78-lb bail i Quebec 1.00-1.13 NB N.B.

50 lbs 80- .90 B. 10 lbs 20- 22 PEL 1.35-1.50 50 lbs 85- Si E.I. 10 lbs. 22- 23 California 8.00-5.50 N. Carolina 4.50-4.75 CO COMMODITY MARKETS THURSDAY, JUNE zZ New York Cotton: Future closed 60 cents to $1.35 a bale lower.

High Low cioe Netcn ge July Oct. Dec Mar. May July 4325 37 98 37 58 37 47 37 36 44 70 44.70-74 37 57 37 59 3721 3721-22 37 1 5 37.15 370O S702n 36.70 36 63b 3496 3491b 23-27 25 21-22 20 ii 19 38.22 Middling spot 46 08n unchanged. Savannah Oils: (P) Turpentine, 77 cents; offerings and sales, none; receipts, 240; shipments, 95; stocks, 500. Rosin: Offering and sales, none: receipts, 70; shipments, none; stocks, 13.588.

ttosin unchanged. New York Robber i 0FV Crude rubber soot No. 1 ribbed smoked sheets 66 asked. New York Silver: Hsndy Sc Harman quoted New York silver at 87 an ounce compared with 90 16-100c for the previous day. London was un changed at New York Sugar i rV-Domestic sugar futures No.

6 closed 1 lower to 2 higher. Sale 330 contracts. July s.ozo; bet. 6.o; fiov. (Mb; Mar.

5.62. Domestic sugar futures No. 8 closed ouiet. no sales. World turar futures No.

4 closed unchanged to nigner. oaies 1S3 New York Cocoa: (Futures closed 10 to 20 higher, sales S3 contracts. July 36 70: Sept. 36 19-20; Dec. 35.13; Mar.

33A0n. Spot Accra 38 a. New York Coffee (AV-Spot Santos No. 4 closed at 83 S0a. Cost and freight offerings include Santos Bourbons 3s at and 6s 51.83-53 36a.

Santo No. 4 futures closed 7 to 38 lower; sales 66 contracts. July 62 85: Sent 6160: Dee. 50 76: Mar. 49.76: May 48 son.

Contract future closed quiet no aaiea. New York Bides: CJi Old and new hide futures closed quiet tit sales. Soot light native cowhides 34-37. New York Wool: (V Futures c'os-ed A of a cent to 61 cents kwer. July 243 Sa; Oct 243.5a; Dec.

238 Mar. 237 6a; Mav 236 0s; Juiv 231 lb Certificated wtnl soot 643 5n Wool tope future dosed unchanged to I cents lower. Nen York Zinc: Futures closed quiet 0 attic. Agnew-6 Shoe 10 Amal Elect Cor 10 Argus Corp pf 84 BA Bank Note 14 BC Elc 9 Bulolo Gold 720 Can Cement pf 27 North Pow 11 Car A- 'A" 16 Csnadienne 13 Dominion 83 15 Toronto JZ CURB issj PC Packer Industrials 'A' 13 Hos 10 80 Can Malting 48 7 an air-worse Can Cottorw 7H Do pfd Locomotive Crown Cork Dom Stores I. Fraser Como 27 3fl" 12 69 37 13 56 49 Ingersoll c(C Marconi Cassidy's Ltd Cons Textile Grain.

Goodvear pf 48 Smith Pan 43 Imp Tob 8 6 I Awe 1 60 33 Tnglls. John Co 11 Int Bronre Po 12 Int Power Co 46 Int Util Corp 26 Jamaica Ser 13 Laura Seoord 13 Lewis Bros Ltd 11 Mailman Corp 14 Molson's Br 'A' 23 Do 'B' 29 Mtl Lomo Wke 16 Nlsg Wire 39 panmane Ltd 68 Price Bros pf 95 84 Dom Eng Wke 16 Dom Oilcloth 12 Dom Squsre 47 (Dom Struct 26 IF Grain 'A 13 Horner, 'A' 14 Hubbard 'A' 12 Int Faints 13 llnveat Ffund 2S McColl-Fr pf 16 Mersey Paper 30 Mt Roval Rice 60 Vat Grocers ftuciear inter 89 38 55 Stl 11 13 9 pf 17 'A' 8 22 38 88 83 16 pf 27 10 1314 Std Pav Unit Corps -B Unit Dist of Westeel Prod 13 33 25 16 14 38 26 1714 23 Sft Windsor Hotei 26 39 Mines (Quoted In cents) Band-Ore Gold 4 4 38 8 47 7 1 S3 20 750 MARKET Bordulac Mines 32 Chnklrk Mines 6 Cons Candego 46 Cons Cent Cad 16 10 50 68 23 87 370 14 21 14 94 40 89 12 Cournor Mine IS ponalda Mines tldona Gold IS Gold Manitou Joliet-Quebec 46 84 386 914 pf 20 13 Labrador Min 718 Lake Shore Louvicourt Go 15 Mackeno MSnes S3 910 17 93 16 29 IMining Cor (g 16 New rormaque 22 New Goldvue 33 O'Brien Go 117 YeUowknife 10 13 Rovran Go Tide Creek 136 18 Standard Gold I 11 30 S3 91 88 17 27' 9 jTrebor Minee Ttt Villbon Gold Weedon Pyrite 23 Oils (Quoted In cents) Anaconda Oil 11 18 Anrlo-Cen Oil 800 820 7 Commonw Pet 180 5'; 5 Petroleum 180 190 9 irvew Brit Dora 140 149 lw.Okalta Oils 240 119 120 Petroleums 920 925 ing in April to $3,969,292,000 from $3,222,832,000, and in the cumulative period to $15,007,332,000 from Quebec's April total was against $2,181,341,000, for the four months aggregated against $3,373,874,000, for respective increases of 14 per and 22 per cent The inemth'i fain in British Columbia was 24 per cent to $803,937,000 from $650517,000, and in the four months the rise was 31 per cent to $3,110,399,000 from $2,377,317,000. Cheques cashed the Atlantic Provinces in April amounted to Rolland Paper ir 19 lurange crush 8 Williams pf 140 146 Paul Serv Srrs 8 Steel Co pfd 33 S3 Pow Cp 1st pf 109 Took Brce 64 7 'South Can pf Total Cheques Cashed Up for April, 4 Mos. Cheques cashed against Individual accounts were more than one-fifth; higher In April and the first four months of this year than in the corresponding period of 1950, according to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Gates were common to each of the five economic areas.

The Prairie Province had the largest proportionate rise of 27 per cent in April tc a 1,525,468,000 from year curlier, and in the four months the total was up 1 18 per cent to $5,352,772,000 from $226,338,009 ajainst $188,018,000, and $4,533,188,010. Total for Ontario was in the four months aggregated 23 per cent in both, periods, rU-1 120,000 against.

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.