The Daily Capital News from Jefferson City, Missouri (2024)


Doth- choice 35.00-36.00 gopd' a and the woman as Dora Thompson. Doctors said Doth- ard and Miss Thompson were "not in too bad shape." NEW YORK NEW YORK' AP Block 1 EXCHANGE a prices edged higher NEW ORK (AP) Closing Close Net Chg classes su to 50 hi.her; fee-. general investor disinterest. del steady to strong; ateer. The Dow Jones average of 30 AUied ch 31 i i a closed up 0.37 at 11JS chal i42.20.

Throughout the session, lcoa it had hovered at within a frac- Airlin 477, Uon of Friday's closing level. Cyan 37 Analysts said many investors Motorg had retreated to the sidelines in TT 42 the absence of any stimulating A Corp 8 news developments. Anaconda 204 Atl Richfld Volume on the New York co Corp 157g Stock Exchange totaled 13 6 a Fc js 44V, million shares, compared with 14 neech Air 23 a million shares Friday. Beth Stl 32 i .21 30M Gov. Wallace (Continued from page 1 The Secret Service agent who ws shot was identified as Nicholas Zorvas.

A spokesman at Leland Memorial Hospital said he had been shot through the neck. After an hour of sur- de- The morning report gery his condition was slaughter scribed as sa ti factory. Hospital admissions St. Mark's Denver Davis, Eldon; Mrs. Nadine McQueen, Osage Bench; Albert Baurichter, i a Mrs.

Virginia wounded trooper was' Brooks, Route Mrs. Eunice 32.00-34.50; heifers choice 34.25- 35.50; mixed good and choice 33.75-34.25; good 31.50-33.50; i of Sel- Lehman, Versailles; Celeste Laux, 1842 W. Mc- Carty Mrs. Alberta Bax, 1503 W. Main St.

Mrs. Mathilda Ruettgeri, 315 Fulkerson Mrs. OO. i ftUUVl UA.uv-uu.crv i TVTi-r. TM cows utility, commercial 24.00- 25.50; high cutter and lean bon- Wallace, "'said' Perkins me 26.00-50; feeder noi, high an official of Women Carolyn Krader, 502 Schuinate ing utility 26.00-50; feeder from the gov- 2811 Kenborg Hills; Dr.

when the steer calves 225-300 Ib V. 60.00:310-400 Ib 50.00-55.00; Mai Bunch Route Quentin Heisler, 400 Shellridge Timothy Eads, Vienna; V4 450 Of the 1.768 issues traded on Co Big Board, 306 advanced, and 528 declined. There were 51 ia eA new highs and 46 new lows. ei The Big Board index of ft 1.300 common stocks rose TT Vz 450 Ib 49.00-520.0; 45-5 49.00-52.00; 7fin 7 0 450-500 Ib 40.00- was moving toward his Mrs. Dorian Kuss, Route someone hollered, 'Please! George Maasen, Route 4.

Mrs. a i Gov. Wallace, shake hand, Patricia Curtis, Fulton. 3 i shv Ib 35.00-36.50; had turned to his left and 1 ner heifers Vt scarce. and heifer calves extended his hand and there The Associated Press 60-stock ComwEd average closed up 0.8 at 331.0, i industrials up 0.3, rails up 1.3.

and utilities up 0.2. airlines, steels, a i a were up. Oils, metals. rubber issues, and motors were off. while most other stock cat- egories were mixed.

Comsat Cont Can Com Oil and CorG1W 29 7 26 3 4 Dow Wrt Chm i Mfg El Firestone 27V 2 88 7 were some shols and I saw smoke and he fell backward i Hogs 4000; barrows and gilts onto th ground," Mrs. Mang- 3 weights under 250 Ib 25-50 high- um said V4 er; over 250 Ib steady to 25 higher- 1-3 200-240 Ib 26.50- VA 27 00- '-4 '40-260 Ib 25.50-26.50; tended Wallace at the scene of iVi 25.00-75; 3.4 280-320 Ib the shooting saia, "When got 24 sows under 500 Ib there, his pulse was good 3 strong to 25 higher; over 500 Ib put him in a station wagon Cp International Nickel was most-active on the Big Board, losing i-i to 30M. A block of 197.500 shares traded at 30VB, down s. On the American Stock Ex- Gen Mot change, the price-change index leiti gained 0.12 to 27.60. Of the l.Z02;Goodyr unevenly strong to 75 higher, but the ambulance did v.4 mostly 50 up; 1-3 330-500 Ib come and we took him out to 22.00-75; 2-3 500-675 Ib 23.25.

Mrs. Ann King, Eldon; Mrs, Patricia Kempker, Henwtck Lane; Paul Distler, Lake Ozark; Mrs. Patsy Bottoms, i Heights; Mrs. Myrtle Kempker, Hope, Mrs. Carrie Briggs, 722 Cliff Dr.

Brian Warren, who at- Mrs. Kathleen Schaker, Osage Beach; Mrs. Beatrice Mc- Farland, 802 Nelson Mrs. i Russellville; a Peter- shagen. Holts Summit; Mrs.

Georgia Hardgrove, Eldon; Gen Gen Elec Gen Mills 22 50- put in in the ambulance. He Mrs Ada Fletcher, 1712 St. said, can't and so I Mary's Mrs. Alma Sheep 300: spring lambs and felt for his pulse again and I ewes steady; spring lambs couldn't feel any pulse." choice and prime 33.50-34.00;: Idel, Rome Ewald Richter, Mrs. Milirene Luebbert, 1218 E.

Elm St. TJ Vs mixed good to mostly choice 1 Discussing reports that a sec- .77 Grace 26 Grevhound ....18 issues traded, 587 advanced, and 334 declined. Volume total- ed 4.4 million shares, compared with 3.9 million shares Friday. Halhburt In Over-the-Counter trading, Homestke the NASDAQ composite closed up 0.90 to 130.34. and i Harv oO Industrial index closed up 0.77 Pap at 138.34.

KanGsEl Gulf Oil 96 7 39 33.00-50; ewes cull, utility and ond man was being sought, Sgt. good 3.50-6.50. A. G. Hadden of the Maryland Memorial a Spillman, 307 Estimates for Tuesday.

Cattle State Police said, "We don't; Lafayette 5i 700: calves 200; hogs know definitely if it's con-i Kelly, Cuba; Miss Miss Tonya Beth sheep 300. VB TJ East St. Louis Livestock NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, with light blond hair." nected. but we're interested in 1 Johnson, 819 Southwest a light metallic blue 1971 Cadil- William Proctor. Olean; Burk lac operated by a white male Osborne, 1014 Fairmont Arta accidents 11:45 a.m.

Saturday on the Jefferson Plaza parking lot, involving cars driven by Mary L. Loehner, 1412 E. Miller St. and Marjovie Betty Ament, 1228 Monroe St. 10:21 a.m.

Saturday on East Elm Street at Clark Avenue, involving autos driven by Emil J. Lueckenotte, 207 McKinney St. and Lloyd E. Glasco*ck, Columbia. 1 p.m.

Saturday on High- way 54 south at the city limits, involving a vehicle operated by George R. Freeland, P. O. Box 741. 2:01 p.m.

Saturday on the Wal-Mart parking lot, in- volving a hit and run driver and a parked car registered to Pamfela Ann Day, Holts Summit. 9:41 a.m. Saturday in the 400 block of Monroe Street involving an auto driven by Elizabeth Ann Ridgel, 818 E. High St. and a parked car registered to William E.

Sloan, Eugene. 3:51 p.m. Saturday on High- way 63 at the Highway 50 west ramp, involving vehicles operated by Ross E. Lenox. St.

James and James 0. Vieth, Route 5. 3:58 p.m. Saturday on the Southwest Plaza parking lot involving cars driven by Barbara Kay Heislen, 1401 St. Mary's Blvd.

and Clifford Fail-child, 2522 Orchard Lane. Accidtnts p.m. Saturday In 200 block of Center Street in- volving parked vehicles registered to Lowell Nolte, 135 City view and parked car registered to Jack L. Branch, 215 Center St. Traffic burtau Cheryl A.

Kycera, 25, of 1120 Lte Lane; fined $15 for failure to comply with an electric traffic control signal. David L. Bolt en, 41, of Geneva fined 115 for failure to itop for a red light. 6:46 p.m. Saturday in 700 block of Ellis Boulevard in- Donald M.

Wilson, 55, of volvlng vehicles Iriven by Use 1201 Edgewood fined $10 A. Berendzen, 708 Ellis Blvd. for ipeeding 40 mph in a 30 and Rose Mary L. Wohlt, 1320 Dixon Dr. mph zone, Flood victims sought AUSTIN, Tex.

(AP) waters in New a i Segutn, San Marcos, Gonalei and other cities along the Guadalupe River receded Monday as volunteers and officers contin- ued a search for the dead. v. 111. A Estimated receipts for Tuesday: 6,000 hogs, 2,000 Wallace was in the midst of TT 2 cattle and 100 sheep. campaiging for today's pri- Hogs butchers steady mary which he was expected to to 25 higher, sows 25 higher.

1-3 i He also was expected to Rulus Roehl, Belle; Mrs. a Andrews, Holts Summit; Mrs. Anna Day, Fulton. Herbert Helmendach. 707 4:00 Saturday In Moniteau County on Highway 87 just south of Route AA involving a vehicle driven by John Moad, Jefferson City, and a truck driven by Lester Houchin Coleman West, WilUs a i i a 113 i KerrMcG ss MUTUAL FUNDS NEW YORK (AP) The fol- lowing quotations, supplied the National Association LibbOFd 43V 4 Securities Dealers, are the Littonlnd 16 7 prices at which these securities Marcor could have been sold net asset jjvlartin 23V 8 value or bought value Plusj McDon i 431,3 sales charge Monday JMd So Util 20 3 4 Sell Buy, i MM TT '00-230 Ib butchers 27.00-27.25, wm in Michigan South Ten Mile Drive: Mrs.

TT some 1-2 210-220 Ibs 27.50, 2-3 following earlier primary vie- Blanche Knogge, California; nr nn oe i orvn i tones in Florida. Tennessrp Am Mutl 9-33 10.20 Anchor Group; Fd Inv 9.63 10.55 Axe Houghton: Fnd A Fnd Stock 6.41 7.01 Bullock Calvin: Bullck 15.92 17.44 Channing Funds: Balan Grwth Spec! Monil Oil Monsant 54 VB 18 I Nabisco Nat Gyp .5.79 6.29 No NGas 4414 .8.12 8.83 or tsim 65Ms Okla GE 23V4 OklaNGs 18 'Pan Am Air 14V 8 'Panh EP 34 78 .12.25 13.39 enn Cent 7.26 7.93 Penney 75Vt ,2.44 2.67: Phm Pet TJ 1 1 1 J. i.A.V 220-260 Ibs 26.00-26.85. 1-3 300- ltones Florida. Tennessee "--olma and strong Wisconsin and 400 Ib sows 22.50-23.25.

2-3 400- a Nonh 21.75. Mrs. Mary Angelo. Eldon. Elmer Schult, Jamestown; Edwin Burger, California; Mrs.

Janice Newborn, 717 Houchin Mrs. Iva Kid- well, Eldon; Mrs. Doris Wipperman. Camdenton; Timothy Harris. Route Cattle slaughter steers 1 He had been campaigning on and heifers steady to 25 higher, eme a HWe man ll cows steady.

bulls strong. a forgotten in today's big Choice and prime 1150-1225 Ib 2- government and said the other Payne, Tipton; 14 slaughter steers 36.50, choice Candidates often stole his ideas. Elwood Freeman, 210 Mar- 3 950-1200 Ibs some He se school busing to shall William Rollins, 205 1150 Ibs 36.50, good and choice achieve racial integration, hit 34 34.50-35.25, good 33.00-34.50. rd on the 14 Choice and prime 925-975 Ibs 3-4 meme and law-and-order tax reform to Bryan Mrs. Christina Sachs, 1103 W.

CX1IU i i i i i slaughter heifers 35.50. nefit the middle-class work-. TT 800-1000 Ibs 34.00-35.25, com-i mercial cows 24.00-26.50, utility' 24.00-27.00, few high dressing 1 Holsteins 27.50, cutter 22.50- Wallace's detractors had in the past accused him of rac- the governor said he Charles E. Still Ralph Laughlin Waynes- ville; Mrs. Vickie Mitch- ell, Belle: Mrs.

Bessie few Holsteins 2500-2600, sim wa concerned for the King. Gerald: Mrs. Ida Craig, i a 20.00-22.50. Choicp vea- rights of all individuals. Chemicl 10 41 11.38 ro ct Gm Reyfus Grp: RCA Levge 17.79 19.50 Met EatonHoward: 'Ryder Sy Balan 10.21 11.16 Safeway Stock 41 15.75 Joe Fidelity Group: St Regis Fidel 17.52 19.15 Sa Fe Inc i Puritn 10 69 11.68 Financial Prog: Indust 4.28 4.69 Founders Group: Mutal 9.51 10.39 Hamilton: Fd HFI ICA 14.73 16.10 Investors Group: Mutl Stock Select .95 icanner 20.00-22.50.

Choice vea yjler calves 45.00-50.00, prime 4 Wallace had drawn hecklers during his current campaign, 150: slaughter lambs 50 Chamois: Mrs. Anna Jackson, Owensville; Wilton Baynham, Holts Summit; Miss Anna Hale, 1119 Park Mrs. 8:30 p.m. Saturday in Osage County en Highway 28 just west of Route NN involving a truck driven by Gary Keeney, Belle, and an auto driven by William Thorns, Belle. 10:55 p.m.

Saturday on Route CC in Morgan County at the junction with Highway 135, involving vehicle driven by Michael John Alpers, 18, Stover, who was treated for minor injuries. 1:15 a.m. Sunday at Capital a driveway i Callaway County, involving vehicles driven by Katherine Smith, 17, and Robert Dale Surface, 22, both of Jefferson City. Sears Sperry 37V 4 Oil Cal 57 St Oil Ind 62Vi St Oil NJ Texaco 4 7 6 5.20-Timken 41 3 4 Air i Carbide 48 "4 ..10.50 11.42 un Elec ..21.25 23.10 TJniroyal 17Vs ...9.58 10.30 us steel 32V. Upjohn 85'B iUnion 65V4 ...9.83 10.78 Westg El 51 Woolworth TJ Vi.

8 IVs VA higher. Choice ana prime 95-112 but far fewer than in 1968 when Edith Meyers. Roach: Mrs. cnrincr a sprmg slaughter 00 4 'TM he ran as the candidate of the American Independent party 50 Choic nd prime 95-100 lambs 32.50. Both (Continued from a ge 1) and carried five states.

Wallace's shooting recalled other political shootings of re- cent years. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963; his brother, Sen. Robert F.

Kenne- dy, was killed in 1968 as he cel- ebrated his victory in the Cali- Hazel McKenzie, Lake Ozark. Gerald Wolf, Tipton: Mrs. Bernice Moore, Owensville; Theodore Stegeman, 1123 Cordell Gary Hayes, Holts Summit: Doral Witt, Ellon; Mrs. Sarah Sousley, a Mrs. Jennie Ryals, Bland; Mrs.

Jeanette a i Eugene; Mrs. Thelma Brandt, Fulton. Miss Linda Scott, 1417 E. 1:45 a.m. Sunday on Route in Camden County, 4.5 miles east of Route in- volving vehicles driven by William Charles Crabtree, 28, Stcutland, and David Griffin, 16, Buckhorn.

1:45 a.m. Sunday on Route AA in Cooper County, just west of Route MM, involving vehicle driven by Steven Leslie Arnold, 16, Clarksburg. 8:04 p.m. Saturday on Clark Avenue at Dunklin Street involving vehicles driven by Danny R. Wood, Eldon, and Ruth I.

Bolten, 1217 Winston Dr. 5:38 p.m. Sunday on Jef- ferson Street at Stadium Drive involving vehicles driven by Robert Carl Jones, 1212 Carter and Charles Lee Harrison, 713 Hobbs Terrace. 7:30 p.m. Sunday in South- west Plaza involving vehicles driven by Doyle L.

Russell, 505 Castle and Norman H. Wood, Rolte 2. 11:52 a.m. Saturday on WalMart Shopping Center parking lot, Involving an unknown vehicle and a car registered to Mary Bledsoe, Linn. 9:19 a.m.

Friday at W. Main and Walnut Streets involving vehicles driven by William K. Dudley, 2043 W. Main and Allie C. Bond, 815 E.

High St. 12:40 p.m. Monday on Vista Drive at West Main Street, involving autos operated by Lena M. Abbott, Elston and Marguerite A. Remley, 426 E.

McCarty St. 11:08 a.m. Monday on the Central Trust Bank alley, involving a vehicle operated by Henry Carl Ousley, 1819 Notre Dame St. and a parked auto registered to Phillip M. Putnam, lllOb Madison St.

7:24 a.m. Monday on High Street at Berry Street, in- volving vehicles operated by Joyce A. Gloe. 305 W. Elm St.

and Mary M. Hohan, 308 Clay St. 1:16 pin. on Industrial Avenue at McCarty Streer, involving autos driven by Martha Ann Dewey. Battle Creek, Mich, and Dale R.

Hughes, 1003 Genvea St. 12:50 p.m. Monday in the 200 block of Broadway Street, involving vehicles operated by Dorothy A. Hilgedick, 608 Norris Dr. and Joyce Ann Krattli, 2721 Due Dr.

Magistrate court Mary Kay MaHaffey, 17, Northport, fined S10 and J14.30 costs for speeding 88 mph in 70 mph zone. Daniel Keith Phillips, 21, Tebbetts; fined S10 and $12.10 costs for speeding 80 mph in 70 mph zone. 'Pupil power' issues demands LONDON (AP) Teen-age revolutionaries have raised the banner of pupil power and called a strike for Wednesday in London's schools. Among their demands: no more staying after school, no more censorship of school magazines, no more school uniforms and free milk every day. The Schools Action Union, which is known to have links with several grown-up leftist groups, said if the one-day State Police reported 15 confirmed deaths in the flash floods and high water that swept through the Central Texas area Thursday night and Friday morning.

The Austin American said it had reports of 16 known dead from sources at the scene of the flood with another nine still carried as missing in New Braunfels. The American said ex- tens, vc efforts were being made by telephone companies in the areas to restore communication lines. More than 1,000 telephones were put out of service in New Braunfels and about 550 in Seguin. The American said there were about 100 telephone repairmen working in Ccmnn County and another 75 in Seguin, east and nor- theast of San Antonio. Saigon (Continued from 1) Fighting flared Monday to strike in London is successful, 'the northwest, north and south a nationwide pupil walkout Kontum, which allied mili- will be their next move.

itary sources say is threatened by about 3,000 enemy troops. i leaders claimed i pupils from at least 72 of Communist-led forces, who London's 224 schools will take have been trying to isolate pop- the day off on "Red Wed- ulation centers and military They hope about by cutting important lO.OOO'will rally in Trafalgar roads, succeeded in closing Square and march on County Highway 19 east of Pleiku and Hall, the administrative seat Highway 1 west of Saigon, of London. Highway 19. coastal supply i route which was cut for 16 days About 100 youths between 12 'last month by fighting at the and 18 met Sunday at a plan- A Khc Pass was closed for the second time Sunday i a enemy sappers blew up ning session in a a i room in a London back street. Most wore Mao badges and two culverts.

said they were Marxists. Police detectives questioned several of the leaders later. I 1 i fire greeted repair eengi- neers and armor and militia Uask force who went to the area near the Mang Yang Pass, 15 miles east of Pleiku. Sheila Braxson. a member of fornia Democratic presidential the Wallace staff, said she and rimaf a civil rights lead-j Elm William Blackwell, three other campaign workers: Martin Luther King was shot! Owensville: i Kristie bd were at the candidate's Mary-: death in Memphis, in Murphy, 2925 Hill View land headquarters in downtown April, 1964.

Baltimore when they heard the Circuit court Stale of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Reauxdell Duane Mc- Murry, defendant: defendant enters not guilty plea to charge of possession of wooden hashish pipe; trial set June 5. State of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Leon Curry, defendant: defendant enters not guilty Var Py 9.24 10.04 Keystone Funds: Cust 3 Cus S4 6.76 7.41 Lord Abbett: A i 7.26 7.85 A Bus 3.41 3.70 Mass Financl: MIT 13.02 14.23 MIG 14.88 16.26 OmaG 6.61 7.18 Omahl 10.98 11.93 McCroTy "We all went into Nixon in his statement said Mrs. Melisa Pigg, Linn.

Mrs. Mary Twehous. Route Joseph Viet, Route Mrs. Gladys Weiskopf. Gerald; shock," she said an hour later.

nation has suffered "more 8 now it's so hard to be- a enough already from the Mrs." Julette Idol, 3329 Ilieve." intrusion of violence into its po- Country Club Mrs. Alice 4 litical processes. Linquist. Osage Beach; Mrs. on Route 2 miles south of Highway 133, in- volving vehicle driven by Kenneth Ray Haertling, 22, Pickneyville, 111., who was taken to Charles E.

Still Hospital with injuries. "Don't take my picture," one youngster pleaded with news photographers. "My mother thinks I'm at nn art Saboteurs also destroyed gallery- I'd lose my pocket culvert on Highway 1 near money if she knew I wasn't." Trang Bang, a district town about 25 miles northewest of Saigon. It cut the main road ac- movement. refused to talk to cess to the city of Tay Ninh.

newsmen unless they paid In Saigon, the U.S. Command the turnover of the 'huge S53-million Cam Ranh Bay Air Base on the coast. It also the impending with- jdrawal of the 483rd Tactical A i i Wing, a move that will U.S. troop strength by men. i The U.S.

Command an- SPRINGFIELD. Mo. (API nounced the smallest weekly Eight draft dodgers at the fed- troops cut since last Septem- Long-haired Simon Steyne. a 16-vear-old leader of the him 100 pounds, or S2(iO. The newsmen refused.

Drsft dodgers cease protest plea to escape charge; trial eral system's medical ber, a reeuotion of 400 men. As The Oklahoma coordinator; "We must all stand together Closing stock averages JJl.O, for Wallace's campaign, Joe C. to eliminate its vicious threat Heeney. Salem; Claude Jackson, Montgomery City; Phillips, said in Oklahoma City, to our public life," he said in a Hannie Swanson. Tuscumbia; ddi Cook yo Wood "Mister, if thev want a fiaht.

whito Eael Reeves. Salem: Mrs. ilc i up Eagle Emp Dist 27Vs Wallace, I'll spend the rest of violence to fall over our "coun- Carty Jerry Schmidt, 6 a.m. Monday on i a 54 in Cole County, 3 miles east of Highway 17, involving vehicle driven by Orville Fleming Mut Trst 2.05 N.L. Nat Secur Ser: Stock 7.87 8.60 Pion Fnd 12 49 13 65 Price Gnv.hitSd 32.43 N.L.

i a Funds: 12.69 13.87 Selected Funds: Sel Am 10.32 11.28 Supervisd Inv: TwnC 4.93 Pet Inc GRAIN Kansas City Grain KANSAS CITY AP) Wheat 130 cars: unchanged to Norfolk never had 4 i i' ree transportation for students 16 30 U.81 higher; No in the city is scheduled to pull SSVs "Mister, if they want a fight, White House statement "We ae Reeves. Salem: Mrs. "0 they've got one If they i not permit the shadow Virgie Walters, 1122 E. Mc- Jerry Schmidt, Henley; Miss Pamela Holz- chuh, Bland; Mrs. Janet on an Alabama farm Aug.

25, 1919, Wallace first took office as governor in 1962. Barred by law from succeeding i himself, Wallace stepped aside four years later and his first wife, Lurleen, became gover- my life running them try again -41g 1 Born Forced (Continued from 1) Brammell, Route Miss Scott, California; Mrs. Bessie Allen, Chamois; Miss Diane Scheulen, Linn; Mrs. Frances co*ker, 803 Ihler Rd. No.

3 1.58 I 2 i Corn 78 cars: '4 to Vz lower: No. 2 white 1.22-1.28i_n; No. 3 Police court Timothy John Adams, 17, of She died of cancer in 1901 W. Main fined $15 1968. On Jan.

4, 1971, two weeks for following too closely. 4.74 TwnC Inc 4.50 United Funds: Accm Incom Fd Can 9.08 9.92 Value Line Fd: Val Li 7.24 Wash 12.55 Weilingtn Group: Wclltn 12.06 13.18 4.87 5.32 Stocks in the Spotlight EW A I Sales, 1 closing price and net change of May the i most active stocks Jul the NY Stock Ex- Sop Dec 295,800 24,7700 172,300 170,800 28-'J8 142,700 127,700 29 il.33%n; No. 3 1.20-1.32%n. Oats 4 cars: nominally un- 818 8 9 6 changel: No. 2 white 14 66 16.07 No.

3 No. 2 milo 2.00-2.07n. No. 2 rye No. 2 barley 1.10-1.20n.

No. 1 soybeans 3.45%-3.54%n. Sacked bran 42.50-43.25. Sacked shorts 42.50-43.25. Wheat futurei closed from to 2 higher.

Wheat futures: out this summer. before taking office for his sec-i -verncr, Wallace! Elizabeth Ann Ridgel, 26, of Police reports Marvin Ortmeyer, Columbia reported Sunday that his 10- year-old daughter had been bitten by a German Shepherd dog tied up behind the home of John G. Scheperle, 238 Eastwood at 6:45 p.m. Sunday. The girl was taken to Still Hospital and given a tetanus booster shot.

Ron Sapp, foreman of a Scheperle Construction Co. crew, reported Monday that set May 31. State of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Richard Warren Mendel, defendant; defendant enters not guilty plea to escape charge; trial set May 19. State of Missouri, plaintiff, vs.

George Zaring and Larry a i 1 defendants; a placed under a probation i supervision of State Board of Probation and Parole after center have ended a strike and i a a the command fast they started six days ago said, authorized U.S. troop to protest President Nixon's strength in Vietnam stood at new strategy in Vietnam. 65,000. It is to be cut to 49,000 by July 1. The superintendent of the hospital, Dr.

P. J. Ciccone, said the eight began a i solid food a a i Monrtay i resumed their jobs and were returned to their regular quar- (Continued from p'ge 1) ters. Pentagon spokesman Jerry In the a i they wrote W. Friedheim told newsmen a letter to President Nixon pro- Monday the United States has Rodgers was room pre-sentence investigation on i minimum of harbors'placed mines in North Vietnam- stealing charges.

a bombing of north i a iese rivers and canals in addi- Dr. Ciccone said each man tion to harbors. locked in an "This was in areas where for observation and of- movement of supply has been fered a of food three i a i place," he said. a day. They took only liquids, i At fho i House, thrrte The eicht are among 350 pris- wives of men i i or CPD- oners assigned to the center to in Southeast Asia said work as nursing attendants, in President Nixon lold them the food service and at other house- harbors "would slay mined un- keeping jobs.

None was a hospi-'til prisoners are released." tal patient. Members of their 1 Representing the National 519 1.10-1.27%n; No. 2 yellow 1.28- usuc es ieu sianamg me married an altractivei 33-y ea i-i 818 E. High fined $15 for sometime between 4:30 p.m. circuit court requirement lor i i 7.93 13.72 free transportation, based on its belief that it would be a cruel hoax to assign a child to old divorcee, Cornelia a and imprudent the niece of a former Alabama Wallace had by his first wife: driving.

Marv Veltrop. 17, of 1803 to help him get there. Missing Camdenton boy still not found A 15-year-old Camdenton boy reported missing May 1 still has not been found, ac- Open High Low 1.58% 1.60Vi l.SSVi T.60'4: cording to the Camden County traded on change. Int Nkl A TT MadSciG EstnA CNA AmMetC Redmn Uris Tex Inc Glf OilPd i Royal Mar 1.44's 1.46 1.441-2 1.46 1.45'. 1.4714 1.451,;, i.4 7 4 1.493s 1.50% 1.49% 1.507J, 1.51V4 it a NEW YORK A Stocks Higher in late trad- ing.

125100 Cotton Mixed. 124,800 16 -T4 CHICAGO: Wheat Higher; speculative Sheriff's office. Terry Dean Buffalo, who left home wearing jeans and a light color cowboy hat, is 5'7" in height, weighs 110 pounds, has brown hair and eyes. husband, John Snively III. Weather report Local data High yesterday 78; Low yesterday 55 High pint 5 years 91 in 1941 and 1942; Low years 36 In 1926 Precipitation Tribune Weather Bureau Reading 0 for pajt 24 hours ond ing al midnight; heaviest same date in i4 years 1.7: tn WS.

Total to dale this monlh passing a school bus while children were being unloaded. Jerome J. Dudenhoeffer, 24, Linn; fined S25 for careless and imprudent driving. Nor TM 110,500 105,400 78,200 76,100 30 28 Vi 7 Corn factor. Lower; weather a 75,900 36 1 Oati --Lower; with cdrn.

He had other clothes with him and was believed to have a .22 caliber rifle and a tent in his possession. Anyone with information about this boy should contact the Camden County office, 1 Th yMr Weilhir Book Barometer 29.91 filling; Relative Humi- dity It per cent Sun Sunrise today Sunset today 8:14 Lake and River Stages Missouri River at: Jefferson City 17.7 steady Lake af the Quirks rlio O.I fall 0.2 Lee Even, 22, Westphalia; fined $25 for careless and reckless driving. Jackie Sue Hilgort, 23, of 713 Hobbs Terrace; found not guilty of a charge of failure to yield the right of way. Donald E. Johnson, 35, Freeburg; forfeiture of S13 bond for failure to appear on of speeding 68 mph in a 55 mph zone.

Friday and 8 a.m. Monday someone had broken into a trailer belonging to the company while it was parked at a construction site at Cherry and Elm Streets. Missing were a wrecking bar and two claw hammers, all valued at around $20. Alvin Colvin, 124 Boonville reported Sunday the theft of his 1959 Chevrolet while it was parked at the Sportsmans Bar on Missouri Boulevard, sometime between 10 p.m. Saturday and 1:15 a.m.

Sun- day. i a Walt reported vandalism at an apartment complex he owns at 218 W. Atchison St. Damage was estimated at $146. State of Missouri, plaintiff, vs.

Robert Cornell Doxley defendant: defendant placed on three-year probation in supervision of State Board of Probation ans Parole a pre-sentence investigation on a counterfeit charges. State of Missouri, a i i vs. Ronald a defendant enters plea of not guilty on rape charge; trial set July 13. Claxton, work a live in large dormi League of Families of Amcri- State of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Ann Christine Miller, defendant: defendant enters plea of guilty to check forgery charges and pre-sentnce investigation ordered.

Marriage license applications tones. Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, the women met Dr. Ciccone said the fast and for 45 i with Nixon and work stoppage had nothing to presidential adviser Henry A. do with conditions at the mcdi- Kissinger, cal center. "At last we may have some leverage to get the men home," Mrs.

Phyllis E. Galanti quoted Nixon as saying. In the Senate a new Asian peace conference to end the greeted war was proposed by Sen. Japan (Continued from pate 1 The reversion was i little visible emotion ex- James B. Pearson, R-Kan.

Un- Bob a a ccpt for tears in the eyes of er United Nations direction, Eugene, and Phyllis J. prime i i Eisakti Sato. hf proposed conference would for whom bringing Okinmva. 1 l't also lo resolve po- back in the fold climaxed a ten-: i i a conflicts of Indochina. ure of nearly eight years in of- Radmacher, Freeburg.

Robert Alan Rirhey and Carol Susan Aldridge, both of fice. Jefferson City. Pearson said the conference should be convened in a neutral Fire Calls Sato, Emperor Hirohito and South Asian country and be em- M. Vernon, Vice President Spiro T. ered to carry out the inter- a Nichols 1410 Russcllvillo, and Donna J.

marked reversion officially be-jnationally supervised cease-fire a aw of 8.000 in'Proposed by tho President as a Tokyo's a i i i A The ''oiKiilion for i i U.S. mili- 4:27 p.m. Sunday at McGraw Edison plant, 1723 I i a Dr. Alarm went off accidently. Moreland reported the loss of a wrislwati'h and a masonic ring valued at StJ5 and S75 bowling al Bowl-A- Wile Lanes on Missouri Boulevsrdd at Southwest On March 23.

Scruggs, Jefferson City. Dale L. Laughlin and Letha ceremony was televised to A. i i a both of Mokane. David Leroy VanDykc, Jefferson City, and Orlene C.

Bock, Linn. Naha, and Chobyo a a whose job changed overnight from chief executive added a speech. to governor, lary involvemeni in Vietnam. He siiKgcsled such a parley include representatives of the Soviet Union and the Pcople'i Republic of China..

The Daily Capital News from Jefferson City, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.