Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (2024)

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One of the first things you need to do when you get a bird is set up its cage. If you have never done this before, it can be a little confusing, but don’t worry, we are here to help.

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to set up your bird’s cage properly so that your pet is happy and healthy.

Let’s get started!

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (1)

Setting Up the Bird Cage: But First, Choose the Right Cage!

When it comes to choosing a cage for your pet bird, there are a few important factors to consider. By taking these factors into consideration, you can be sure to choose the right cage for your pet bird.

How Much Space Does it Provide?

When it comes to choosing a cage for your pet bird, there are a few things you need to take into account.

One of the most important is how much space it provides. Birds are naturally active creatures and need room to move around.

A small cage will not only make your bird feel cramped and uncomfortable, but it can also lead to health problems.

Make sure to choose a cage that is at least twice the size of your bird. This will give him plenty of room to flap his wings and move around without feeling restricted.

Species of Bird

Take into account the species of bird you have. Smaller birds, such as canaries and finches, will need a smaller cage than larger birds, such as parrots and macaws.

Bar Spacing

Bar spacing is an important consideration when choosing a cage for your pet bird.

The size of the bars on the cage will determine how easily your bird can escape, and also how safe it is from predators.

If the bars are too close together, your bird may be able to squeeze through and get out. Alternatively, if the bars are too far apart, your bird may be at risk of being snatched by a larger bird or animal.

The best way to determine the right bar spacing for your bird is to consult with a veterinarian or experienced bird breeder.

They will be able to advise you on the safest and most suitable option for your pet.

Cage Material

The type of bird cage you choose for your pet bird is important for several reasons. First, the cage material should be safe for your bird.

Some birds are prone to chewing on their cage, so you’ll want to avoid materials that could be toxic if ingested. Second, the cage material should be easy to clean.

Birds are very sensitive to changes in their environment, so it’s important to keep their cage clean and free of bacteria.

Third, the cage material should be durable. You don’t want your bird’s cage to fall apart easily, so it’s important to choose a material that will stand up to wear and tear.

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (2)

Put the Cage in the Right Spot

When choosing a spot for your bird’s cage, there are several things to keep in mind.

First, you’ll want to protect your bird from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Second, make sure the cage is away from any fumes, drafts, or hazards like dangerous plants or wires.

Third, it should be easy for you to access the cage for cleaning and feeding.

And finally, give your bird a nice view by placing the cage near a window or in a well-lit room. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your bird has a safe and comfortable home.

Preparing the Cage

Before you bring your new pet bird home, you’ll need to prepare its cage. The type of cage you’ll need will depend on the size and species of bird you’re getting, but there are a few general guidelines to keep in mind.

Line the Bottom

One of the most important aspects of preparing a cage is lining the bottom. It is best to use newspaper or paper towels as these can be easily removed and replaced when necessary.

Avoid using wood shavings, sand, or cat litter as these can be harmful to your bird’s health.

By taking the time to prepare your bird’s cage properly, you can help to ensure that your new pet has a happy and healthy home.

Put Food and Water Inside

Next, add some food and water dishes. It’s important to use dishes that are sturdy and won’t tip over easily.

Place the dishes on opposite sides of the cage so your bird can move around easily. You’ll also need to add a fresh supply of food and water. Choose a high-quality bird food that meets your pet’s nutritional needs.

And be sure to change the water daily. Once you’ve added food and water, you’re ready to welcome your new feathered friend into its new home!

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (3)

Add Some Fun Features

If you’re like most pet bird owners, you want your feathered friend to have the best of everything—and that includes a fun and enriching cage environment.

Fortunately, there are a number of fun features you can add to your bird’s cage to make it a more stimulating and enjoyable place. Here are just a few ideas.

Add a Bath

A bath can be a great addition to your pet bird’s bird cage. Not only will it provide your bird with a place to cool off and have some fun, but it will also help to keep their feathers clean and healthy.

You can purchase a small birdbath from most pet stores, or you can make your own by attaching a shallow bowl to the side of the cage.

Just be sure that the bowl is shallow enough that your bird can’t drown, and that it is placed high enough off the ground so that your bird can’t escape.

Adding a bath to your pet bird’s cage is a simple way to improve their quality of life.

Put Some Perches Inside

As any bird owner knows, perches are essential for your pet’s health and well-being. Not only do they provide a place for your bird to rest and play, but they also help to keep your bird’s nails trimmed and their beak healthy.

Moreover, perches offer an important opportunity for your bird to socialize and exercise.

However, not all perches are created equal. When choosing perches for your bird’s cage, it is important to look for ones that are made of natural materials such as wood or stone.

Additionally, you will want to make sure that the perches are of different sizes and shapes to provide your bird with a variety of options.

Finally, it is also important to ensure that the perches are securely attached to the cage so that your bird can’t pull them loose and injure themselves.

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (4)

Give Your Bird Some Toys

One great way to add some fun to your bird’s cage is to install a swing set. Swings provide birds with a great way to exercise and play, and they can also be used as perches.

If you don’t have room for a swing set, you can also add some simple hanging toys, such as ladders or chains.

Another fun addition to your bird’s cage is a mirror. Most birds love to look at themselves, and a mirror provides them with an opportunity to do just that.

In addition, mirrors can also help birds stay mentally stimulated and active.

Finally, one of the best ways to add some fun to your bird’s cage is to simply add more toys. Toys give birds something to do, and they can help alleviate boredom.

When choosing toys for your bird, be sure to select ones that are safe and appropriate for your particular pet.

Though our feathered friends make delightful pets, there are special considerations to take into account when choosing toys for them. Some common household items can pose a serious threat to your pet bird.

Small toys with parts that can come loose, for example, may be swallowed by your bird and cause intestinal blockages.

Strings and other long, thin objects can also be dangerous, as birds may get them wrapped around their legs or necks, leading to injury or even death.

Certain materials, such as lead and zinc, can be toxic if ingested, so it’s important to avoid giving your bird any toys made from these metals.

With a little care and knowledge, you can choose safe and enjoyable toys for your pet bird that will provide hours of fun and enrichment.

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (5)

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up Your Pet Bird Cage

When it comes to setting up a cage for your pet bird, there are a few common mistakes that you will want to avoid.

1. Not Researching the Right Size Cage

One of the most common mistakes people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not researching the right size cage.

It is important to make sure that the cage you choose is large enough for your bird to stretch its wings and move around comfortably. If the cage is too small, your bird may become stressed and unhappy.

2. Not Researching the Right Type of Cage

Another common mistake people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not researching the right type of cage.

There are many different types of bird cages available on the market, and it is important to choose one that is appropriate for your bird’s species and personality.

For example, some birds prefer a more open style cage while others do better in a more closed-in environment.

3. Not Putting the Cage in the Right Location

Another common mistake people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not putting the cage in the right location.

It is important to choose a location for your cage that is away from drafts, direct sunlight, and any other potential sources of stress or danger for your bird.

4. Not Providing Enough Toys and Perches

Another common mistake people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not providing enough toys and perches.

Birds need plenty of toys and perches to keep them entertained and stimulated, so be sure to include plenty of these items in your bird’s cage.

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (6)

5. Not Providing Enough Food and Water Dishes

Another common mistake people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not providing enough food and water dishes.

Birds need access to fresh food and water at all times, so be sure to include plenty of dishes in your bird’s cage.

6. Not Keeping the Cage Clean

Another common mistake people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not keeping the cage clean.

Birds are very sensitive to their environment, so it is important to keep their cage clean and free from dirt, dust, and other potential sources of contamination.

7. Not Getting Your Bird Used to the Cage Slowly

Another common mistake people make when setting up a pet bird cage is not getting their bird used to the cage slowly.

It is important to introduce your bird to its new environment gradually so that it can adjust to its new surroundings without feeling overwhelmed or stressed

Put Your Bird Inside—But Don’t Keep Him There Forever!

Once you have your bird cage set up and ready to go, the final step is to put your bird inside. But before you do, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, make sure that you provide your bird with plenty of exercise outside of the cage. This will help to keep him healthy and happy.

Second, keep an eye on his behavior. If he seems bored or frustrated, it may be time to let him out for a while.

Finally, remember that birds are social creatures and need interaction with their human companions.

So don’t keep him cooped up in his cage all day! Give him the chance to stretch his wings and explore the world around him.

Setting Up Your Bird Cage: Final Thoughts

Setting up your bird cage is an important task, and one that should not be taken lightly.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your new feathered friend has everything they need to be happy and healthy in their new home.

Have you set up your bird’s cage yet? If not, consider giving these tips a try today.

READ NEXT: How to Make a Bird Hospital Cage – A Guide for Avian Owners

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide - The Happy Chicken Coop (2024)


How do you make a caged bird happy? ›

What can we do to keep our pet birds happy?
  1. Make sure your bird's cage is large enough. ...
  2. Provide toys. ...
  3. Let your pet birds out of the cage every single day. ...
  4. Keep their cage clean. ...
  5. Interact healthily with your bird. ...
  6. Be alert for any signs of stress and anxiety. ...
  7. Provide them a balanced diet.
Jul 5, 2021

Should a bird cage be wide or tall? ›

The Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV) says that bird cages need to be at least wide enough to accommodate stretched wings, but tall enough for long tailed birds. The bird needs enough room to be able to walk around and flap its wings vigorously without hitting them on anything.

How do you make a simple bird cage? ›

To make a birdcage, start by nailing 4 pieces of wood together to make a square frame. Then, repeat the process 5 more times so you have 6 square frames in total. Next, use a staple gun to cover each frame with a piece of wire mesh, and cut a hole out of the center of one of the pieces to make a door for the cage.

What makes a bird happy? ›

Spend time with your bird every day. Socialization and bonding are extremely important to the psychological and emotional well-being of your bird. Without mental stimulation, your bird may become bored and depressed, which may cause behavioral issues. Consider flock mates for your avian friend.

What does the caged bird want most? ›

While the caged bird is surrounded by misery and can only dream of freedom. Expressing sorrows and desire for freedom through song is a metaphor for enslaved black people, trapped in the cage of oppression and vocalizing their wish for liberation.

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Here are steps to build a functional yet modern coop for your chickens:
  1. Step 1: Choose your plan. ...
  2. Step 2: Material selection and collection. ...
  3. Step 3: Preparing the ground and foundation. ...
  4. Step 4: Building your coop frame. ...
  5. Step 5: Outer sheathing of walls and roof. ...
  6. Step 6: Insulation and internal cladding. ...
  7. Step 7: Nesting boxes.

What is the best bottom for a chicken coop? ›

Concrete is ideal as it is easy to clean and prevents pests or predators from digging underneath. Strong, galvanised or stainless steel aviary mesh is also suitable along with concrete pavers. Wooden boards can also work but must be supported above ground level to avoid any rot.

How many eggs does a chicken lay a day? ›

Most laying hens will produce 1 egg approximately every 24 to 26 hours, with peak production occurring in the morning hours. However, it's important to note that individual hens may not lay eggs every single day, especially during molting periods, extreme temperatures or other stressful conditions.

What should a good bird cage look like? ›

Choose a cage that is a minimum of twice as wide as your bird's wingspan. A cage for multiple birds should be even more spacious. A stainless-steel birdcage is affordable and durable. Make sure the bars are close enough together so the bird can't squeeze through.

Should a bird cage be vertical or horizontal? ›

If you have no choice though, we're taught that vertical bars do less damage than horizontal bars. The theory is that the up and down movement of fluttering wings will cause feathers to rub against more bars if they run in a horizontal direction.

What should be inside a bird cage? ›

Did you know that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to birdcages? There are many things to consider when you're ready to begin your birdcage setup. You should fill your bird's cage with accessories such as perches, bedding, toys, bowls and bird baths to make their home both functional and comfortable for them.

What do birds need in their cage? ›

The right pet bird diet, a clean cage, fresh bird food and water, safe bird toys, exercise, and lots of attention are the basics. Pet bird cages should have plenty of space for activity and a grate to separate your pet bird from the substrate.

Where is the best place to put a bird cage in your house? ›

The sun can shine too strongly through the window, overheating the bird. Activity she sees outside can be stressful. And a cage placed in a high-traffic area can cause your bird undue stress and anxiety. Instead, place the cage in an area of the room away from drafty windows and doors.

How many perches should be in a birdcage? ›

Keep in mind that all birds should have a minimum of three different kinds of perches in the bird cage at all times to ensure optimal foot health.


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