Omaha Daily Bee from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

"i I V--4 i rrTJ 't'' jrrr yr-v aVa I TT. iff rr: b- -v' )'' A v. A Piptf far tlM tHEvssEcnoa ir THE tel A West a wrm v-v -Jr-e-e --eL-MI-d -T. Lr, 'm 7" 'a Ifi jIWi 1 I H- I 1 lV jk i v-? l. (flt y.


t''j i. 'T J' BESEF1F0F-CRUISE SUMMARY OF THE BEE AROUND GLOBE TWICE. A YEAR bintanew Traveled Annually by Every "Henler fitreef Cny fa I- GOOD TAMM CoBcreuiata Follgrfi XctURflroitt Trip totbf Central (Utei tuiaf, MerptoT It. 1HT. 1007 Ttlki of 4fii Effeet fif DECEMBER JMOJ Fleet to hdta 8 I i0 rWr -1 A -r ZKHEHlfD HOXROX DOCTSXIX 3 4 v.v,y.

8ERIMZST FOK THE SECEETAEY NEVADA1IUST ACT Droops Stiij'iR Ooldflsld, CALL 07 LEGBLATU1E ADYISED SoUien Cuaot Kouia Indefinitely Withont Its Seqneat 1AW H- CASE QUOTED If Ctll il lumed Withim life Dtyi Amy Will 8tsy Week. CLUE" TO WOMANS IDENTITY r. Body In Food Bom gmriN K. Mar Bo Tbot oC-TUo Operator, yy 0' NXWARX, Deo. M-The pqratary tho death of tho wmu Wboaa fqunjf la a pond In Harriaou ho nearer aotutira About the only hope too tho com havp thue Tar iota their attempt to aotobHah tlw identity of the raurdervtrtla mnw day when tfee'.

manager 1 of tt amptoymant buronu aald sho recognised tha body so that qf womap who bad nought work mvwal weeks ago. Mrs. Margaret Wright, who baa an tmidoynAt offlea at Modt-eiab, X. aald. aha la certala tha body la too morgua la that 'of a woman who pallad at her WBco aarty to Deesmhor and gavs'kar aSmr as-Aanla- Navtoa.

Tho ap- I .1 TS lllfll Amarinan FeOpli Will Bfi OinB Du Object Leuom. 2 9 10 II ID 17 .18 22 23 24 25 26 2J28 29 30 31 I 0 Zneit feailelXMci at State Jniiw CrafereBM. secutast; e. stoauko, oxaha i. '-fi ik, 1 Seletatea fron Ytrumi Citict Vemka Attend CoareBtioii.

touto KEi visrr stock taios aB4 AtUtio tegdu XiehifAB Will Be in Line, AcwrAinf to Tment v- HBGADB GK ZHOZ'8 DOMAIN DISCUSSED FOOT JfUCH XapnMiom is Other Hemisphere tbit Uaele Ita Could Hot Xtkt Good. FOR OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Fair Sunday. FOB NEBRASKA partly cloudy Banda FOB IOWA fiuudav, tnvarinjf probably unoettled hy rtanf- Fortker Bnnqiet at CleYfilnnd TraYef Political Froxt CGVFEEEHCE OYEK UTE UDIAVf xixmir CUSSOCT PLAI Mi f. MEETIM08 -ft TO BZ. HELD TODAY GOVEEIOE STATES HB POSmOJ flvo Bays tafUatoN Frahahly Wool Nt Ceaflr with Hla Beqweat to Croats Btoto iy" BIIkIm U4 IMW UmU la MaralBK Fful Brtklam Bn via g.

Demy Eaptatna Scheme ta tho Aeaerlaan Aoaaetattoa pt Modi WlSeoaala- I Baveaa of th Oplakra They Will Eq Willing ta On Back Utah by -fgrihg and Farm. Their Lands. if- Hour. Deg. S-a, I a.

m. J1 a II a. m.a. a IS IS II a. ft 13 1 1.

A ItjMIVO employed aa a housekeeper' to Brooklyn and wonted Mmltar paMttoq ta Newark Montclair. TtM-ldanttflcotie by Mr Wright ta not notaptod aa paMttv hy tod polio Tho hands at tbs daad woman tod ton totfuny eared for and showed no traces of rank woriu, Aa anonymous letter raoMVed at Mow York poltoo peadquartera today -aald tha writer wai certain tha murder victim waa a Mlaa Bmlth, cues employed aa telephone operator at Hotel Girard la New' Tha writer aald she waa known to bovo hod trouble with a man In Newark. A detective who wont to thb Hotel Girard wtth description of tho dead woman was told that tt a newt rad very closely the ap-peatmre of tho former telephone operator. LIFE GIVEN UP, FOR CHILDREN ng'l (From a Staff Correapondeto.) WASHINGTON, Dec, gram.) Reprearntitive Pollard arrived ttT Washington taM nighty with hla wife anfi i baby. Mr.

Pollard reviewing hto trip to Ohio, raid: "During my reheat trip met a grant many business men aad aetteg fwHfck-. ttnt VKr Fiident Claud. taltelwU. Mem FtnUciHCIukum Ktas. Lincoln.

-'v-l -S, t- ri:) Mothav Starves that Her Family May Llvo Too Frawd to MADISON, Wl. Dee. The beneficial effect of tha Pacific frutoo MW ketng mode by Admiral 'Evans Mg ftoat on. the. rolo-tlono of Latin-American republic to the United States was pointed out by John Barrett In an addrtas before tho Americas Science' association In eesalon hero today.

Mr. Barrett, director general of too International ButoaU of American Republic apoke on the new South America tta rotations with the United Bute He mid to part: One ef the important effects, If not. tha principal roaulL of tho sailing of tha battleship fleet to tha Pacific has been almost ovsrtoeked In too constant discussion of the affect on Japan, and that ta tho tmpnarion created ta tamto America. We have failed to net that the great newspapers and leading man of our stator republics are giving oven mar attention to tho movement of tho armada than are fhom of our 'oriental neighbor "The powerful republics of Booth Amorim. Ilka Brasil, Argentina, Chlle ond Peru, which am fast becoming werid power ate not only welcoming the coming of to ghlpa and applauding tola fast and unique naval undertaking, but nm planning to give tha fleet a reception toot win not bo surpassed Former Secretary Skiw to apeak la Iowa thlo week, when It 1a expected he will declare himself regarding hla candidacy for the praaldency.

MS President Bonaevelt has notified the fo5efSW-srHeva-thnt-the ooldiera-wlU fee kept at Ooldflkld for three week If special session of the Ingialaturo Is cnllod wthln flvo days to consider situation. Mga 1 John Barrett, In an address before the American Science aaaodatlon, said that visit of Mg fleet to South American porta will dlsiMf Idea there that the United Staten would bo unable to support Monroe doctrine If occasion should arise. PeffS 1 Congressmen Pollard returns from trip and reports Taft sentiment strong In Michigan, Pennsylvania and 1, fifrl Statement- from 1 Washington that first assistant postmaster general 'will probably 'climb lata the Taft band wagon. Page Bobbers secured SO cents from a train dispatcher of the Alton. Pago 1 HailraaOrof ho-vountnr-are-evldpntiy JS NEW YORK, Dec.

to-Hoppy that tho children for whom olio has sacrificed everything; even the tost scrape of food, bad at last found friend Mr Fhytta Frtqro died at a'Bmoklyn hospital of starvation. Mr Prison's husband has been dead some months and with four little aoa too oldest four Tmi the youngoat four montoa-old, to earn for, oho 'labored day and bight untflshe was taken 111. Her pride prevented her' from' ieking for' saved what bits ef food she could obtain for her Itttto once while aha gradually grew weaker and weaker from the lack of food. Tho last bits of crust went to the childrens In cordiality, enthusiasm and extent by Christmas dinner and the next morning any. xocapttaSLihat may.

toaceMdedr them nelghbon -heard the crying of tbs little hcNtirr-Oarn Omaha. AHUtaat Baeretary-WUI Bhclton, Central citr." HaM.Vahr-Walkw Hauma. Hasting Thi offlMM ct elactsd at the aeeaton laturdar'df ihe hoyfTobliTfMnewDfthe Teung Mens CltflstlaB aseectatlnn of tlw 1 1 XtalacAtftf' to to aiimbtr of fifty wm prasaat gat net) ay at the conference being beM la the boys department of the Omaha asaoelaUon. B. C.

Wade, general secretary for Omaha, opened the morning session with devotional eserBsss and a short Bible study was taken up at IB Hoy Cpdegraff, chair- rasasObftBible study.eommlttes of the local aaeoatatloa. lad la the discussion of aKew to Interest Boys." and W. eddb-boys state seewtsry-nt-lnwaspofce ea tba general tepls of Interesting boys In asss elation wsrb. -lbs visitors were tbs guests of the boya1. dsportmant the Teung Mans Christian amoelatlon.

for lunch, after which they were to South Omaha to visit thf South -'hoiioaa i A round table If leru salon was organised In iha afternoon, led by F. Daanlson, head ft the boys' department of. the Omaha asneclatlen, and Judge Button ad-draaoed the boys at An athletic pregram was prepared for the evening entertainment -Tha vlatUng boya are being entertained, sway ef them to Omaha homes and some In tha reams of the Teung Christian association. The conference will continue Sunday, with a religious department dla veagslaar at na, led by'Bam Pooler of yi, hoboys''depariment at Unool. A Sieet- iflmd will ia hold at I p.nL Sunday, after sthk -tha will adloum.

Magt." lining up for a fight agalnat tha BhOrmua anti-trust law. Fago 1 1 have traveled th dtataaco nf'twta around tha world on Mreet ear overy rear for to taM Mx yean," raid John J. Cpbry. conductor on tb Harney Mroet car Un "But at that' I have traveled no further than any other Omaha Mreet ear conductor who ho had a regular run for the same length, of tha. Boom dont know- how for.

they hav traveled and dont ear. But the Mroet ear company know and ihlraoordo' show' that ovary regular car th aervicq tmwsta aa average of HW mile a year. I have kept rock not only of th distance hero traveled, but right hero on thta shoot of paper I hove complete record, includes everything of intanM to dur lag my career aa conductor. Every night after rapper Mnrg I' made my first trip for the com pony I. hav oat down gnd raters up th different ttemi on this sheet.

It ehawe the number -of transforg I Hav Issued and received, the number of cash force I hare taken fek tho total number pf people carried on toy ear ond lot of other things that no one but mo carea to It now. liav carried more paopte on my llttlo Harney ear every year than live in Douglas eounty. My MggeM day waa October-4. -IN' when I turned In NO cash, besides several hundred trans-That wag during the Ak-Inr-Bw featlvltleo. My smallest day was April when I took to cents; th coldest day run woe January 14, when the mercury went to 34 below; tho hottest was August 10.

when It waa degraee above. If there to any other Information you want concerning tho history of my Mreet car career Juat drop-, around ony ilme raraat-bagr and I'll be glad to give It to you." LATEST ON THE P. 0. LINEUP Ihaqa In that He Will Got In, While Palmer In Trying Hard tn Hang On. So for local advices go, there ta no change In the Omaha poet office Mtuatlon.

which Jute Beoator Thomo ho. heen endorsed by the two United Btatee, ern-ntora to succeed FoMmoator Palmer. Mr. Thomra baa been busy the- taM- few day circulating general petitions raking for hla appointment. He saye he has In over 4J00 nemo with more on the way, to enable the to prove that they have the sentiment of th community back of -Pnlmvr-ta tending by hie gun HI credentials at Washington have been supplemented by additional eadoreemeatd from th old old lens and further letter frign past department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in fori, Ckptaln Palmer aye he has filed letter! now from ovary living prat eommandpr except, one.

and that on ta reach ba-' ranaa out of th -country. By way of- Llncfin comes a report that charge are to bo fltad tn (ha poatofflca deportment ngninta Hr. niomai and that the paper there would ali ke held up pending InveMIgatlon. The sourra of these alleged charge ta not dlacloaed, but oratp hero boo tt that Onngre soman Hltchaodc, whd-' pMoaally' ygnhei'fif' tot Thomaa fcoforq a- kgUlatlv. InveMi-gatten two years agarlias had 8 band.

tt. Friend of Tfiiomai inMM that tho pramtoed charges wUl not material Is and that hi appointment will be offlctaUy mode shortly after congress 'raccnveank SUjCIDE BEFORE-DISGRACE Dr. Waeheafiorf Bhooto Hlnuolf at town Falla Rather Be Taken In Charge. SIOUX FALLA, fi. be mfipectol city waathlforoooon the scene of the eenattonal suicide 'of Dr.

j. Wnchendorf, who had been a' fugitive from the United Btatee authorities of the. southern district of since taM The suicide of the physician followed closely his arrest by United Blaise Marshals Cmrtoton and Lamb. They proceeded to tho office of tho physiciaa to tho business district. When Informed of their errand hq glanced at the warrant for arrsM and then left' tho officer In' the reception room and proceeded to a bed room, giving tlw -two deputies to understand would accompany thorn In" a few ml uie spiioon as.

hs could dross. He tempted tsghoot hlmerifthrough the with a N-callber revolver, blit mlnsb hla aim, he- find a second shot Into penetrating tho brain and causing Instant dekth! particular chugq upon which he' waa arrested was sanding on or about February last from tho pcafoffiM at Ud-derdate, a threaten In ristter to Henry Quodle of jOmab. In thaiettor ho charged Qupdl with having aasqulted his (the physician'll wffo -and demanded a -ram of money to rattafoctlMi, and rays that If tt was not paid he rould kll Omaha T4 "fr 'V Tom Won-all, one of tho beet known grain, men In the state, eommlta suicide, to Lincoln, presumably on account of 111 health. Fago fi Editor Miles. of OWoUI has refracted hla attack.

on Supreme Ju'dg Barnes and' proceedings have been VBagtS Union Pacific railroad makes demand for refund of taxes paid under protest. Utata aokad for ISI.OU.tT. Fag WASHINGTON, Dec. ttHTmUnt Roosevelt today Indicated by telegram to Governor 'Sparks of Nevada that tho federal troop now at Goldfield will be dr-derad to remain there for a further period ef three week provided the governor within five daye issues a cull fdr a apodal session of tho otato taglMstur The president's tatter follows: THE WHITE HOUSE Washington, Dec. M.

1M7. Ho John Spark Governor: Anon Nev. Your telegram of December li ia recei ved. It in effect declared that yea have failed to call tha legislators together, boeaua In your Judgment the legtatatnra would not coll upon tho government ef the United. States for tho un of troop although In your opinion It ought to db a Tho eoustltuNon of tho United States imposes, not upon you, but upon tho legtatatnra, If It eon bo convened, the duty of calling upon tho government of tho United Btatee to "protect the-ntato of Nevada ogilnM.

domestic violence. You now re-quest the armed forces of the United Btatee to the constitution bees tiM In pour Judgment the legislature would fall to perform Its duty under the constitution Thai Mato government "certainly does not appear to have mode any serious effort to Ite duty by tho effective enforcement the up ef. Its police function repeat what I have already sold to you several time hat under the conditions existing In' the "state of. Nevada, as made known to me. an application from the legislature of tho stats la 'an essential bop-dlUon to tho continuance of troopg at Goldfield.

Btats Bboald Act. Circumstances may ebange -and if they do I will take whqtevar action the seeds at the Mtuatlon Tequlra no for aa my coo-atltuttoaal powure pertnlL Bnt. the first aaad ta that tho atato authprltlaa should do their, duty and ha Aral atop toward thta ja the aaramhilng of bd laaUdatert). opparaat from Tour the tagtatatneo-of Nevada can readily be ooo-vened. You have fixed tho period of thra week to th ttaiw booeary to.

oenveno and orgeats a apoetal oaaMon. If within five days from tha roeelpt of. thta tUegrmm pen ahall hato Issued tha neeeaeary aOtioe to' eaavePa tha logialatura of Nevada I hall' oodttaua tha Nation the troopo at Qoldllalj-durtog" auchperiod. of thy Wek If within Jb term of flv days such notice haa. not been tanad, tho troop' win bo ImmsdtatMy ratnrned.

to their former station THEODORE" RQOfiEVELT. 'Tologvora "of "Coven sv. The telegram 'of tho president was In response to one of tho governor In which ho eti forth the need of armed. Intervention and expreooe the doubt whether calling th legislature would result In the, necessary request from that body for fedaral aid, ItlMriiR CAR0OK. NoVm Dm.

Pmldont, Washington, D. chief, magtatrot of the stata of Nevada I have Jbeen of th opinion for th teat' year that a eonditlon bordering on domestic violence and tosur-raettoa haa extated In th Goldfield mining district. There haa been on almost oon-tant Mato of war between the Minora ulOBiraitd-tlie- min owna who.niifloy. the membern of thb "unioh. T5urfng tha year XX practically one-fourth of tho time woe pled In actual Strike and several thr to- agitations about other strike Twe Moatll Comp "Without Considering the -of any of tha eentravwnta It ta only -necaasory to state that the anttra diMrict Secama dlvtded Into, two hoatlla eomp (Mi.

tho on hand th minora and their adherents and eympa-thtasra kpd on this other hand tho mtn ownor with their adherent and eympo-thlaer politicians In Grand Rapid. Ctavra. land, and Butlsr and Pittsburg, Pa. I found poopla. wherever I went wora takiaff kaen interest tn politics, eapeelaliy t8 the choice of tha -republican standard- -bearer 'for the presidency.

If'1MPMKM nwnt of- those with wham I came. In none tact in Grand Rapids ta fair critorioa from which to Judge the state. Michigan will surely send a 'solid delegation Chicago for fiMtteary Taft. At tha banquet In Clfvetand, gtven on traaibty in the intereat of Senator Far akeris candidacy, there was a very pro nounred fueling nf hostility to tho Mitta Tho friends of Fora Iter had planned to launch hto candidacy at Thera waa a very decided cold new parent ql over the. banquet chamber, fern I could ascertain the oplntow general that Becretnry Taft would have olid delegation from tils lumw -state -Should tho delegate be selected under old convention gganr.Ankw.

would .88. doubtedly secure pert of the delegation fed hlmaalf. Under th primary system, howv -nn witew that Mr. Taft would get them all. Th people of Ohio, I tree fold.

outside of 8 few politicians and great corporate taler erts, are perfectly loyal to President Roora volt and are decidedly aftalnot Banntor Foraker on account of kli denunctattaB.cC the president." Confer. Over Jnmen House, euverinlendent ef tap Indian nrhoola it Rapid City. In ta Wkrity Ington and today called, oq Indian Cbm-mlraloner Leupp relative to a. number of matters Involving the conduct of Rapid C(y achnol sod also -had. derstood, conlderabIe to aa'y: shoot UiO work of the who left their fooervton tlon two.

wi' ago and havs finally roundeJT up and put to work ba the eoA-atroctlop jaf rallroqde RfipM Thera are about seventy able-bodied Ip dla'ne who ora at trork near RapM (pfty and Buperiptendent House jrayg they jgetoi to' be oon tented. 1 However, the fenpptogtaa. at th Indian bureau if that spring break these Indiana dueed-to-ratum to-their ettle down to the cultfvatl allotted to them. The const ruction to, much raising corn and brkn to welcomp heartily (Ite uggstlon liUhreoervgtlon. Parker Garni West PMnt.

Congreesman 'Mkt: from'" tho wood. IL D-. -district, leaves night for Yn0blnt to visit hg to tha nendftay. Clarence Donaldson, of Lead. fi.

y. Donaldson has, boon 8 preparatory school for soma wseks gnd hta- oxuilnallua will lake-pises-early In th yqnr. Colonel Parker, bring greatly hiteroWed In Uie young man, goes over to Wqn Feint1 to leom. how matters an pm Ing wlth hint. -j Minor Matters at CnpitnL lawn', routes '-t i vrlgkiiihid Mgrch Albta, Monraa.

county ruto. I population, tig; IB. Algonfo -W KeesutK- winVy. ihbtita 'populatteM fomlltoq, 1. Fenton! Koaauth eouatjh rout 3M; famllteo, 71 HI toman, Monro county, route popffi lation, I0S; famillen- ll, Loan -Boctt 4 KdrauUi route population, IH --aT-famlliea, Ct.

Molrboo, Monrao eounty, populatlOnr-l(4; Tandlte Tltonka, Kooauth eounty, route pipm lotion, KM: foiqlllco, 14. Was lay, Koo-suth county, route. population, IMt 5 fomlllaa.t'.'. r.y Rural free delivery qsrrlara appointed for fiouth, Dakota routes: Caroa "rente John Uaaa! caiyter; Hot (la ubatltute 1 Tyndgll, Ji Session -of fedaral court, with Judged Mungvr on tho bench, will ba. raoumed tomotraw," with too only landtrial of the Pug 'Attar fltatraf Ui''year Xniingttg1 tfid have ptnploynient through wfcQh nil Applications tor work must peso.

ri Fng York boy la elected pm Ident at IM -Nehraeka Boya Toung.Mena Christian association, coafareno a. Pag Mayor' Dnhlmaa aenda lavltatlon Ckatrman- Taraart for the commit taaeu arrangement for too national democratic CoUveutto to bo 'antortalned by him. to Omaha'aamate to J. Fago Report of earnings of tho office of clerk of the district court for four years afeowa -the amount to bo fl 11,11 1. 07.

1 Png Connty board finally Votes to tranafor 110,000. front tho road fund, which la practically cahanatod. -Kag cinea In the" Unfurnished "room ta Whlelr the mother and children lived. They entered and found Mr Prluoo dying and tho cHldran weak from the lack of food aad from tho arid. Tho police removed the mother to a hospital and tha child ran "a society took cars of tho Uttlo one Whan tha phyMetana found that nil hop for tho mother was gnn tho llttlo for gnd Mr Prlaro waa.aaaurad that they would to pared for.

Tho chUdrah wot happy again for they had had plenty' Of food and toy and as tho ttrqd motbor raol teed thqt totr auflerings 'ware ever tha )motber'a toart was etillad and compteu. J. ROADS LINING UP. 'FDR FIGHT .7 fiartf Kvtdoatiy to Bo Mkdo. to ovo AmeadasrWt to AntK Trrat Aot, 'CHICAGO.

Da rallwaya and powerful shipping tntsrasta am apparently uniting In an effort to obtalq a npaol of too gherman anti-trust act. 1no6Ca.a taost as It applies to the. traffic aaaoctotion This tact ta made apparent to a aympoMum publlahed In toe' Currvnt Issue of tho Railway Ago and participated In By railway president governor railway commioolon-era -and rep raoebtatlvaa'of -largo shipping. Intorast Nearly every 1 prabtem that 1 troubling tha 'rallroada the shippers to' touched upon, auoh an tho affects of tho Hepburn act. the' queetlnn of additional legislation, problem bf slot federal offset of raeont agtta-thm upon tho earning: capacity of railroads; tho disability of tho uniform and tha aubtaltutlon of Mean by electricity aa a motive power for mad Thqahlpper aad railroad men seam to agree! hat tha Hepburn net haibrought mm grant benefit tho chief of which la tha' abolition of rebate but' that It ta too soon to make S-com plate deduction of tho effect of the act taken no i wbota.

-AH fleptara tha contact-of otato-oad 'Ba-: tlonal legislation and ntao agree that tha railroad 1 interests dnd 'IM Milpparo ora rapidly getting etaner togMtor and raol-latng that thrir Interests art closely Inter- Uva stock marketd. Oraln markets. VLPagoa Btooka aad bouds. Condition-sf OmahaA trade. MOVBMSBTg OP OOBAB Inter tm either our own Pacific coast to tha ports of tho orient.

At Rio de Janeiro In Small, and again kt Callao In Per Admiral Evans fleet will be greeted and treated aa the representative or naval strength, as Root wan the true envoy, of tho new diplomacy of the United Btatee which, po-tttk-ally, commercially, historically and la, tha 1 natural 'alto aad friend of all South America. In abort, tho voyage around South America, of thta fleet, while, net to any way Intended pr.planned' tb Un prase gputh Americas eountrie and -therofora nil too mora-appreoistad by tbeht1; win eetabHah beyond qutbbta dr win potott often dlntumad In, foufk -Aomrtea dWt. MX about the strength aadeapetty.of the United States on compared wtth Europe tf qvrr tbq peqqmtty aheuld oome, which Ood United Btatee could enforce and Hudatain tta pootttan that too Ifoarao doctrtod to strang taring torao never to tor forgotten rf too competition of nations for power Influence on. tote -j4 At the afternoon aaeelon Goorgo Thacher of Portland, Or, (poke on tho Oregon tattlatfra and raforandum. J.

Alton Smith of too University of Washington, recent 'inatltutional leglslatioh aitd 'James W. Oaraer of -the Univorslty of Illinois end Jeeee Macy of Iowa college dtocnaaad ptiaaee sf primary election tagtataUoni. W. gL ITRen of Oregon ntao spoke on tho ihKlatlve and. referendum of that Mate.

1 Boohs re Cnrevney Plod. Dqvto R. Dewey of the oC- TkchMlocy delivered a apeeeh eettlag forth tho asset currency plea of tho -American Bankers' aaoodatloo. He aald, to. part: Thou, plan before 'no onnalderatton today ta.toat prapomd hy the eurrency commlasloo of tho American Bankers' aeeoeiatla The plan of too Amorlcaa BaaknrK.

apokoq of as a plaa for asset It wfl ta, observed. however, that It la simply a propoaHten for tha laaiw of natae equal to IS per cent of value of, bonds, deposited, IM per rant of which ahall as at prsa-ant, taxed ono-half of 1 per cant and I per aunt shell bo taoed per cent. aatahalbla object, of this pliui'tt to pra-vldo A certain pf currancy which will itarlf to too periodic movements of tha money' Tho plaa at tho Banker oojmataeion ta confessedly oom premie It ta believed by many, however, to to a atop toward If: tha bond etrenlatlqa -too plan-pravidoo that too anthortaed low of credit notes shall ba tacraaasd to eorreopondlngty greater percentage Af tto bond wearing note Wp must, therefor foot tote ooattagariey'aad pom Judgment upon tho wtadom of indirectly introducing tho bankfaw principle atamflatlon. ta Truant Again tt may ba baked whether It tade-Mrabtotd adept anv'new enrreahy plan totem certain reform ta our bonking a tom have keen put ta operator. Soma ef these aeem aa obvious and pertinent ta ton end which tha bankers' commission derirao.

that thoy foa wtthta too scope of i to cnoMooa too enrrehffrnUtang them U-focto maro nuntloaad tha questieu oft PlreWnauflletent resarv particularly of country pax1 and the centra! lMng ef in. New Forth. j-jL mw.TMUt BtKie. uvnrooi, OBNOS NAaaHUBt lulls KAPuaa ame-'Oto UBAta navtta aoruwNa kkraom OlBUALTXa tarty. dotagntsn- to thf ooafarenoa ami iS-i ilrrsairm TTsfHn tv owrha, -r-turn.

a vitcholl, ItngllaH O- Wldenar, gad la Maun, Barnhaft. A. 'Hunger, a Weddrlng, g. Waugh. J.

Hall. S. Doyle, a Stulta" L. a Punkbouser; and goemtary Sam Central CltyyP. W.

gholtpu, J. Traver. a UamberV. P. Hurka.

He et Inga- W. Bleumm. (LI-JLi Mg- MidmeL Beatrice Di. MoClebqr. U.

Nm, F. JtatULK V. Fremont a McDuOy, Xing; a Becky. TST.t: Crete Horn mg. Omaha-C.

Kagk B- Updagmlf; a SMV. Hdgteiir Gt TBngste, Bob-ortg, Dodd a Wade, a JCtnckhmaa, K. Hunter, Meaeton, a Tracy, a Buddcn-berg, O. Pariah, a Trim bis, gL tmrmoa, Pagota, W. HaraUtoa.

C. McOUIough, 7. Dculasa. MURDER MYSTERY IS SOLVED 'Body sf Wnasau Pssst In PMd and Slayer Win -Avreated Saan. NBW-TOBK.

Dea -Tbe veil of aye jery enveloping the tmgta dyath of tha yeengenomanVwheee-nude bcdy-eraAfonsd half nuhmergfd In water and myd li lonely pond near. Hairiana, X. J-, thure-day. rta being Detect tvee working on the case believe that tha slayer of the who was Idantlfled today as Annie CKeefa, or Annie wtl aooa be tun down and takes' Into Custody. The Identincatlon of- the woman was first, made today bfc Mrs.

Margaret who ttmducta hn omploymeut bureau is Mont Clair, X. X. tM'erotnan had called an her aariter to tha. month and asked hr emptoymenh-- Bhf v-y, i the name'ef Anal Navlaa, but did notalate where atis lived. Late thla aft-rrpoan JBrw WrigMs Identifleatlon practlrnlly eorraboratod hy Detectivy, Ser-- grant Drayhall of Oraage.

M. 1 who aald tHTWomaa's puma was Aaala O'Keefa, aad Mf ho know her won two years agowhsu ylkia oral omptoyedm '1M' hHMT of 'Thomaa Karlas, contractor Oranaa. Mace yr that time fiergeant Drayhell atatao the woaian'waa employed In the eapadty of a maid- in pevarnl plaeea andabout wPraBfca. s-na haf worn fey -the-murdered woman lame fodliiT this afternoon in tka.hmb river 'and turned over poile Tt Id a amlaklHJl'urhaai sad mulched the laretto and muft-that. were found neaT-tllff body.

Mrs. 'Wright's deorriptloa of the clothing won by Mm O' Keefe wheu ahe applied to her for week eorrvaponda In BUSY TIME FOR MR. TAFT Moodor nio Visit to 1 Mow of No MILITIA; IS -READY TO MOYE Cwvoraor of Oklahoma Will Road Two Caaraaoloo- to Hoaryetta aa Call May o7 GUTHRIE, phi Do JT-Gorarnor Mookeii atatao ho' has most dlaouletlng roportafrom Henrrettaandthal tYoJjnemhmvhlp wm conetantly armed. Arms The' union alone claimed. a.

mem-hershlp of RON and ono-holf bf com pan las' of tfeo National guard ora- beta, nova to that lag hold modi ties for thta' district hava ta charge. The name of not appear- ta th Bratoford, cm ubqjtltuto. Etta Tokam bag barn gppolntod -master at Webeter, Keokuk eounty, Xowfe I vice J. HcLaughlla, rorignod. -Tho- Ft rat- National bank -n -Nob, had been authorised to buataMa'wtth III.HI eagltaL L.

WAgHINQTON.TDeo. M. Baewtory Taft la to Users a hnay daydurtog Ms stay la Boato hoaf Monday, having three engago-mentajri a seml-puhllo character at all of whicbho lo expocledlo maluT iHnow. Monday morning ho wW attend- tho Boetou mhlitoG mooting. I afternoon- at I there In a reeeptien at tha Blyalnm clufc nada up of Jowlah bankars and mar-chant el which" Mr.

Taft win--- apeak hriofiy, and to tho aveuing ho win deliver on addreee at too. banquet of Uw Merchants aoeoclatlon at the Hotel gome root. Tueeday Reoivtary -Taft wUIbo at MIL ury, thr former houw-of hla mother, and wfll return WaihlngtoUTOleday nlghL dTsORDERS -LESS FREQUENT ARE-LEAVING-ARMENIA In' Enriern Tnrkay Ba Bovara that Hundred IJari for United fitntra. man, toMldrati-JD tavorta, A. vten prarident; K' Chevalier, cashier.

V4 PITTSBURGT1N GRIP OF.GRIPPE 1 tjtenraf KpMrmfe filhra 1IU HnaTakn Hold of Pennalvnata BOBTDttlJ DM. Additional advIeN from eastern Turkey and la received today, by the American Board pf Commissioners for Foreign Missions indicate thgi' (he famine Already reported la more than, waa first anticipated and tha if Immigration (o thla country was never so trong praeent Secretary Hurry. Hicks writes peat upon returning to that city recently mqt hundnda of Amo gnd 'Armenian going th diractlafi ft Ismsoon gnd eventually tn America. All tbea person were young or mlddle-sgsd; able- PA Hava Left Henrrvttote Avoid Trouble People Thor- ooghly Arpoaed. OKLAHOMA CITY, OkL, Dee.

Xt-A special Jg quiet hi that town' today, but the people are In state of alarm. Tho tow negroes taring there- have left. Mo armed negreaa near the town have been reported, neither are there fears from other sectlona. Be-easae of mportbd threats by the agrees, armed guards were stationed about tho plaeo lost nlghL 1 Railroad bridgvq- are Inspected before trains cross, rtnra aervral torpadoee havs been placed an tha track -7 No troops hove been colled for and tt Is not believed that they will ba beaded. anfl ammunition were purchased tqT tho union aa a body-.

On tho othe tha mtao owners employ a largo number ef watchmto and. fcuardo who on conetantly armed -and on duty; ta addltloa to forcae were an unusually largo number of the criminal element attracted to the now and booming joining-cam "Under ouch conditions tho.ctvtl authorities war practically powarlo could attend to tho ordinary petty offender from day to but A the flnt son filet btwfitho real ormtao of labor capital they would -have bcon. awapf Tb repeated atrikes and contlnuad ttifoato of Mrikoi jrrltatedjthc i mto gUod mot It was eisiai1 to i that when th laM strike war galled In the nddat of tho financial ever tko-oonatry-and. with. nlong.wintet fgolng tho twenty thousand ntopta Mtuated upon tbs desert, bundradyof miles from any of population It wai time to racogalao'th actual condition of affairs hnd to net according! What Cowatltnts I naan-vet Ion.

"A atato of domratie vlotanc and Insurrection aria In my JudgpienL when armed bodies era 4n extatence with auffldont to overtom tojkelvll outhoritlaa ond continual thraoWtaNra mad of th deal ruction ef Ufa And property. This condition haa axlatodin tho Goldfield mining dlatrict tha part ypear ahd axtati there aow. It calla fprlhO' presence of th troop to keep tho prac Aa thla oondltloai haa been 'Mow of growth It wlU taka time to remove IL "la my Judgment, tt ta ntcewary that troops ha kept at Goldfield on Indefinite period time. They should remain there until both Mdeo ora ohow that tho dto-triat ta not to remain' nn anpod camp ond a scene ef continual warforr. Tha.

com-mualM an4 anarchlat must seek new field, Th laboring man ho convinced that arbitration and peaceful methods are nmra certain and tasting methods of Improving hit condition tho by dynamite and tha that gun. Thla tea only oom about with Urn PITTSBURa Dec. ta said to taJlijjrmLipIdunb'-if. ajck UM to bring exparienrwd In Pittsburg na phjtek-tang estlmsta that ihouranda of. otia gre prostrated pnenmdnta.

typ fever and especially the grippe. Th but the city probably every homo, kafe (acted la aome manner and a geatetty foiployM In the large 'offlrs bulMtaga ta eeriouriy felL TM Plltaburg Railway enm -pony ta havtag dlfflculiy In nyranlng tta can on account conductorqand men. bring laid ufl wlih th City Physk-tan Booth Braonta-Tha Inadequacy of radampUon of fldlnw Tlilrd TTia over-lnvectment of banks In Mocks and aaCnrittaa- which cannot to rapidly liquidated, and tha tying up of tbs funds of too bonk for too long a ported. -Fourth The tod banking methods ef truM nunncnlML KlriiThc ipcculitlvc eharacUir the call loan market ta New York. Bixth The ntoenee of any system whereto negotiable paper can to easily rediscounted ta that loan able fund will flow to tho plaeo wham they at moM needed for oom-db-ralol purpose fievrnln and Flaally-The rigidity of bank town at any moment ta awaiting a talagraphlo request from too mayor tor.

kelp, which a talaphono conunynloatloa Voada'felfli to Military oompanleo ok Chqadlaf and Oklahoma City era ia fonfllneoa to mov Aratod gnoido ora patrflllng tracts' and raorten ora ont endeavoring to locate aa armed body' nagraea who woro last reported four 'mltao from -t he town. gpvernorrnxpecta to ramalu In hi offloa moot -of tho night so that ho may ha in touch with the situation. Up to midnight' tonight there had toon na nliooting or other enaoMr r'dliardef at Homyctt OkL, an tho result too lynching of Jamcn Oardo a negro, toot Wedneadey, though disquieting nunarn io emanate from therT A' numtor'hf armed aegroea hero toon airaated by acoutlng parties to vicinity of Henry-Mta, and tt la holtevad that all tha begroea will be Mopped and dlaarmed before they ranch the tow SALARY OF PLAYER IS EXEMPT Jostle Hongh Doefdeo Mrs. Loalto Carter Fayaa May Retain Hog NEW YORK, De. MSA dectatoa which wilt prove of eonMdorobta IntareM to lawyer' and theatrical people hoai been filed fey Juatioe Hough la tho United Btatee district court to tho.

matter of tho bankruptoy of Mr Last la Carter Payn Judge Hough decides that the' ability of a player, ta oat an feaeet that ana be touched fey eradltors a a resolver to bankruptcy. Tha recdvvr took over tho eoenery aad praperilra of ond Tti Barry.f ta which Mr Carter bad boea appearing, and demanded a ahara la 'tha cent recta under which, ahe la to appear La and Hough order the return thp pi party tukeu aad ntao that too receiver to id entitled to anytatarast la tha ao-traeto or tho salary aba oMatoa for nit JB to aaM ttfi daMjyUI )to Pffifik4 meat of tho population that country gnd rafllclenlly well off tf mpko th necessary "gift" to leave Turkey and pay thrir passage to America. lg estimated that UN families have toff tha vicinity of Harpoct ring lari ApriLnnd the tlds of ta eontlauallyrlring. every detail wlh the clothing, found near fphadead "womaair hodyrrr: -f While Mrs. Wright rau Id give little further Information efineernlng the woman, she recalled that Mlaa.

OKeefe had told that she had been acting an housekeeper for we young meh In i-. Broohlyn. The -llanteMi police have learned much of Mlaa O'Keeffe movements Just befOrg kv muedae from Thomaa elevator man Newark department atom. who, after a vMt -to the morgue today." declared wllh peeltlveneee that Ml" OKeefe had been to the atom on Christmas eve slid had ashed Mm if rH rtnha had Ingulird for woman tn a dreea. Later, Flanogad mid, ha aaw ai spoke to her la a Chlaeee rretauraal and that sho told hlmtha she had been i 'able to find ton man.

1 He states that tha woman left tlw restaurant shortly botoro I biMnlgM. Tho police say there to. so doubt that oho final! ymet this man and after, spending Christ maa day with him waa lured Into the' Harhenaack amtnyf murdered. .1 i TRAVELERS to and may yet elk-voa th germs hr frbm hem In iart waa traced back la and finally located epidemic of grippe Severity all but that break that record, may have original Hot UN tha malady's through ta Hong Xang, DROU Bnrlln THFOR IQWI igton' leraes a IOWA Orders that or Llqsnr Be-ignld na Train TkaeWr V. I MANY MORE BODIES LOCATED Total Tabro from Dora' Mloeo Now Nombera Two Hoodrad aad 1 Tweaty, JACOBg CREEK, P.

Dec. 'SL-Explo. raltooo IS, the Dorr mlneo ef tha Pittsburg Coal aompaay wore com stated today with the esrepttata of numsrsue fails of aisle, A of bodies have bora recovered In (ha main beading and1 entrisg The number ef hod Ice hat, will bo fonod under the elole Mia to ootlauled at kl laool grty. Attention was gtven today to tho tnmovnl at the fa res ear a of tha fmd horasn aad mule The coroner hao itaod Jaauaiy I inmA It not to poeeiblo to permit our national hank ta neeordaneo ertth a ng-geMloa of Mr. encroach upon their rrserre-say up to one-fifth of ouch reserve by pay mint a tax of per'oatrt.

Thta would tat might to ao oervtaeabta for ulattou ao tho. credit notao -of tho AtaerL can hanker' ptaf li arufb ta Dnla Xia --l( Landlj a the Unllrd PtalM dlrttirt court today dented tho appUeanoa of wemgu B. McRaynoM formerly a grain broker ef thta city, for a writ of hahrao earpu Me Reynolds wee fveently arqtrooed to tho penitentiary on tho chart of haring esM -grain eorarad by war house receipt Hon will pom to cttaPOIM 1 fiKVB.MB MBMMNi. i ICAOO. Dec.

ffi-A dispatch to th Tribune from Dm Mrinea, Ih aeys: "A a result of the' liquor crusade how gplng oq, to Iowa, the Chicago, BurUogton A Qulney rgllrrsd ued ordersto dining ear eonductors prohibiting (G asie of Hquor white llg train ara in town. Tho- order went Into effect yesterday. It la understood the ether reads wlU alaltar arttor HOME ON .,1 Orphaangr at Chicago -Enpolng and Hundred. In' 1 male EMfyt. CHICAGO, Dt-c.

aL-lh Norwegian LulfeM-ga Children's homo St Fllty-elghtli nvriiua and Vast Irving Park boulevard in mi fire. 1 ta sold that all Ihn aMdrafe 1 Mk Tula am UNION. B. from eounty local final returns optle ehctlnn pf eleven mnlnrtty pt. gov tha dispensary a I votm over oho 'tola Baling mug L1U- -t iPtalfiuH oa Btotefi fePj 1: A M.

I i .1.

Omaha Daily Bee from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)


What is the history of the Omaha Bee? ›

History. It was founded as a pioneer newspaper in Omaha, Nebraska on May 8, 1871, by Edward Rosewater a Jewish immigrant from Bohemia who supported abolition and fought in the Union Army. The Bee was Nebraska's first regional newspaper, and was regarded nationally for its advocacy and success.

Where does the word Omaha come from? ›

The city derives its name from the Omaha Indian word meaning “upstream people.” Inc. town, 1854; city, 1857. Area city, 115 square miles (298 square km).

Why is Omaha famous? ›

Omaha is home to four Fortune 500 companies: Berkshire Hathaway, Mutual of Omaha, Peter Kiewit and Union Pacific. We're also a start-up friendly city, part of the reason the area is known as “The Silicon Prairie.”

Who were the first settlers in Omaha Nebraska? ›

Omaha was founded in 1854, but its roots date from 1846, when the westbound Mormons entered the area. From 1846 to 1848 Winter Quarters, in modern northern Omaha, was the Mormon departure point for the Salt Lake valley.

What is the history of the bee? ›

The earliest recorded Bee was found in Myanmar. It was found encased in amber and has been dated as 100 million years old. It's likely that the bee originated in the Far East. In those early days, the bees were more like wasps, eating other insects rather than nectar and pollen.

What is the oldest beekeeping? ›

Beekeeping in pottery vessels began about 9,000 years ago in North Africa. Traces of beeswax have been found in potsherds throughout the Middle East beginning about 7,000 BCE. Domestication of bees is shown in Egyptian art from around 4,500 years ago.

What are people from Omaha called? ›

1. Omaha (population 446,970): Omahans. 2. Lincoln (population 280,364): Lincolnite, not Lincolner.

Why do people yell Omaha? ›

"Omaha was just a indicator word," Manning explained from the Las Vegas event. "It was a trigger word that meant we had changed the play, there was low time on the clock and the ball needed to be snapped right now to kind of let my offensive lineman know that 'Hey, we'd gone to Plan B, there's low time on the clock.

What food is Omaha known for? ›

Omaha is famous for its steaks–superbly seared melt-in-your-mouth homegrown beef. And the Reuben sandwich, invented at the Blackstone Hotel, has become an American culinary staple. It's even home of the Stellanator challenge: 45 minutes to eat a six-patty burger with fried eggs, cheese, bacon, and more.

What sport is Omaha known for? ›

Omaha has served as host city of the College World Series—the final rounds of the NCAA Division I Baseball Championship, since 1950, initially at Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium, but now at TD Ameritrade Park.

What was invented in Omaha? ›

According to Omaha lore, the Reuben Sandwich was dreamed up at Omaha's Blackstone Hotel in 1925 by Reuben Kulakofsky, a local grocer, to feed a group of late-night poker players.

Were there slaves in Omaha? ›

In the 1860s, the U.S. Census showed 81 "Negroes" in Nebraska, ten of whom were accounted for as slaves. At that time, the majority of the population lived in Omaha and Nebraska City.

Why was Omaha known as a dirty and wicked city? ›

Prostitution was a major component of the city's flourishing vice industry during the late 1800s and early 1900s, when Omaha was known as a “dirty wicked town.” Today's Wilson and Washburn Bar downtown is named for its two leading madams.

Who owned Nebraska before the US? ›

At the end of the 1600s both France and Spain had claimed the area that would become Nebraska, but in 1763 Spain won title to the trans-Mississippi region, including Nebraska.

Why is it called Sacramento Bee? ›

An editorial on the first day of publication said: "The name of The Bee has been adopted as being different from that of any other paper in the state and as also being emblematic of the industry which is to prevail in its every department." So, the promise was a paper as busy as a bee.

How old is the Sacramento bee? ›

About us. History Published: Monday, Dec. 04, 2006 Founded in 1857, The Sacramento Bee is the flagship of the 30 daily and almost 50 non-daily newspapers owned by The McClatchy Company.

When was the Sacramento Bee founded? ›

Founded in 1857, The Sacramento Bee is the flagship newspaper of McClatchy. As the region's leading media company, The Sacramento Bee's print, online, mobile, and direct mail products reach 98% of the Sacramento market.

Who started beekeeping? ›

The oldest form of beekeeping, in which hives were kept for the purpose of collecting honey, took place at least 5,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt.


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.