OAE Publishing Inc. - Gold Open Access Journal Publisher (2024)

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4. DunnB, KamathH, TarasconJM. Electrical energy storage for the grid: a battery of choices. Science 2011;334:928-35.

5. WangW, LuoQ, LiB, WeiX, LiL, YangZ. Recent progress in redox flow battery research and development. Adv Funct Mater 2013;23:970-86.

6. LiG, LouX, PengC, LiuC, ChenW. Interface chemistry for sodium metal anodes/batteries: a review. Chem Synth 2022;2:16.

7. ZhangL, HuX, WangZ, et al. Hybrid electrochemical energy storage systems: an overview for smart grid and electrified vehicle applications. Renew Sust Energ Rev 2021;139:110581.

8. KebedeAA, KalogiannisT, VanMierlo J, BerecibarM. A comprehensive review of stationary energy storage devices for large scale renewable energy sources grid integration. Renew Sust Energ Rev 2022;159:112213.

9. LiuW, LuW, ZhangH, LiX. Aqueous flow batteries: research and development. Chemistry 2019;25:1649-64.

10. YaoX. Boosting lithium-selenium batteries. Chem Synth 2022;2:10.

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12. IwakiriI, AntunesT, AlmeidaH, SousaJP, FigueiraRB, MendesA. Redox flow batteries: materials, design and prospects. Energies 2021;14:5643.

13. ParkM, RyuJ, WangW, ChoJ. Material design and engineering of next-generation flow-battery technologies. Nat Rev Mater 2017:2.

14. KamatPV, SchanzeKS, BuriakJM. Redox flow batteries. ACS Energy Lett 2017;2:1368-9.

15. ChenQ, LvY, YuanZ, et al. Organic electrolytes for pH-neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Adv Mater 2021;32:2108777.

16. LiZ, LuYC. Material design of aqueous redox flow batteries: fundamental challenges and mitigation strategies. Adv Mater 2020;32:e2002132.

17. LuoJ, HuB, HuM, ZhaoY, LiuTL. Status and prospects of organic redox flow batteries toward sustainable energy storage. ACS Energy Lett 2019;4:2220-40.

18. HuskinsonB, MarshakMP, SuhC, et al. A metal-free organic-inorganic aqueous flow battery. Nature 2014;505:195-8.

19. LinK, ChenQ, GerhardtMR, et al. Alkaline quinone flow battery. Science 2015;349:1529-32.

20. FengR, ZhangX, MurugesanV, et al. Reversible ketone hydrogenation and dehydrogenation for aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Science 2021;372:836-40.

21. HuB, DeBrulerC, RhodesZ, LiuTL. Long-cycling aqueous organic redox flow battery (AORFB) toward sustainable and safe energy storage. J Am Chem Soc 2017;139:1207-14.

22. LiuT, WeiX, NieZ, SprenkleV, WangW. A total organic aqueous redox flow battery employing a low cost and sustainable methyl viologen anolyte and 4-HO-TEMPO catholyte. Adv Energy Mater 2016;6:1501449.

23. PanF, WangQ. Redox species of redox flow batteries: a review. Molecules 2015;20:20499-517.

24. CaoJ, TianJ, XuJ, WangY. Organic flow batteries: recent progress and perspectives. Energy Fuels 2020;34:13384-411.

25. KwabiDG, JiY, AzizMJ. Electrolyte lifetime in aqueous organic redox flow batteries: a critical review. Chem Rev 2020;120:6467-89.

26. BehES, DePorcellinis D, GraciaRL, XiaKT, GordonRG, AzizMJ. A neutral pH aqueous organic-organometallic redox flow battery with extremely high capacity retention. ACS Energy Lett 2017;2:639-44.

27. JingY, ZhaoEW, GouletMA, et al. In situ electrochemical recomposition of decomposed redox-active species in aqueous organic flow batteries. Nat Chem 2022;14:1103-9.

28. DebrulerC, HuB, MossJ, et al. Designer two-electron storage viologen anolyte materials for neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Chem 2017;3:961-78.

29. LiH, FanH, HuB, HuL, ChangG, SongJ. Spatial structure regulation: a rod-shaped viologen enables long lifetime in aqueous redox flow batteries. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2021;60:26971-7.

30. HuS, LiT, HuangM, et al. Phenylene-bridged bispyridinium with high capacity and stability for aqueous flow batteries. Adv Mater 2021;33:e2005839.

31. LinK, Gómez-bombarelliR, BehES, et al. A redox-flow battery with an alloxazine-based organic electrolyte. Nat Energy 2016:1.

32. HollasA, WeiX, MurugesanV, et al. A biomimetic high-capacity phenazine-based anolyte for aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Nat Energy 2018;3:508-14.

33. OritaA, VerdeMG, SakaiM, MengYS. A biomimetic redox flow battery based on flavin mononucleotide. Nat Commun 2016;7:13230.

34. LiH, FanH, RavivarmaM, HuB, FengY, SongJ. A stable organic dye catholyte for long-life aqueous flow batteries. Chem Commun 2020;56:13824-7.

35. FanH, ZhangJ, RavivarmaM, et al. Radical charge population and energy: critical role in redox potential and cycling life of piperidine nitroxyl radical cathodes in aqueous zinc hybrid flow batteries. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2020;12:43568-75.

36. HuB, FanH, LiH, RavivarmaM, SongJ. Five-membered ring nitroxide radical: a new class of high-potential, stable catholytes for neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Adv Funct Mater 2021;31:2102734.

37. LiuY, GouletM, TongL, et al. A long-lifetime all-organic aqueous flow battery utilizing TMAP-TEMPO radical. Chem 2019;5:1861-70.

38. FanH, HuB, LiH, RavivarmaM, FengY, SongJ. Conjugate-driven electron density delocalization of piperidine nitroxyl radical for stable aqueous zinc hybrid flow batteries. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2022;61:e202115908.

39. FanH, WuW, RavivarmaM, et al. Mitigating ring-opening to develop stable TEMPO catholytes for pH-neutral all-organic redox flow batteries. Adv Funct Materials 2022;32:2203032.

40. ZuX, ZhangL, QianY, ZhangC, YuG. Molecular engineering of azobenzene-based anolytes towards high-capacity aqueous redox flow batteries. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2020;59:22163-70.

41. PangS, WangX, WangP, JiY. Biomimetic Amino acid functionalized phenazine flow batteries with long lifetime at near-neutral pH. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2021;60:5289-98.

42. XuJ, PangS, WangX, WangP, JiY. Ultrastable aqueous phenazine flow batteries with high capacity operated at elevated temperatures. Joule 2021;5:2437-49.

43. HuangJ, HuS, YuanX, et al. Radical stabilization of a tripyridinium-triazine molecule enables reversible storage of multiple electrons. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2021;60:20921-5.

44. WibergC, EvenäsL, BuschM, AhlbergE. Naphthalene diimides (NDI) in highly stable pH-neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries. J Electroanal Chem 2021;896:115224.

45. WibergC, OwusuF, WangE, AhlbergE. Electrochemical evaluation of a napthalene diimide derivative for potential application in aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Energy Technol 2019;7:1900843.

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48. HuP, LanH, WangX, et al. Renewable-lawsone-based sustainable and high-voltage aqueous flow battery. Energy Storage Mater 2019;19:62-8.

49. LiZ, JiangT, AliM, WuC, ChenW. Recent progress in organic species for redox flow batteries. Energy Storage Mater 2022;50:105-38.

50. JinS, JingY, KwabiDG, et al. A Water-miscible quinone flow battery with high volumetric capacity and energy density. ACS Energy Lett 2019;4:1342-8.

51. JiY, GouletM, PollackDA, et al. A phosphonate-functionalized quinone redox flow battery at near-neutral pH with record capacity retention rate. Adv Energy Mater 2019;9:1900039.

52. HuB, LuoJ, HuM, YuanB, LiuTL. A pH-neutral, metal-free aqueous organic redox flow battery employing an ammonium anthraquinone anolyte. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2019;58:16629-36.

53. ChaiJ, WangX, LashgariA, WilliamsCK, JiangJJ. A pH-neutral, aqueous redox flow battery with a 3,600-cycle lifetime: micellization-enabled high stability and crossover suppression. ChemSusChem 2020;13:4069-77.

54. LeeW, PermatasariA, KwonY. Neutral pH aqueous redox flow batteries using an anthraquinone-ferrocyanide redox couple. J Mater Chem C 2020;8:5727-31.

55. XiaL, HuoW, GaoH, et al. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds induced high solubility for efficient and stable anthraquinone based neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries. Jops 2021;498:229896.

56. ZhuY, LiY, QianY, et al. Anthraquinone-based anode material for aqueous redox flow batteries operating in nondemanding atmosphere. J Power Sources 2021;501:229984.

57. XiaL, ZhangY, WangF, et al. A low-potential and stable bis-dimethylamino-substituted anthraquinone for ph-neutral aqueous redox flow batteries. ChemElectroChem 2022:9.

58. WinsbergJ, StolzeC, MuenchS, LiedlF, HagerMD, SchubertUS. TEMPO/phenazine combi-molecule: a redox-active material for symmetric aqueous redox-flow batteries. ACS Energy Lett 2016;1:976-80.

59. NambafuGS, SiddharthK, ZhangC, et al. An organic bifunctional redox active material for symmetric aqueous redox flow battery. Nano Energy 2021;89:106422.

60. WeiX, XiaG, KirbyB, et al. An aqueous redox flow battery based on neutral alkali metal ferri/ferrocyanide and polysulfide electrolytes. J Electrochem Soc 2016;163:A5150-3.

61. LongY, XuZ, WangG, et al. A neutral polysulfide/ferricyanide redox flow battery. iScience 2021;24:103157.

62. WibergC, BuschM, EvenäsL, AhlbergE. The electrochemical response of core-functionalized naphthalene Diimides (NDI) - a combined computational and experimental investigation. Electrochimica Acta 2021;367:137480.

OAE Publishing Inc. - Gold Open Access Journal Publisher (2024)


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Gold OA means that the final published version of your article (or Version of Record) is permanently and freely available online for anyone, anywhere to read. An article publishing charge (APC) is usually applicable if you publish gold OA.

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OAE Publishing Inc. its first Impact Factor of 3.7 in June, 2023.

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Open access journals are journals whose articles are available and reusable worldwide free of charge and without restrictions immediately on publication. Most open access journals do not charge their authors for publishing articles.

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Pages in category "Open access publishers"
  • AME Publishing Company.
  • American Astronomical Society.
  • American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
  • ANU Press.
  • Athabasca University Press.

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It costs the company money. Examples of these costs include things like paying for offices, paying employee salaries, production and indexing, covering the associated IT costs (from servers to IT staff), and more.

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MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) is a publisher of open-access scientific journals. It publishes over 390 peer-reviewed, open access journals. MDPI is among the largest publishers in the world in terms of journal article output, and is the largest publisher of open access articles.

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Are all Open-Access journals predatory? Absolutely not. There are numerous high-quality open-access journals across disciplines. These journals charge publication fees, known as article processing charges, but maintain high standards for peer-review and editing services.

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