Is your chatbot speaking the right language to your customers? (2024)

When Morningstar launched its AI-fueled research assistant chatbot Mo a year ago, it could comprehensively answer tens of thousands of investment-related questions in an instant, largely making it a success with users.

But what it couldn't do was cancel subscriptions.

"About 10% of the questions we get submitted on our retail website are about canceling subscriptions because people are so used to support chatbots," not an AI research assistant like Mo, said Marc DeMoss, head of research products at Morningstar. "So we are working on connecting that instance to our support corpus and capability because it's a clear, easy button, an easy win."

Morningstar is constantly feeding data and updating Mo because it is an AI-backed learning machine that interacts with investors through a large language model (LLM). It's highly user friendly and engaging in a way that DeMoss believes is part of a changing landscape in how chatbots will interact with customers, like using it to predict and place food items in an Amazon cart, he said.

"What we're so used to today with software and user interfaces — the pointing and clicking — that's all going to radically change," he said. One day soon, "you're just going to type it in or speak to it [the chatbot] and tell what you want it to do, and it will do that thing, and you're done."

READ MORE: Morningstar wants you to meet 'Mo,' its new OpenAI-powered chatbot

By and large, most chatbots have limited capabilities centered on providing scripted answers, like how to open or close an account, or how to fill out an application. But the recent development of LLMs, like ChatGPT, have given bots the ability to be more interactive with smarter responses.

Bank of America's virtual financial assistant Erica is among the first and more widely known financial chatbots backed by language processing and predictive analytics. The Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank launched Erica six years ago but added AI capabilities last year. Erica surpassed 2 billion interactions with customers this April, BofA recently announced.

"Erica is getting a ton of buzz and the reason is, they were there first. It really is an interactive chatbot, so you ask it questions about your financial health, or about an account, and it will answer those questions for you," said John O'Connell, founder and CEO of The Oasis Group, a software provider for wealth managers and financial technology firms based in Monroe Township, New Jersey.

O'Connell said that as an industry, "We're missing an opportunity with chatbots."

"Chatbots today are — I'm going to use a very non-PC word — they're really dumb. They were designed in the same vein, or the same thought pattern as the PBXs [Private Branch Exchange phone systems] were designed," he said. "And because of that, I think a lot of people find it incredibly frustrating to deal with. Now that's a missed opportunity for a large language model."

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Morgan Stanley plugged AI into an existing chatbot, now called the AI @ Morgan Stanley Assistant, late last year. Backed by OpenAI, which created ChatGPT, the bot uses a large language model to give financial advisors fast responses based on more than 100,000 research reports and documents.

But it's also the human-like interaction with AI-powered chatbots that has become a game-changer for legacy chatbots.

Sal Cucchiara, Morgan Stanley's chief information officer and head of wealth management technology, said with their previous chatbot, if a user asked how to link an account to an existing liquidity access line, the question would need to be asked perfectly to get the right steps. The engagement potentially causes a lot of back and forth to get the correct answer, leading to user frustration.

With the AI chatbot "I could just say, 'link an existing liquidity access line.' I don't have to use the perfect sentence, the perfect word, and it's going to get me really, really close to the best answer," Cucchiara said. "It understands what you're asking. And I think that's the big distinction between chatbots built using large language models versus chatbots that were built using somebody curating a question and answer."

Another key feature that Morningstar added to Mo was the ability for it to show the user how it found the answer by providing reference links or sourcing the top three articles. That level of explainability through an AI-powered chatbot has helped build trust with clients.

READ MORE: Advisors know ChatGPT, but that doesn't mean they trust AI

"Before, in the first pass, it just would answer a question and you would have no idea where the answer came from," DeMoss said. "Providing that explanatory language has been huge in terms of how our users have been perceiving the usefulness of it."

However, DeMoss said getting to that level wasn't easy, and they're constantly adding more data, testing responses and facing sticky updates whenever a new ChatGPT version comes out.

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"ChatGPT 4.0 came out and it was supposed to be way more advanced because it was based on a lot more content than ChatGPT 3.5 was, and in some ways, that was good," he said. "But in other ways, because it was trained to be more thoughtful, it would give you the wrong answers in some instances because it was overthinking the situation."

But that's also par for the course in working with any AI-based models — it's a learning technology still in its infancy that needs to be taught.

For example, an AI chatbot "might know that Apple is a stock, but it might also think it's something else," DeMoss said. "It's like training a Swiss army knife which tool to pull out depending on what situation you find yourself in."

Rachel Witkowski

Tech reporter, Financial Planning

Is your chatbot speaking the right language to your customers? (2024)


Can chatbot give wrong answers? ›

AI-based chatbots can give wrong answers due to several reasons. One reason is the limited knowledge of the chatbot regarding the specific domain or topic . If the chatbot does not have access to accurate and up-to-date information, it may provide incorrect responses.

How do chatbots accurately understand what user has spoken? ›

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

AI-powered chatbot decodes and processes human-understandable language within the context in which it is spoken. It understands the nuances of human conversation and realizes that commands or queries made by users do not need to be so specific.

What is the best language for a chatbot? ›

Some of the most popular and effective programming languages used for chatbots include:
  • Python. This is one of the most widely used programming languages in programming an AI chatbot. ...
  • Java. Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented language, making it perfect for programming an AI chatbot. ...
  • Ruby. ...
  • C++
Mar 29, 2024

What is the negative side of chatbot? ›

Chatbots may be good at handling basic questions and routine tasks, but they fail to answer complex questions. Their responses are based on the data they've been trained on. If a customer's question falls outside of this data, the chatbot might provide inaccurate information or simply get stuck.

Is ChatGPT answer correct? ›

ChatGPT is not infallible; it can occasionally produce incorrect or misleading responses due to the vast amount of data it has learned from, which may contain inaccuracies or biases. However, OpenAI has implemented safety mechanisms and fine-tuning procedures to mitigate these issues and improve ChatGPT's accuracy.

What is the danger of chatbot? ›

Privacy concerns: Chatbots can collect and store large amounts of personal information from users, which can be vulnerable to hacking or mishandling. Job loss: Chatbots can automate certain tasks and customer service interactions, which can lead to job loss for human employees.

What are the criticism of chatbot? ›

However, chatbots take away from the personal touch that's important to building brand trust, and often lack the sophistication and empathy of speaking with a real life human. While many companies are adopting chatbots, customers still prefer talking to a real life person when they need assistance.

How do you test chatbot accuracy? ›

Functionality Tests: Check every feature, command, and response of the chatbot to ensure they function correctly. → Dialogue and Script Testing: Evaluate the chatbot's conversational abilities. Ensure that it can handle a variety of dialogue scenarios and maintain a natural flow.

How do you evaluate the effectiveness of a chatbot? ›

Chatbot performance can be evaluated by measuring the number of interactions it makes with users within a specified time. This AI evaluation metric helps to know how actively users are engaging with your chatbot and whether its responses are relevant, which will increase user satisfaction and the number of users.

How many languages can chatbot understand? ›

You can offer multiple languages using multilingual flows. The chatbot supports 54 languages that you can configure to help your customers in their native tongue.

What is the most preferred language for AI? ›

By and large, Python is the programming language most relevant when it comes to AI—in part thanks to the language's dynamism and ease.

Who has best chatbot? ›

The Best Chatbots of 2024
  • HubSpot Chatbot Builder: Most user-friendly chatbot builder.
  • Intercom: Best chatbot for customization.
  • Drift: Best sales chatbot.
  • Salesforce Einstein: Best for Salesforce users.
  • WP-Chatbot: Best for WordPress sites.
  • LivePerson: Best for omnichannel messaging.
Apr 1, 2024

How do I make my chatbot more conversational? ›

  1. Decide your chatbot's purpose. The first step to writing your conversational flow is to determine your chatbot's purpose. ...
  2. Give your chatbot a persona. ...
  3. Create a conversation diagram. ...
  4. Write conversation scenarios. ...
  5. Test your conversation flow. ...
  6. Wrap up the conversation.
Mar 14, 2024

Does my business need a chatbot? ›

Though customer service chatbots may require an investment upfront, they can help you save money over time. Chatbots can handle simple tasks, deflect tickets, and intelligently route and triage conversations to the right place quickly. This allows you to serve more customers without having to hire more agents.

How do you evaluate a chatbot? ›

By looking at data such as message volume, engagement rate, and goal conversion rate, you can get a clear picture of how well your chatbot is performing. This information can help you identify areas for improvement and make changes to your chatbot designs. Measure ROI and costs.

Will a chatbot really save your company money? ›

Chatbots reduce agent costs by curbing labor expenses associated with call center agents. This is more important for companies with high costs per interaction with a human agent. They also address agent turnover by allowing call center agents more time and energy to work on complex and gratifying tasks.


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