Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda): recovery strategy [proposed] 2024 (2024)

Official title: Recovery strategy for the Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda) in Canada [proposed] 2024

Species at Risk Act
Recovery Strategy Series



Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda): recovery strategy [proposed] 2024 (1)
Document information

Recommended citation

Environment and Climate Change Canada. 2024. Recovery Strategy for the Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda) in Canada [Proposed]. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ottawa. vii+ 44pp.

Official version

The official version of the recovery documents is the one published in PDF. All hyperlinks were valid as of date of publication.

Non-official version

The non-official version of the recovery documents is published in HTML format and all hyperlinks were valid as of date of publication.

For copies of the recovery strategy, or for additional information on species at risk, including the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Status Reports, residence descriptions, action plans, and other related recovery documents, please visit the Species at Risk (SAR) Public RegistryFootnote 1.

Cover illustration: © Allan Harris

Également disponible en français sous le titre:
«Programme de rétablissem*nt de l’escargot‑forestier écharge (Allogona profunda) au Canada [Proposition]»

Content (excluding the illustrations) may be used without permission, with appropriate credit to the source


The federal, provincial, and territorial government signatories under the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk (1996)Footnote 2 agreed to establish complementary legislation and programs that provide for effective protection of species at risk throughout Canada. Under the Species at Risk Act (S.C. 2002, c.29) (SARA), the federal competent ministers are responsible for the preparation of recovery strategies for listed Extirpated, Endangered, and Threatened species and are required to report on progress within five years after the publication of the final document on the Species at Risk (SAR) Public Registry.

The Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for the Parks Canada Agency is the competent minister under SARA for the Broad-banded Forestsnail and have prepared this recovery strategy, as per section 37 of SARA. To the extent possible, it has been prepared in cooperation with the province of Ontario and the Parks Canada Agency, and any others as per section 39(1) of SARA.

Success in the recovery of this species depends on the commitment and cooperation of many different constituencies that will be involved in implementing the directions set out in this strategy and will not be achieved by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Parks Canada Agency, or any other jurisdiction alone. All Canadians are invited to join in supporting and implementing this strategy for the benefit of the Broad-banded Forestsnail and Canadian society as a whole.

This recovery strategy will be followed by one or more action plans that will provide information on recovery measures to be taken by Environment and Climate Change Canada, Parks Canada Agency and other jurisdictions and/or organizations involved in the conservation of the species. Implementation of this strategy is subject to appropriations, priorities, and budgetary constraints of the participating jurisdictions and organizations.

The recovery strategy sets the strategic direction to arrest or reverse the decline of the species, including identification of critical habitat to the extent possible. It provides all Canadians with information to help take action on species conservation. When critical habitat is identified, either in a recovery strategy or an action plan, SARA requires that critical habitat then be protected.

In the case of critical habitat identified for terrestrial species including migratory birds, SARA requires that critical habitat identified in a federally protected areaFootnote 3 be described in the Canada Gazette within 90 days after the recovery strategy or action plan that identified the critical habitat is included in the SAR public registry. A prohibition against destruction of critical habitat under ss.58(1) will apply 90 days after the description of the critical habitat is published in the Canada Gazette.

For critical habitat located on other federal lands, the competent minister must either make a statement on existing legal protection or make an order so that the prohibition against destruction of critical habitat applies.

If the critical habitat for a migratory bird is not within a federal protected area and is not on federal land, within the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf of Canada, the prohibition against destruction can only apply to those portions of the critical habitat that are habitat to which the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 applies as per SARA ss. 58(5.1) and ss.58(5.2).

For any part of critical habitat located on non-federal lands, if the competent minister forms the opinion that any portion of critical habitat is not protected by provisions in or measures under SARA or other Acts of Parliament, or the laws of the province or territory, SARA requires that the Minister recommend that the Governor in Council make an order to prohibit destruction of critical habitat. The discretion to protect critical habitat on non-federal lands that is not otherwise protected rests with the Governor in Council.


This recovery strategy was prepared by Elisabeth Shapiro with contributions from Shady Abbas (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service – Ontario Region (ECCC–CWS–ON)) and Juliana Galvis-Amaya and Kaitlyn Malcolm (formerly ECCC–CWS–ON). The recovery strategy benefited from input, review, and suggestions from the following individuals Krista Holmes and Marie-Claude Archambault (ECCC-CWS-ON) and Ken Tuininga (formerly ECCC–CWS-ON), Tammy Dobbie and Kim Borg (Parks Canada Agency), Angela Barakat (ECCC-CWS) and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. Acknowledgement and thanks is given to all other parties that provided advice and input used to help inform the development of this recovery strategy.

Executive summary

The Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda) is a large terrestrial snail that is found in deciduous forest and woodland on sandy soil. It was listed as Endangered on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act in February 2019 due to its small distribution, small number of locations, and a projected ongoing decline in area, extent and/or quality of habitat due to continuing threats to the species.

In Canada, the species is known only from Point Pelee and Pelee Island. Several subpopulations on small Lake Erie Islands have likely been lost since the early 1980’s as a result of habitat changes caused by an overabundance of nesting Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), while mainland subpopulations were extirpated due to historical habitat loss. The current primary threats are from recreational activities and shoreline erosion. Several other possible threats exist but could not be quantified at this point in time due to knowledge gaps.

The long-term (30 year) population and distribution objective is to maintain the current distribution (Extent of Occurrence (EOO; 116km2) and Index of Area of Occupancy (IAO; 32km2)) of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada, as well as any expansions to the EOO or IAO due to new observations of the species. To support achievement of the long-term objective, a short-term (10 years) statement to maintain and enhance suitable habitat at extant subpopulations by reducing threats and addressing data deficiencies is identified.

Broad strategies to be taken to address the threats to the survival and recovery of the Broad-banded Forestsnail are presented in Strategic Direction for Recovery (Section6.2). Implementation of these broad strategies are required to meet the population and distribution objectives.

Critical habitat has been identified for the Broad-banded Forestsnail to support the population and distribution objectives using the best available information sources. Critical habitat is identified as the wooded alvars and Hackberry dominated woodlands and forests with naturally occurring gaps in canopy cover where the species occurs. The critical habitat identified in this recovery strategy is insufficient to meet the population and distribution objectives for the Broad-banded Forestsnail. A schedule of studies outlines key activities that are required to complete the identification of critical habitat.

One or more action plans for the Broad-banded Forestsnail, in addition to the posted Parks Canada multi-species action plans that include the Broad-banded Forestsnail, will be posted on the Species at Risk Public Registry within ten years of the publication of this document as time and resources allow.

Recovery feasibility summary

Based on the following three criteriaFootnote 4 that Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) uses to establish recovery feasibility, recovery of the Broad-banded Forestsnail is considered technically and biologically feasible.

1. Survival characteristics: Can survival characteristicsFootnote 5 be addressed to the extent that the species’ risk of extinction or extirpation as a result of human activity is reduced?

Yes, with uncertainty. There are two survival characteristics of the Broad-banded Forestsnail that need to be addressed in order to reduce the species’ risk of extirpation as a result of human activity: redundancyFootnote 6 and connectivityFootnote 7. With respect to redundancy, the snail occurs in three subpopulations which may be characterized as being composed of 2-5 locations (COSEWIC 2014). The snail has a small distribution, with both the extent of occurrence and index of area of occupancy well below the thresholds for endangered. As a result of this small distribution, the species is less likely to persist over the long-term due to having an increased risk of catastrophic loss or extirpation from a single, local event. The risk of local extirpation of the species can be reduced by addressing the projected continuing declines in suitable habitat area, extent, and quality in the range where the snail occurs. The second survival characteristic that must be considered is connectivity. Much of the potentially suitable forest habitat in southwestern Ontario is found in small, isolated, remnant patches (ERCA 2002; COSEWIC 2014a). However, at Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, on Pelee Island, and along the west shore of Point Pelee National Park, the snail is found in larger areas of continuous suitable habitat. Prior to human caused habitat loss and degradation, the snail successfully occupied small areas of suitable habitat (for example, Lake Erie islands of 0.7 to 18 ha), which were sufficient to sustain subpopulations (COSEWIC 2014a). The patches of suitable habitat found at Point Pelee National Park and Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve are larger than those that supported extirpated island subpopulations, and are considered sufficient to support a viable subpopulation of the species (COSEWIC 2014a). Maintaining habitat quality and improving habitat connectivity within these subpopulations could help to address this survival characteristic for the Broad-banded Forestsnail. However, given the current lack of information on the Broad-banded Forestsnail population size and trends, it is challenging to answer this question with certainty.

2. Independence: Is the species currently able to persist in Canada independent of deliberate human interventions, and/or will it eventually be able to achieve and maintain independence in the state where condition (1) is met (that is, after key survival characteristic(s) are addressed, such that it is not reliant on significant, direct, ongoing human intervention?

Yes. The Broad-banded Forestsnail currently persists in Canada independent of deliberate human intervention. However, there are uncertainties with respect to how a number of potential threats may impact the species and its habitat, and whether additional human intervention will be required (for example, to address natural system modifications, invasive and other problematic species and genes, climate change and severe weather). In order to address the key survival characteristics of redundancy and connectivity discussed above, habitat stewardship and threat mitigation associated with human disturbance must continue to be addressed. Such activities would be considered indirect habitat management, as they are implemented to moderate the overall success of populations in their environment, and are not directly related to the regeneration or mortality of individuals. Successful implementation of these activities will require continued cooperation amongst all levels of government, nature conservation organizations, Indigenous communities, and private land owners.

3. Improvement: Can the species’ condition be improved over when it was assessed at risk?

Yes. The condition of a species refers to the combination of factors that contribute to a species' risk of extinction or extirpation (ECCC 2020). The documented loss of several sites and subpopulations was likely due to habitat loss, and habitat modifications as a result of hyperabundant Double-crested Cormorants. Historical sites lost to development are not likely to be restored. However, the condition of current sites can be improved by implementing the human interventions (recovery actions) described within section 6, and by protecting critical habitat described under section 7. It is expected that the survival characteristics of redundancy and connectivity will be improved by continuing to work with the provincial government, municipalities, Indigenous communities, private landowners, and nature conservation organizations. If additional extant sites are identified through targeted surveys in suitable habitat, and habitat quality is maintained or improved, then the species condition could be further improved over when it was first assessed as at risk. Such potential improvements to condition may decrease the species’ risk of extinction, however it is likely that the Broad-banded Forestsnail will always be a species at risk in Canada.

1. COSEWIC* species assessment information

Date of assessment: November 2014

Common name (population): Broad-banded Forestsnail

Scientific name: Allogona profunda

COSEWIC status: Endangered

Reason for designation: In Canada, this large terrestrial snail is known to exist only in Point Pelee National Park and on Pelee Island. An overabundance of nesting Double-crested Cormorants has most likely led to the loss of subpopulations on some small Lake Erie islands since the early 1980s; historical losses of woodlands and forests also occurred on the mainland and Pelee Island. Major continuing threats are from recreational activities and shoreline erosion. A possible threat is predation by introduced Wild Turkeys, which are rapidly increasing in numbers.

Canadian occurrence: Ontario

COSEWIC status history: Designated Endangered in November 2014.

*COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada)

2. Species status information

Broad-banded Forestsnail is listed as EndangeredFootnote 8 on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) (S.C. 2002, c.29). In Ontario, the species is also listed as EndangeredFootnote 9 under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) (S.O. 2007, c.6). The species is not found in any other Canadian provinces.The Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda) is ranked as globally secure (G5) (NatureServe 2022). In both Canada and Ontario, it is ranked as critically imperilled/imperilled (N1N2; S1S2) (NatureServe 2022). In the United States, it is ranked as nationally secure (N5) and occurs in 22 states (for ranks please see Appendix A; NatureServe 2022).

It is estimated that less than 0.1% of the species’ range is in Canada (COSEWIC 2014a).

3. Species information

3.1 Species description

The Broad-banded Forestsnail is a large (shells up to 30mm in diameter and 15mm high), hermaphroditicFootnote 10, terrestrial snail (Pilsbry 1940; COSEWIC 2014a). Shells are round and slightly flat in shape (COSEWIC 2014a). The surface of the shell has fine grooves and is yellow with brown bands (COSEWIC 2014a). The lip of the shell opening is white and flares outward (COSEWIC 2014a). Shells have a distinctive tooth-like structure (denticle) inside the lower lip of the shell opening (aperture) and a large open hole centrally located on the underside of the shell (umbilicus); the combination of these three features make the species morphologically distinct from other large land snails which might occupy similar habitat (COSEWIC 2014a). Broad-banded Forestsnail eggs have been described as relatively large, soft, and leathery (Kingston 1966).

3.2 Species population and distribution

The Broad-banded Forestsnail is known only from North America. Its range extends from southern Ontario and the upper peninsula of Michigan south to northern Alabama, and from Pennsylvania and North Carolina west to Iowa and Kansas (Hubrict 1985). Fossil shells from the Pleistocene epoch suggest that the Broad-banded Forestsnail’s range once extended as far south as Louisiana (Baker 1934; Pilsbry 1940). The Canadian population in southwestern Ontario is at the northern extent of its range (COSEWIC 2014a).

In Canada, the Broad-banded Forestsnail occurs as three extant subpopulationsFootnote 11, one in Point Pelee (Point Pelee National Park) and two on Pelee Island (Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve and the Richard and Beryl Ivey Property). The status of four additional subpopulations are unknown and require further information [three occur on Pelee Island (Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Middle Point Woods, Stone Road Alvar and Shaughnessy Cohen Property)Footnote 12 and one occurs on Hen Island]Footnote 13. The species is thought to be extirpated from Middle Island, Middle Sister Island, and East Sister Island based on recent survey effort and current habitat conditions (COSEWIC 2014a), as well as on North Harbour Island and mainland subpopulations at Oxley, Chatham, and Leamington, where suitable habitat is no longer present (COSEWIC 2014a). Further detail on subpopulations can be found in Figure1 and Table1.

Both the current and historical population size of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada are unknown, as are trends in abundance (COSEWIC 2014a). Targeted surveys in 2013 recorded snail presence, abundance, and habitat information. These surveys documented live individuals (19) or fresh shellsat six sites at Point Pelee National Park (mainland). On Pelee Island, live individuals (approximately 5) were found at Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve (COSEWIC 2014a). It is likely that the species is extant at the Richard and Beryl Ivey Property, as fresh shells were encountered during 2013 surveys and suitable habitat is present (COSEWIC 2014a). No live individuals were found within the three other subpopulations on Pelee Island (Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Middle Point Woods, Stone Road Alvar and Shaughnessy Cohen Property), only older, weathered shells and while suitable habitat is available, their current status remains unknown.

Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda): recovery strategy [proposed] 2024 (2)

Figure1. Broad-banded Forestsnail subpopulations in Canada Note: The extirpated subpopulations at Leamington and Oxley are approximate. An additional extirpated subpopulation at Chatham (about 50km northeast of Leamington) is not mapped.

Long description

Figure 1 is a map of the Broad-banded forestsnail subpopulations in Canada. The distribution is found south of Windsor, ON and southwest of Chatham, ON. One extant subpopulation is found in Point Pelee National Park (labelled as 1a-1f) and two on Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve and the Richard and Beryl Ivey Property (labelled as 2 and 3). The status of four subpopulations are unknown and occur on Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve, Middle Point Woods, Stone Road Alvar and Shaughnessy Cohen Property and one occurs on Hen Island (labelled as 4, 5, 6, and 11). The map shows the species is extirpated from Middle Island, East Sister Island, North Harbour Island, Middle Sister Island, and mainland subpopulations at Leamington and Oxley (labelled as 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14). Each labelled subpopulation on the map corresponds with the information in Table1.

Table1 – Status of Broad-banded Forestsnail subpopulations in Canada modified from COSEWIC 2014a
ID Subpopulation Site Last observed Status Observation notes
1a Point Pelee Point Pelee National Park tip 2013a Extant Live snails.
3 person-hours
1b Point Pelee Point Pelee National Park tip to Visitor Centre 2013a Extant Live snails.
2 person-hours
1c Point Pelee Point Pelee National Park west Beach Trail 2013a Extant Live snails.
3 person-hours
1d Point Pelee Point Pelee National Park Dunes Picnic area 2013a Extant Empty shells.
1 person-hours
1e Point Pelee Point Pelee National Park east of Dunes Picnic area 2013a Extant Empty shells.
1 person-hours
1f Point Pelee Point Pelee National Park Sanctuary Picnic area 2013a Extant Live snails.
1.5 person-hours
2 Pelee Island, Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve Not applicable 2013a Extant Live snails.
5 person-hours
3 Pelee Island, Richard and Beryl Ivey Property Not applicable 2013a Extant Fresh shellsFootnote 15.
1.5 person-hours. Suitable habitat present, probably extant
4 Pelee Island, Lighthouse Point Provincial Nature Reserve Not applicable 2013a Unknown Old shellsFootnote 16.
3.5 person-hours. Possibly extirpated from site. Suitable habitat available
5 Pelee Island, Middle Point Woods Not applicable 2013a Unknown Old shells.
5.5 person-hours.
Possibly extirpated from site. Suitable habitat available.
6 Pelee Island, Stone Road Alvar and Shaughnessy Cohen Property Not applicable 2013a Unknown Old shells.
3 person-hours. Possibly extirpated from site. Suitable habitat available
7 Middle Island, Point Pelee National Park Not applicable 2013a Extirpated Old shells.
18 person-hours. Habitat severely degraded by cormorants
8 East Sister Island Not applicable 1915a,b Extirpated No shells or live individuals found in
4.5 person-hours (2013). Habitat severely degraded by cormorants
9 North Harbour Island Not applicable 1915b Extirpated No known surveys since 1915, but island has been developed and little natural habitat remains
10 Middle Sister Island Not applicable 1996a,c Extirpated Fresh shells were collected in 1996. In 2013 several old shells were found buried in the soil but none on the surface (3.5 person-hours). Habitat severely degraded by cormorants
11 Hen Island Not applicable 1916d Unknown Private island, no known surveys since 1916. Suitable habitat appears to be available
12 Chatham Not applicable Unknownd Extirpated Very little suitable habitat remaining near any of these towns. No recent observations of the snail despite recent search efforts
13 Leamington Not applicable Unknownd Extirpated Very little suitable habitat remaining near any of these towns. No recent observations of the snail despite recent search efforts
14 Oxley Not applicable 1905d Extirpated Very little suitable habitat remaining near any of these towns. No recent observations of the snail despite recent search efforts

Specimen collector and collection dates: aFoster etal. (2013); bClapp (1916) and Goodrich (1916); and cOldham (1996) as in COSEWIC 2014a.; dCOSEWIC (2014a). There are three records from Hen Island, one with no date and the others from 1916. One record among 10 from Oxley was dated 1905; the others had no dates. Similarly, no dates were given for records from Chatham and Leamington but collections probably occurred around 1900.

3.3 Needs of the Broad-banded Forestsnail

3.3.1 Biological and habitat needs

Habitat needs

Terrestrial snails typically require damp habitat for feeding, movement, and reproduction and are therefore restricted to shaded habitats such as forests that retain soil moisture (Keferl 1975; Pearce and Orstan 2006; COSEWIC 2014a). Seasonal movements across trails during damp conditions in the spring and early summer have been observed at Point Pelee National Park (M. Oldham pers. comm. in COSEWIC 2014a). However, the Broad-banded Forestsnails have also been observed moving over dry surfaces in Illinois, indicating that movement may not be entirely restricted to moist surfaces or humid conditions given sufficient body hydration (Blinn 1963).

Calcium is required for shell formation and reproduction; the availability of soil and bedrock calcium influences the number of snails present in an area (Fournié and Chétail 1984; Hotopp 2002). The soils of southern Ontario are generally formed on limestone parent material, which is composed of calcium carbonate (OMAFRA 2018). However, a number of natural and anthropogenic processes can increase the acidity of such soils which results in reduced calcium availability (OMAFRA 2018). The Broad-banded Forestsnail has only been documented within calcareous sites with a neutral pH (Nekola 2010).

With respect to occupied habitat types, in Ontario the species is known to occur in deciduous forests and woodlands with sandy soil (COSEWIC 2014a). At Point Pelee National Park and Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, the snail has been documented in hardwood forest and woodland on fine sandy soils dominated by Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) (COSEWIC 2014a). Elsewhere on Pelee Island, empty shells were found in wooded alvars and shrubby vegetation on sandy soil adjacent to deciduous forest (COSEWIC 2014a). These areas had 0 to 60% canopy cover and soil depth less than 80cm over limestone (McFarlane pers. comm. 2013a in COSEWIC 2014a). Middle Island, where the species is extirpated, is dominated by Hackberry forest and cultural thicket as a result of historical land clearing (COSEWIC 2014a). The soils of Middle Island are shallow, covering limestone bedrock (Boutin etal. 2011). In Kentucky, the species has been recorded in woodlands on steep rocky slopes or adjacent to cliffs (Dourson 2010), while in Pennsylvania it is often associated with limestone bedrock (Pearce pers. comm. in COSEWIC 2014a).

Dietary requirements for the Broad-banded Forestsnail are not fully known, however the family Polygyridae are believed to be primarily mycophagous, meaning that they eat fungi (Pilsbury 1940). Fungi, particularly mold associated with rotting logs, may represent an important food source (COSEWIC 2014a). Individual snails were observed moving towards areas with well-rotted logs after hibernation, possibly in search of food or refugia (Blinn 1963). Such decomposing logs may represent an important habitat attribute for the snail, with the potential to influence their distribution within woodlands (Blinn 1963). Additionally, it has been suggested that the Broad-banded Forestsnail is able to metabolize polysaccharidesFootnote 17 from rotting wood, and that this may represent an additional food source (Blinn 1963). Finally, the snail is known to feed on green plants, which are the primary food source for most terrestrial snails. This feeding behaviour has been documented at Point Pelee National Park (Nicolai pers. obs.), and on ash and elm tree leaves in Cook County Illinois (Blinn 1963). Hatchlings were observed to feed on Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica), Reed Canary Grass (Phalaris arundinacea), Indian Plum (Oemleria cerasiformis), and Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), and older juveniles were observed to feed on Stinging Nettle, which is known to be a calcium rich plant.

Life cycle and reproduction

Generally, terrestrial snail activity is dependent on a combination of moisture, temperature and day length (Solem and Christensen 1984; Prior 1985). The life cycle of the Broad-banded Forestsnail is closely tied to their need for a damp habitat within which they feed, move, and reproduce. Such moisture retention is found within the soil and leaf litter of the woodland habitat that the species occupies (Pearce and Orstan 2006).

Mating and nesting

The Broad-banded Forestsnail is a simultaneous hermaphrodite and reaches maturity after 1-2 years (Blinn 1963; COSEWIC 2014a). When two snails mate, each member exchanges sperm and produces eggs (COSEWIC 2014a). A captive rearing study found that the Broad-banded Forestsnail laid about 30 eggs which hatched within 15-35 days at 16°C; it is possible that the hatching time varied as not all eggs were found immediately after being laid (Kingston 1966). Given the limited reproductive information available for the Broad-banded Forestsnail, information for the closely related Oregon Forestsnail (Allogona townsendiana) is described below. Mating takes place in early spring and oviposition in late spring (Steensma etal. 2009; COSEWIC 2013; COSEWIC 2014a). On average, Oregon Forestsnail clutch sizes are approximately 30 eggs; in most snail species, larger individuals lay more eggs than smaller individuals (Heller 2001). Eggs are laid in a depression on soft, moist soil and hatch about 60 days later (Steensma etal. 2009; COSEWIC 2013; COSEWIC 2014a). For the Oregon Forestsnail, mating occurs from early February to June, peaking in March and April (Steensma etal. 2009). Steensma etal. (2009) observed that Oregon Forestsnail mating pairs were often found near Stinging Nettle, a calcium rich plant, or on top of coarse woody debris and mating lasted for 225 to 395minutes.

Although self-fertilization is possible, cross-fertilization is more common for terrestrial snails and has positive implications for genetic diversity (Burke etal. 1999; Heller 2001). Species capable of self-fertilization have been observed to do so only as a last resort after months of experimental isolation (McCracken and Brussard 1980; Heller 2001). It is unknown how frequently the Broad-banded Forestsnails self-fertilize, however, if self-fertilization does occur, this would likely lead to decreased genetic diversity and reduced fitness as observed in other terrestrial snails (McCracken and Brussard 1980; Chen 1993, 1994).

Hatching and juveniles

There is no information about immature Broad-banded Forestsnail. In the related Allogona species, Oregon Forestsnail, juvenile snails hatched about 8-9 weeks after oviposition (COSEWIC 2013). Juveniles begin to disperse from the nest site within hours of hatching, and were observed climbing nearby tall vegetation to a height of less than one metre (COSEWIC 2013). No relationship between temperature, humidity, and climbing behaviour was documented (COSEWIC 2013).

Adult maturation

The Broad-banded Forestsnail reaches maturity as early as one year and lives for at least four years (COSEWIC 2014a). Weathered shells encountered at Point Pelee National Park were thought to be at least five years old (Nicolai pers. obs. In COSEWIC 2014a). Individuals are active both day and night, and are typically observed foraging on the ground, though in some instances have been documented to climb low vegetation (Blinn 1963). Individuals typically seek shelter under leaf litter from mid-morning to late-afternoon (COSEWIC 2014a). Dispersal distances are unknown, but snails of a similar size typically move only a few metres throughout the course of their lives (Baur and Baur 2006; Grimm etal. 2009). During a two year mark resight study, Broad-banded Forestsnails were found to move between one and four metres away from hibernation sites over the course of a season, and these movements were considered a part of the individual's home ranges (Blinn 1963). The study also found that the species exhibited an autumnal ‘homing’ behaviour towards hibernation sites, and a spring movement towards foraging resources (Blinn 1963). Over the course of a three year study, Oregon Forestsnail was observed to disperse up to 32.2m (Edworthy etal. 2012). Such limited movements underscore the importance of local habitat patches which contain integral microhabitat features such as rotting logs, leaf litter, and food sources.

Hibernation and aestivation

Broad-banded Forestsnails typically spend half the year in hibernation (COSEWIC 2014a); in Illinois, individuals were observed hibernating from early October to late April (Blinn 1963). Individuals often exhibit site fidelity to hibernacula and begin searching for suitable hibernation sites in early autumn (COSEWIC 2014a). Hibernacula usually consist of shallow depressions in the forest floor; microhabitats with deeper leaf litter may be chosen for the increased insulation that such sites provide (Blinn 1963; COSEWIC 2014a). Blinn (1963) observed Broad-banded Forestsnails hibernating on top of leaf litter in Illinois, while on Pelee Island they were found buried in 5-10cm of soil (pers. obs. from A. Nicolai in COSEWIC 2014a). During hibernation, Broad-banded Forestsnails orient their shell opening upwards away from the forest floor (Blinn 1963). This positioning may be crucial to survival, as a downward orientation was correlated with increased mortality for the Idaho Forestsnail (Allogona ptychophora), possibly due to increased contact with microbes, nematodes, or mites on the forest floor (Carney 1966). In order to prevent moisture loss during hibernation, Broad-banded Forestsnails seal their aperture with a white, calcareous epiphragmFootnote 18 (Blinn 1963). Given their reliance on moist habitats, some terrestrial snails aestivateFootnote 19 when conditions become too hot or dry (Pearce and Orstan 2006). During aestivation, snails withdraw into their shells and become dormant (Pearce and Orstan 2006), however, such behaviour has not been documented for the Broad-banded Forestsnail (COSEWIC 2014a).

3.3.2 Ecological role

As a large terrestrial snail, the Broad-banded Forestsnail plays an important role in the ecosystem functioning of forests by supporting nutrient cycling through the decomposition of organic material and mobilization of calcium (Heller 2001; COSEWIC 2014a). They also provide a food source for invertebrate and vertebrate predators, and serve as a host for parasitic worms (COSEWIC 2014a).

3.3.3 Limiting factors


As discussed above, the active dispersal of the Broad-banded Forestsnail is estimated to only be a few metres, which limits the species’ ability to colonize new habitat. Edworthy etal. (2012) observed that the closely related Oregon Forestsnails dispersed a maximum distance of 4.5m daily, and over 3 years had a maximum displacement of 32.2m.

Although passive dispersal by wind and water, as well as by birds and other animals has been documented (Rees 1965; Hall and Hadfield 2009), it is considered rare and unlikely to occur for Broad-banded Forestsnail eggs, juveniles, or adults in Canada (COSEWIC 2014a). The Broad-banded Forestsnail has become established in New York as a result of human transportation, indicating that human-aided dispersal is possible (Hotopp and Pearce 2007 as cited in COSEWIC 2014a).

The closest subpopulations of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in the United States occur in Michigan and Ohio about 50km from both the present and historical range of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada (COSEWIC 2014a). Rescue by these neighbouring subpopulations is unlikely due to the limited dispersal ability of snails compounded with habitat fragmentation in mainland Ontario and the isolated nature of islands (COSEWIC 2014a).

Northern range extent

The north shore of Lake Erie represents the northern extent of the Broad-banded Forestsnail’s global range. This area has a warmer climate than other areas of Canada and cold conditions may limit range expansion. This may increase the risk of stochastic events (for example, storms, floods, fires) to the snail, especially given its small extent and presumed to be small population size.

Calcium availability

While no species specific research has been undertaken, calcium availability limits the ranges of many terrestrial snails, as it is required for shell formation and reproduction (COSEWIC 2014a). Soils with low calcium support fewer species (Hotopp and Pearce 2006), and the availability of soil and bedrock calcium influences the number of snails present in an area (Fournié and Chétail 1984; Hotopp 2002). While the soils of southern Ontario are generally formed on limestone parent material, natural and anthropogenic process can reduce calcium availability (OMAFRA 2018). The establishment of large Double-crested Cormorant colonies on several Lake Erie islands has increased soil acidity and reduced calcium availability. The resulting reduction in calcium availability for Broad-banded Forestsnail may have played a part in the extirpation of these subpopulations.

4. Threats

4.1 Threat assessment

The Broad-banded Forestsnail threat assessment is based on the IUCN-CMP (World Conservation Union–Conservation Measures Partnership) unified threats classification system (Version2.0) (Salafsky etal. 2008). Threats are defined as the proximate activities or processes that have caused, are causing, or may cause in the future the destruction, degradation, and/or impairment of the entity being assessed (population, species, community, or ecosystem) in the area of interest (global, national, or subnational). Limiting factors are not considered during this assessment process. For purposes of threat assessment, only present and future threats are considered. Historical threats, indirect or cumulative effects of the threats, or any other relevant information that would help understand the nature of the threats are presented in the Description of Threats section (4.2).

Table2. Threat assessment for the Broad-banded Forestsnail
Threat # Threat description Impacta Scopeb Severityc Timingd
4 Transportation and service corridors Negligible Negligible (<1%) Unknown High (Continuing)
4.1 Roads and railroads Negligible Negligible (<1%) Unknown High (Continuing)
4.2 Utility and service lines Negligible Negligible (<1%) Unknown Low (Possibly in the long term, >10 years)
6 Human intrusions and disturbance Low Large (31-70%) Slight (1-10%) High (Continuing)
6.1 Recreational activities Low Large (31-70%) Slight (1-10%) High (Continuing)
6.3 Work and other activities Negligible Large (31-70%) Negligible (<1%) High (Continuing)
7 Natural system modifications Unknown Large (31-70%) Unknown High (Continuing)
7.1 Fire and fire suppression Unknown Small (1-10%) Unknown High (Continuing)
7.3 Other ecosystem modifications Unknown Large (31-70%) Unknown High (Continuing)
8 Invasive and other problematic species and genes Unknown Pervasive (71-100%) Unknown High (Continuing)
8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species Unknown Large (31-70%) Unknown High (Continuing)
8.2 Problematic native species Unknown Pervasive (71-100%) Unknown High (Continuing)
9 Pollution Unknown Unknown Unknown High (Continuing)
9.3 Agricultural and forestry effluents Unknown Unknown Unknown High (Continuing)
11 Climate change and severe weather Low Small (1-10%) Extreme (71-100%) High (Continuing)
11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration Low Small (1-10%) Extreme (71-100%) High (Continuing)
11.2 Droughts Unknown Unknown Unknown Moderate (possibly in the short term, <10 years)
11.3 Temperature extremes Unknown Unknown Unknown Moderate (possibly in the short term, <10 years)

aImpact – The degree to which a species is observed, inferred, or suspected to be directly or indirectly threatened in the area of interest. The impact of each threat is based on Severity and Scope rating and considers only present and future threats. Threat impact reflects a reduction of a species population or decline/degradation of the area of an ecosystem. The median rate of population reduction or area decline for each combination of scope and severity corresponds to the following classes of threat impact: Very high (75% declines), High (40%), Medium (15%), and Low (3%). Unknown: used when impact cannot be determined (for example, if values for either scope or severity are unknown); Not Calculated: impact not calculated as threat is outside the assessment timeframe (for example, timing is insignificant/negligible or low as threat is only considered to be in the past); Negligible: when scope or severity is negligible; Not a Threat: when severity is scored as neutral or potential benefit.

bScope – Proportion of the species that can reasonably be expected to be affected by the threat within 10 years. Usually measured as a proportion of the species’ population in the area of interest. (Pervasive = 71–100%; Large = 31–70%; Restricted = 11–30%; Small = 1–10%; Negligible <1%).

cSeverity – Within the scope, the level of damage to the species from the threat that can reasonably be expected to be affected by the threat within a 10-year or three-generation timeframe. Usually measured as the degree of reduction of the species’ population. (Extreme = 71–100%; Serious = 31–70%; Moderate = 11–30%; Slight = 1–10%; Negligible <1%; Neutral or Potential Benefit ≥ 0%).

dTiming – High = continuing; Moderate = only in the future (could happen in the short term [<10 years or 3 generations]) or now suspended (could come back in the short term); Low = only in the future (could happen in the long term) or now suspended (could come back in the long term); Insignificant/Negligible = only in the past and unlikely to return, or no direct effect but limiting.

4.2 Description of threats

The overall threat impact for this species is LowFootnote 20. This overall threat considers the cumulative impacts of multiple threats. Threats are listed in order as they appear in the Threat Classification Table (Table2). The scope, severity, and/or impact of many potential threats is unknown. This is expected given the knowledge gaps surrounding this species.

The primary threats to the Broad-banded Forestsnail are recreational activities and habitat shifting and alteration. Previous habitat loss and fragmentation such as land clearing for agriculture in the 19th century, as well as habitat degradation caused by Double-crested Cormorants are considered historical in nature and were not included in the threats calculator. The snail is no longer found at these subpopulations, and it is unlikely that habitat could be improved in order to support the species. Extant occurrences of the Broad-banded Forestsnail are known from Point Pelee National Park and protected areas on Pelee Island, where these threats are considered to have a negligible impact (COSEWIC 2014a).

IUCN threat #4. Transportation and service corridors

Threat 4.1. Roads and railroads (negligible impact)

Roughly 10km of paved roads run within Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat (COSEWIC 2014a). While no studies have assessed the effect of roads on the Broad-banded Forestsnail, the medium-sized terrestrial Copse Snail (Arianta arbustorum), was found to avoid crossing paved roads with high traffic densities, which can fragment snail populations (Baur and Baur 1990). Roads can also cause direct mortality through vehicle collisions, and may increase the risk of dessication as travelling across dry, rough substrate results in significant moisture loss (Baur and Baur 1990). Canals, ditches, paved and unpaved roads or tracks with both high and low traffic densities, or even a narrow footpath devoid of leaf litter, can all be barriers to snail dispersal (Baur and Baur 1990; Wirth etal. 1999, Meadows 2002).

Road mortality is known to affect wildlife within Point Pelee National Park, however, no Broad-banded Forestsnail road mortality data is currently available (Parks Canada Agency 2006; COSEWIC 2014a). Regardless, Parks Canada staff work to actively mitigate this threat. As of of 2014, no road expansions were planned for Point Pelee National Park for the ten year period of 2014 to 24 (Dobbie pers. comm. in COSEWIC 2014a).

Threat 4.2 Utility and service lines (negligible impact)

There is a localized potential for this threat as Point Pelee National Park plans to replace an above-ground hydropower line with a buried line within the next 20 years, (Dobbie pers. comm. in COSEWIC 2014a). Before undertaking this work, an environmental assessment to determine the impact of this activity to species at risk within the park will take place (COSEWIC 2014a).

IUCN threat #6. Human intrusions and disturbance

Threat 6.1. Recreational activities (low)

There has been a marked increase in tourism on Pelee Island since the ferry service expanded in 1992, and again in 2018 (Ontario Newsroom 2015). The island attracts significant numbers of birders, photographers, tourists, hunters, and researchers, with over 60,000 visitors and residents travelling to the island each year (Ontario Newsroom 2015). Annual visitation is estimated to be 7,500 people at Fish Point alone (Ontario Parks 2005).

Several hundred thousand people visit Point Pelee National Park annually. In May, tens of thousands of visitors come for the annual birding festival, and in the summer visitors use trails and beaches (COSEWIC 2014a). About 103,000 to 180,000 people used walking trails in the park in 2011 (COSEWIC 2014a). In 2017 to 2018, park visitation spiked to 522,199 people, a 57% increase over the previous year (Parks Canada Agency 2019a). This substantial increase in visitation is likely a result of free admission offered in 2017 as part of the Canada 150 celebrations (Parks Canada Agency 2016b). However, visitation numbers appear to be growing: about 70% more people visited the park in 2018 to 2019 than in 2008 to 2009 (Parks Canada Agency 2006; Parks Canada Agency 2019a).

Although the effects of snail trampling have not been studied at Point Pelee National Park, it could result in direct mortality (COSEWIC 2014a), as well as the disturbance of microhabitat features such as leaf litter and logs (Duffey 1975). Visitors often use the main park trails; there are more than 10km of trails within Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat (Dobbie pers. comm. in COSEWIC 2014a). At Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, most visitors use the main park trail, which goes through forest and beach habitat (COSEWIC 2017). Snails may be especially vulnerable to trampling during damp conditions in the spring and early summer as they are more likely to disperse across trails at this time (Oldham pers. obs in COSEWIC 2014a). This may be further compounded, as snails may be attracted to trails to feed on previously crushed snails, and can become crushed themselves (Lepitzki pers. comm. in COSEWIC 2014a).

IUCN threat #7. Natural system modifications

Threat 7.1. Fire and fire suppression (unknown)

Prescribed burning is a tool used at both Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island to manage invasive species and maintain savannah and alvar habitats (Nature Conservancy of Canada 2008; Parks Canada Agency 2010). While the impact of fire on Broad-banded Forestsnail is unknown, prescribed burns, if not mitigated appropriately, could directly reduce snail abundance and species richness through fire-related mortality, or indirectly through the destruction of humus and leaf litter (Nekola 2002; COSEWIC 2014a). The limited mobility and dispersal abilities of snails may reduce their ability to escape fires and colonize new areas (Burke etal. 1999; Kiss and Magnin 2006). Historically, habitat was more widespread or continuous which facilitated recolonization after disturbance; the impact of this threat may have been lower (COSEWIC 2014a).

Prescribed burn sites at Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island are usually small and typically take place within non-forested habitat (COSEWIC 2014a). In protected areas on Pelee Island and Point Pelee, prescribed burns are carried out with appropriate permits and in accordance with a prescribed burn plan, developed in consultation with wildlife experts.

Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications (unknown)

There are a number of unknowns related to the impact that invasive plants may have on the Broad-banded Forestsnail and its habitat. Invasive plant species are of concern as they prevent native plant establishment (Vidra etal. 2007); displace native plant species (COSEWIC 2017); alter soil nutrient cycles (Stoll etal. 2012); and hinder restoration activities (Berger etal. 2004; Boutin etal. 2011; Catling etal. 2015). Further compounding these uncertainties, invasive plants can also have a positive impact on snail diversity (Utz etal. 2018). For example, invasive plants could provide a new food source. Invasive plants, such as Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) occur within Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat at Point Pelee National Park (Parks Canada Agency 2006). On Pelee Island alvars, Eurasian pasture grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) are known to form mats over bedrock (Parks Canada Agency 2012). Invasive species such as Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) have been documented to reduce snail species richness, and especially affect long-lived snail species (Stoll etal. 2012). However, the direct effect of invasive species on the Broad-banded Forestsnail has not been assessed (COSEWIC 2017).

Earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) are not native to Canada, and were likely introduced to North America sometime between the 16th and 19th centuries (CABI 2013). Invasive earthworms are present throughout Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat (Evers etal. 2012; Reynolds 2011). Earthworms are known to alter forest floor habitat through the consumption of leaf litter, and by modifying the physical and chemical properties of soil (Addison 2009; CABI 2013). Although these changes are expected to impact native invertebrates (Addison 2009; CABI 2013), it is unknown how these changes will affect Broad-banded Forestsnails or their habitat.

The Broad-banded Forestsnail is now considered extirpated from several Lake Erie islands where hyperabundant Double-crested Cormorant colonies have significantly altered ecosystem processes. Nesting cormorants reduce suitable habitat by breaking tree branches, and accumulations of guano (excrement) reduce plant species richness, kill trees, and lead to increases in non-native species (Boutin etal. 2011). Guano accumulation also results in soil acidification and reduced calcium availability which can directly impact Broad-banded Forestsnail life processes and physiological function (Breuning-Madsen etal. 2010). The threat posed by Double-crested Cormorants is not considered ongoing, as large colonies do not occur within extant Broad-banded Forestsnail subpopulations. Furthermore, the birds are unlikely to establish nesting colonies at Point Pelee or Pelee Island, as they prefer small islands that are typically free of mammalian predators and with limited human presence (Sandilands 2005; COSEWIC 2014a).

IUCN threat #8. Invasive and other problematic species and genes

Threat 8.1 Invasive non-native/aliens species (unknown) and Threat 8.2 problematic native species (unknown)

Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) are known to eat snails, and despite difficulties associated with confirming this through Wild Turkey diet studies, the birds are considered a potential predator of the Broad-banded Forestsnail (Sandilands 2005; COSEWIC 2014a). Wild Turkeys scratch to find food and in so doing, can disturb snail habitat and eat any uncovered snails. Wild Turkeys were extirpated from southwestern Ontario in the early 1900’s (COSEWIC 2014a). They were successfully reintroduced to the region in the mid-1980s (Sandilands 2005). The birds became established at Point Pelee National Park in 2006, stabilizing to a population of 40-60 individuals between 2010 and 2013 (Dobbie pers comm. 2013). Despite there being no historical records of Wild Turkey on Pelee Island (Jones 1912), 25 breeding turkeys were released in 2002, and hundreds of turkeys can now be found on the island (COSEWIC 2014a). Wild Turkey hunting is allowed on Pelee Island during the spring, and hunters are limited to two tags each (OMNRF 2022).

Another introduced avian species found in Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat is Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus). Like Wild Turkeys, pheasants also eat snails (Sandilands 2005) and the impact of pheasant predation is unknown. This species is native to Asia, but became well established in southern Ontario after being introduced in the 1890s (Peck and James 1983). The species was introduced to Pelee Island in the late 1920s, and the population quickly grew (Sandilands 2005). Pheasants are hunted on Pelee Island, and 25,000 birds are released annually to supplement the population (COSEWIC 2014a).

Although not documented, competition with exotic terrestrial snails, such as the Grovesnail (Cepaea nemoralis), is a potential threat (Grimm etal. 2009). Grovesnail as well as several invasive slug species are known to occur at Point Pelee National Park and Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve (COSEWIC 2014a).

While human subsidized predators such as Northern Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis), White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and Virginia Opossum (Diadelphis virginiana), are native to southern Ontario, they have been able to exploit decreased predation and subsidized feeding associated with human activity and development, resulting in increased population sizes (Phillips and Murray 2005; COSEWIC 2014a). It is possible that these species may directly impact Broad-banded Forestsnails or indirectly affect snail habitat, however this impact has not been studied.

IUCN threat #9. Pollution

Threat 9.3 Agriculture and forestry effluents (unknown)

Little is known of the impact that pesticides have on terrestrial snails, and no research has assessed their impact on the Broad-banded Forestsnail (COSEWIC 2014a). In-situ studies did not detect a population level impact of herbicides to snails and slugs in both forested (Hawkins etal. 1997) and agricultural landscapes (Roy etal. 2003). Laboratory studies have demonstrated that the commonly used herbicide Glyphosate has negative impacts on land snails; documented effects include increased mortality, stress response altered metabolism (Patricio etal. 2019), and accumulation of the herbicide in exposed snails (Druart etal. 2011). Glyphosate is infrequently used to control invasive plant species, and under closely controlled conditions at both Point Pelee National Park and Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) lands on Pelee Island (COSEWIC 2014a). Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat on Pelee Island is in close proximity to active agricultural lands; pesticide drift from these properties may provide another source of exposure (COSEWIC 2014a).

IUCN threat #11. Climate change and severe weather

It is unknown how the Broad-banded Forestsnail will respond to the effects of climate change, but based on a similar assessment for the Eastern Banded Tigersnail, it is thought that Broad-banded Forestsnail’s specific microhabitat requirements, limited thermal tolerance and low dispersal ability make the species highly vulnerable to climate change (COSEWIC 2017).

Threat 11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration (low)

Historical shoreline processes at Point Pelee were characterized by minimal net sand erosion on the east side of the peninsula and balanced accretion on the west side. The rate of shoreline erosion on both sides of the peninsula has accelerated drastically in recent decades due to human induced changes to natural coastal processes, such as shoreline hardening, sand depletion and structures interfering with natural sand movement (Baird and Associates Coastal Engineers Ltd. 2010; BaMasoud and Byrne 2011). Reduced ice cover in winter paired with increased frequency of intense storms which generate large waves and storm surges can negatively impact the availability of sandy shoreline habitat (Wuebbles etal. 2020). The alteration of such processes by climate change may impact the availability of forested habitats used by the Broad-banded Forestsnail, primarily on the western side of the tip of Point Pelee that extends out into Lake Erie. Between 2010 and 2017, 12 ha of shoreline habitat were lost (Parks Canada Agency 2019b); it is estimated that in the next 50 years, 126 ha of habitat at Point Pelee National Park will be lost (Baird and Associates Coastal Engineers Ltd. 2010), and that the tip will recede by 50m (BaMasoud and Byrne 2011).

A similar process is happening at Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve, but no quantitative data is currently available (Kamstra etal. 1995; Oldham pers. obs. as in COSEWIC 2014a). Most Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat within Point Pelee National Park occurs within 200m of the western shoreline, as such 1-10% of the snail’s habitat could be lost within 10 years (COSEWIC 2014a). Parks Canada hopes to manage erosion along the west side by collaborating and participating in the development of an erosion management strategy (Parks Canada Agency 2020).

After a period of low lake levels, heavy precipitation has led to water level increases across the Great Lakes region, and may have exceeded the basin’s regulatory capacity to respond (Wuebbles etal. 2020). Between 2013 and 2020, Lake Erie water levels rose by 0.83m (Gharib etal. 2021). High lake levels and spring flooding has been observed at Point Pelee National Park. The majority of this flooding has resulted in temporary inundation (for example, vegetation submerged for a few hours) and has been concentrated in wet and swampy forest areas which is not considered ideal habitat for the snail (Dobbie pers. comm. 2021). Most of this flooding was documented near the tip of Point Pelee, where erosion has removed a small amount of forested habitat (T. Dobbie pers. comm. 2021). While such flooding events have the potential to result in direct mortality to the Broad-banded Forestsnail, the more immediate threat it poses is likely increased erosion of their habitat (Dobbie pers. comm. 2021).

Threat 11.2 Droughts (unknown) and Threat 11.3 temperature extremes (unknown)

Drought and high temperatures can bring snails close to critical physiological limits, resulting in an increased risk of desiccation and mortality. While snails have evolved strategies to cope with periods of drought, these are often energetically costly and such costs are compounded by limited ability to forage and reproduce during such drought events (Nicolai and Ansart 2017).

Little is known about the potential threat posed to the Broad-banded Forestsnail by droughts and temperature extremes, but based on a similar assessment for the Eastern Banded Tigersnail, it is thought that Broad-banded Forestsnail’s specific microhabitat requirements, limited thermal tolerance and low dispersal ability make the species highly vulnerable to climate change (COSEWIC 2017). Climate change models project that southwestern Ontario will experience an increased frequency of extreme weather events such as drought and increased temperatures (Varrin etal. 2007; Expert Panel on Climate Change Adaptation 2009). Snails may be particularly vulnerable to the combination of rising temperatures and increased drought frequency (Pearce and Paustian 2013). The islands of Lake Erie are expected to experience more instances of drought under climate change; in some snail species unusually long hot and dry periods can increase mortality by up to 70% (Nicolai etal. 2011). The likelihood of surviving such droughts may depend on the presence of sheltering microhabitat features, and ability to seek out such shelter (COSEWIC 2017).

Overwintering mortality in terrestrial snails can be caused by temperature, starvation, carbon loss and moisture loss (Horne 1973; Osborne and Wright 2018). In the Lake Erie region, frost dates have shifted for both fall and spring seasons resulting in longer frost free seasons (Dobson etal. 2020); and a decrease in snow cover (Suriano etal. 2019). Large snails are especially susceptible to freezing (Ansart etal. 2014). One way in which the Broad-banded Forestsnail may be impacted by increasing average temperature is changes to snow cover. Hibernating snails are reliant on snow cover for insulation during winter (Ansart etal. 2014). When frosts occur in the absence of insulating snow cover it can result in spring snail mortality events of up to 90% (Nicolai and Sinclair 2013).

5. Population and distribution objectives

Under SARA, a population and distribution objective must be established for listed Endangered, Threatened, and Extirpated species when recovery is deemed feasible.

Population and distribution objective

  • The long-term (30 year) population and distribution objective is to maintain the current distribution (Extent of OccurrenceFootnote 21 (EOO; 116km2) and Index of Area of OccupancyFootnote 22 (IAO; 32km2)) of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada, as well as any expansions to the EOO or IAO due to new observations of the species

Short-term statement toward meeting the population and distribution objective

  • The short-term (10year) statement is to maintain and enhance suitable habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail at existing subpopulations by reducing threats and addressing data deficiencies


The Broad-banded Forestsnail was assessed as Endangered by COSEWIC and listed as Endangered under Schedule 1 of SARA due to its limited range in Canada, and a projected continuing decline in area, extent and quality of habitat, which is expected to result in a corresponding decline in population size (COSEWIC 2014a). Historical losses of forest and woodland habitat during European settlement likely reduced available habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada (COSEWIC 2014a). Since the 1980s, habitat loss and degradation as a result of forest clearing and Double-crested Cormorant colonization have further reduced the snail’s range (COSEWIC 2014a). This has caused extirpations at several Lake Erie islands and mainland subpopulations (COSEWIC 2014a). While it is unlikely that these threats impact the three extant snail subpopulations at Point Pelee and Pelee Island, a number of poorly understood ongoing threats may continue to degrade habitat quality and reduce habitat area.

The population and distribution objective focuses on maintaining the species’ current distribution in Canada. Given that suitable habitat is no longer available at extirpated subpopulations, and that the threat posed by Double-crested Cormorants is still present on several Lake Erie islands, it would be inappropriate to focus recovery efforts on expanding the species beyond its current range, at this time. Instead the focus is to maintain and enhance habitat at extant subpopulations by reducing localized threats. If the threat of Double-crested Cormorants is reduced at extirpated subpopulations, restoration opportunities can be considered in the future. If unknown subpopulations are confirmed to be extant, then actions to maintain and enhance habitat would also apply. It is also not possible to set a quantitative population objective at this time, as there is no information available on current or historical population size or trends. However, if the species distribution naturally expands, or if new occurrences are discovered, these new occurrences would be included in the population and distribution objective.

Maintaining the EOO and IAO will require habitat management as described in the short-term statement. This is an important step in addressing the continuing decline in area and extent of habitat noted in the COSEWIC assessment (COSEWIC 2014a). Doing so will require working with partners to manage snail habitat at both the landscape and microhabitat scales, preventing the loss of habitat via erosion, and reducing the impact posed by recreational activities. The impacts of several threats (for example, invasive and non-native species, problematic native species, natural ecosystem modifications, and climate change) are unknown; activities that can be undertaken to reduce their impacts are unclear and require further study. Addressing these knowledge gaps, as well as those pertaining to the species biology, microhabitat requirements, threats, and species population size and trends are also required.

6. Broad strategies and general approaches to meet objectives

6.1 Actions already completed or currently underway

A number of recovery approaches have been identified in this recovery strategy in an effort to meet the population and distribution objectives. Maintaining the current distribution and extent of suitable habitat of the Broad-banded Forestnail in Canada is expected to require three broad approaches: habitat conservation and management, monitoring and research, and outreach and communication.

Since all known extant occurrences of the Broad-banded Forestsnail at Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island occur within provincial, federal and privately owned protected areas, they receive some protection from non-natural threats, such as grazing, logging, and urbanization (COSEWIC 2014a). In addition, Point Pelee National Park has undertaken many recovery actions to date, addressing invasive plants (for example, Garlic Mustard and Spotted Knapweed) and increasing research and monitoring activities, many of which are outlined in the Multi-species Action Plan for Point Pelee National Park of Canada and the Niagara National Historic Sites of Canada developed by Parks Canada (Parks Canada Agency 2016a). Additional details regarding recovery actions can be found in the Implementation Report: Multi-species Action Plan for Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Niagara National Historic Sites of Canada (2016 to 2021).

The Pelee Island Environmental Advisory Committee was created to advance a cooperative approach to environmental issues and brings together representatives from the municipality, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local conservation authorities and provincial ministries (MECP 2019).

The active collaboration between the Pelee Island community, the NCC, and many other land owners and managers has resulted in 18% of Pelee Island being set aside for conservation purposes (MECP 2019). Most of the historical and potential Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat on Pelee Island is found on lands managed or owned by the NCC (COSEWIC 2014a). Recent NCC land securement includes three alvars, critical shoreline areas, and forested swamp. NCC works to improve habitat connectivity by restoring agricultural lands to create habitat corridors and buffers (MECP 2019). NCC has also implemented a community-based conservation plan to protect key biodiversity features and functions on Pelee Island while recognizing current land-uses and potential expansion for the island's ecotourism economy (MECP 2019).

The Point Pelee ‘Hackathon’ was a virtual conference which sought to identify and recommend short- and long-term coastal management solutions to address the threat of erosion at Point Pelee National Park. This was accomplished by engaging regional experts and local interest groups (Smith and Houser 2022).

6.2 Strategic direction for recovery

In order to achieve the population and distribution objective, conservation measures are organized under broad strategies (numbers refer to Conservation Measures Partnership (2016) Conservation Actions Classification (v2.0).

Table3. Recovery planning table

A. Target restoration/ stress reduction actions
1. Land/water management
Broad strategya General description of approach Priorityb Threat or limitation, or concern addressed
1.1 Site/Area Stewardship
  • Assess and implement site specific actions needed to prevent habitat degradation and loss as a result of ecosystem modification and habitat-shifting (for example, actions to control invasive species, mitigate the impacts of flooding and erosion associated with climate change, and ensure prescribed burns do not negatively impact extant subpopulations)

Threat 7.1 Fire and fire suppression
Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Threat 8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species
Threat 8.2 Problematic native species
Threat 11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration
Threat 11.2 Droughts
Threat 11.3 Temperature extremes

1.1 Site/Area Stewardship
  • Implement visitor management approaches to avoid or reduce impacts of recreational activities (for example, trampling, soil compaction, log removal) on the Broad-banded Forestsnail. Such actions could include restricting intensive recreational activities within occupied habitat, limiting trail development, and erecting signage or fencing to reduce trampling
High Threat 6.1 Recreational activities

1.1 Site/Area Stewardshi
  • Identify opportunities for habitat restoration and/or enhancement (for example, creating or improving current habitat, encouraging connectivity and dispersal, creating refugia)
Medium Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Threat 8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species
Threat 8.2 Problematic native species
Threat 11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration
Threat 11.2 Droughts
Threat 11.3 Temperature extremes
1.1 Site/Area Stewardship
  • Manage habitat to ensure that suitable habitat is available from year to year. This may require staggered habitat management at a site or landscape scale
High All threats

B. Behavioural change/ threat reduction
3. Awareness raising
Broad strategya General description of approach Priorityb Threat or limitation, or concern addressed
3.1 Outreach and Communications
  • Encourage volunteers, visitors, and conservation organizations to participate in reporting Broad-banded Forestsnail observations to government agencies (for example, Ontario’s Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC)) or to community science platforms (for example, iNaturalist)
Medium Knowledge Gaps
3.1 Outreach and Communications
  • Update and improve signage, through standardized messages and signage at Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island to reduce the threat of recreational activities in Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat
Low Threat 6.1 Recreational activities
3.1 Outreach and Communications
  • Develop education and outreach material for visitors to Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island to raise awareness of threats to the species, aid in its identification, and minimize the impacts of recreation
Low Threat 6.1 Recreational activities

C. Enabling conditions
6. Conservation designation and planning
Broad strategya General description of approach Priorityb Threat or limitation, or concern addressed
6.4 Conservation Planning
  • Address Broad-banded Forestsnail requirements in any new (or updated) management or action plans for Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island subpopulations, and incorporate appropriate forest management recommendations
Medium All threats
6.4 Conservation Planning
  • Incorporate Broad-banded Forestsnail habitat needs in landscape-scale forest management initiatives that consider and balance the requirements of multiple at-risk species
Medium All threats
8. Research and monitoring
Broad strategya General description of approach Priorityb Threat or limitation, or concern addressed
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Develop a standardized and systematic monitoring protocol for the Broad-banded Forestsnail. This protocol should assess species presence/absence, abundance, habitat use and conditions, and site-specific threats
High Knowledge Gaps
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Utilizing the standardized and systematic monitoring protocol, conduct targeted surveys at subpopulations where the species has been observed including historical locations; monitor these sites to determine productivity, threats, and population trends
High All threats
Knowledge Gap
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Conduct research to identify relative importance of threats to the Broad-banded Forestnail in Canada, so that conservation resources for this species can be focused effectively and efficiently
High All threats
Knowledge Gap
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Conduct habitat assessments at known subpopulations to better identify key habitat features that could predict presence/absence of snails and allow for greater understanding of habitat requirements of the species
Medium Knowledge Gaps
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Improve knowledge of various habitat management techniques on the abundance, productivity, and fidelity to hibernacula of the Broad-banded Forestnail
Medium Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Knowledge Gap
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Improve knowledge of the Broad-banded Forestsnail ecology, biology, and habitat needs (for example, habitat requirements, dispersal ability, home range size, life history, and genetics)
Medium Knowledge Gaps
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Investigate the adaptive strategies of the species in response to climate change, and the potential effects of climate change on the Broad-banded Forestnail and its habitat and options for mitigation (for example, refuge areas and other habitat enhancement measures)

Threat 11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration
Threat 11.2 Droughts
Threat 11.3 Temperature extremes
Knowledge Gaps

8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Investigate the potential effects of non-native earthworms on the species and their habitat
Medium Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Knowledge Gap
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Investigate the potential effects of Wild Turkeys on the species and/or their habitat
Medium Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Knowledge Gap
8.1 Basic Research and Status Monitoring
  • Investigate the potential effects of non-native gastropods on the species and/or their habitat
Medium Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Knowledge Gap
9. Education and training
Broad strategya General description of approach Priorityb Threat or limitation, or concern addressed
9.2 Training and Individual Capacity Development
  • Provide advice and support to land managers and landowners on habitat improvement or restoration activities to improve conservation capacity

Threat 7.1 Fire and fire suppression
Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications
Threat 8.1 Invasive non-native/alien species
Threat 8.2 Problematic native species
Threat 11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration
Threat 11.2 Droughts
Threat 11.3 Temperature extremes

10. Institutional development
Broad strategya General description of approach Priorityb Threat or limitation, or concern addressed
10.3 Alliance and Partnership Development
  • Create and maintain partnerships focused on coordinating conservation implementation, knowledge generation, and sharing
Medium All threats
Knowledge Gap

aRefer to the CMP Conservation Actions Classification v 2.0 for more details on Broad Strategies and Approaches: Direct Threats Classification (v2.0) (2016) - The Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation

b“Priority” reflects the degree to which the broad strategy contributes directly to the recovery of the species or is an essential precursor to an approach that contributes to the recovery of the species.

6.3 Narrative to support the recovery planning table

Recovery of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada will require commitment and collaboration among federal and provincial jurisdictions, Indigenous communities, local communities, non-governmental organizations, industry, and other interested parties. The recovery planning table identifies approaches that fall under six broad strategies (Land/Water Management; Awareness Raising; Conservation Designation and Planning; Research and Monitoring; Education and Training; and Institutional Development), which together aim to maintain the current distribution and extent of suitable habitat for the Canadian population of the Broad-banded Forestsnail.

Given that the Canadian population of the Broad-banded Forestnail is predominately found within protected areas with public access, it is important to increase public knowledge of the Broad-banded Forestsnail, as well as the other species at risk snails that occur at these subpopulations. Doing so will help to reduce the impact of recreational activities to the species and can be accomplished through the development of educational and outreach material at Point Pelee National Park and Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve.

Another key strategy is active habitat management and restoration to mitigate threats and ensure the species’ persistence at currently occupied subpopulations. This can be accomplished by working collaboratively with conservation organizations and local partners to increase their capacity to undertake conservation planning and stewardship work. Evaluating the effectiveness of these actions and working iteratively to improve positive outcomes for biodiversity and at-risk species, including the Broad-banded Forestsnail, is of great importance. This may include some on-going evaluation of the impacts and mitigation effectiveness of various habitat management techniques on these areas (for example, prescribed burns, invasive species management).

Finally, research and monitoring will be required to ensure that knowledge gaps that limit the ability to direct and evaluate conservation measures are addressed. The development and implementation of standardized monitoring protocols and habitat assessments will further inform the species’ microhabitat requirements and address knowledge gaps related to the species’ biology, productivity, threats, and population trends that could inform future recovery efforts.

7. Critical habitat

7.1 Identification of the species’ critical habitat

Section41(1)(c) of SARA requires that recovery strategies include an identification of the species’ critical habitat, to the extent possible, as well as examples of activities that are likely to result in its destruction. Under Section2(1) of SARA, critical habitat is “the habitat that is necessary for the survival or recovery of a listed wildlife species and that is identified as the species’ critical habitat in the recovery strategy or in an action plan for the species”.

Critical habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada is identified as the extent of biophysical attributes (see Section7.1.2) wherever they occur within areas described in Section7.1.1, below. Areas containing critical habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail are presented in Figures 2 and 3. The UTM grid squares (Figures2 and 3) are part of a standardized grid system that indicates the general geographic areas containing critical habitat, which can be used for land use planning and/or environmental assessment purposes.

It is recognized that the critical habitat identified below is insufficient to achieve the population and distribution objectives for the species. A schedule of studies (Section7.2) has been developed to provide the information necessary to complete the identification of critical habitat that will be sufficient to meet population and distribution objectives. The identification of critical habitat will be updated when the information becomes available, in a revised recovery strategy. For more information on critical habitat identification, contact Environment and Climate Change Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service at RecoveryPlanning-Planificationduretablissem*

7.1.1 Areas containing critical habitat

In Canada, the presence and persistence of the Broad-banded Forestsnail depends on an area greater than that occupied by individuals of the species. This species requires ecological and landscape features that promote and maintain biophysical attributesFootnote 23 which support its life processes (for example, reproduction and dispersal) through different seasons. Using a continuous ecological area to identify habitat increases the probability that all habitat elements necessary for foraging, mating and nesting, aestivating and hibernating are included.

The area containing critical habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail is:

  1. the suitable habitatFootnote 24 where a Broad-banded Forestsnail observationFootnote 25occurs

7.1.2 Biophysical attributes of critical habitat

The biophysical attributes of critical habitat are characterized as follows:

  • Wooded alvars and Hackberry dominated woodlands and forests with naturally occurring gaps in canopy cover
  • forested areas with logs in varying stages of decomposition
  • calcium rich soil, neutral pH, sandy soil; and
  • shaded forested areas which retain moisture in soil and leaf litter
Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda): recovery strategy [proposed] 2024 (3)

Figure2. Critical Habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada – Point Pelee National Park. The area within which critical habitat is found for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada, as described in section7.1, is represented by the yellow shaded unit. Within this area, critical habitat only occurs where the biophysical attributes described in section7.1.2 are found. The 1km× 1km UTM grid overlay (red outline) shown on this figure is a standardized national grid system used to indicate the general geographic area within which critical habitat is found.

Long description

Figure2 is a map of the critical habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Point Pelee National Park, Canada. There are two areas containing critical habitat. One area spans continuously along the west side of Point Pelee, along Sanctuary Pond, Northwest Beach and Black Willow beach and is located within eight 1kmx 1km UTM grid squares. The other area is located at the tip of Point Pelee, on the west side along West Beach and East Point Beach and is located within six 1kmx 1km UTM grid squares.

Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda): recovery strategy [proposed] 2024 (4)

Figure3. Critical Habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada – Pelee Island. The area within which critical habitat is found for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada, as described in section7.1, is represented by the yellow shaded unit. Within this area, critical habitat only occurs where the biophysical attributes described in section7.1.2 are found. The 1km× 1km UTM grid overlay (red outline) shown on this figure is a standardized national grid system used to indicate the general geographic area within which critical habitat is found.

Long description

Figure2 is a map of the critical habitat for the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Pelee Island, Canada. There are two areas containing critical habitat. One area is located in the southwestern region of Pelee Isalnd within eight 1kmx 1km grid squares. The second area is the critical habitat found within Fish Point Provincial Park (Nature Reserve Class) within two 1kmx 1km UTM grid squares.

7.2 Schedule of studies to identify critical habitat

Table4. Schedule of studies to identify critical habitat
Description of activity Rationale Timeline
In co-operation with landowners, and using standardized survey methodologies, confirm species’ presence (for example, live snails or fresh shells) at Pelee Island subpopulations where the subpopulation status is unknown (See Table1) Determining the status of these subpopulations will support the population and distribution objective by determining the extent of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada2025-2030

7.3 Activities likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat

Understanding what constitutes destruction of critical habitat is necessary for the protection and management of critical habitat. Destruction is determined on a case by case basis. Destruction would result if part of the critical habitat was degraded, either permanently or temporarily, such that it would not serve its function when needed by the species. Destruction may result from a single activity or multiple activities at one point in time or from the cumulative effects of one or more activities over time.

There are unknowns regarding the feasibility of recovery of the Broad-banded Forestsnail because little is known about the species in Canada. The primary direct threats to the species are recreational activities and habitat shifting and alteration. However, a number of additional poorly understood threats may also impact the species (for example, climate change and severe weather, natural system modifications, invasive and other problematic species). Precautionary approaches should be taken to mitigate human-activities when there is high uncertainty of impacts.

It should be noted that not all activities that occur in or near critical habitat are likely to cause its destruction. Some activities that result in a short-term disturbance of critical habitat, without affecting individuals or residences, may improve the future quality of critical habitat, if managed appropriately. For example, maintaining some open canopy via selective tree removal.

Activities described in Table5 are examples of those likely to cause destruction of critical habitat for the species; however, destructive activities are not necessarily limited to those listed.

Table5. Activities likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat
Description of activity Description of effect in relation to function loss Details of effect
Alteration of the natural processes and/or disturbance regimes within or outside critical habitat which affect sand deposition or accretion and erosion rates. Examples include but are not limited to: shoreline development, upgrades or modifications to existing infrastructure, such as docks, piers, walls, or other shoreline hardening structures that will impact delivery of sediment to critical habitat. Increased erosion rates could impact the total amount of habitat that is available to the snail

Changes to the natural deposition and erosion patterns of this dynamic shoreline habitat can result in the direct loss of critical habitat by reducing available suitable habitat.

The shoreline of the Pelee Peninsula is expected to become increasingly impacted by the effects of climate change due to changing water levels, reduced protective lake ice in winter, and more frequent, intense storms

If this activity were to occur at any time of year within, or adjacent to critical habitat, or outside of critical habitat in areas that affect sand deposition or accretion at Point Pelee National Park and Pelee Island, it is likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat. Thresholds for this activity are unknown at this time.

IUCN-CMP Threat: 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications; Threat 11.1 Habitat shifting and alteration

Activities that facilitate the introduction of new invasive plant species or range expansion of already established invasive species. Examples include but are not limited to: introduction of non-native plant seeds, shoreline development, or infrastructure modification (that may use contaminated equipment or disturb soil) in or near the Broad-banded Forestsnail critical habitat. Potential threatening species may include: Spotted Knapweed and Garlic MustardIf new invasive alien plant species are introduced, or ranges of existing invasive species are expanded, for example they could alter understory moisture regime and potentially eliminate the moist conditions required by the species

When this activity occurs within critical habitat at any time of year, the effects may be direct and/or cumulative. It is likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat.

IUCN-CMP Threat 7.3 Other ecosystem modifications

Activities which trample or compact soil or disturb microhabitat features such as leaf litter and logs. Examples include but are not limited to: off-trail mountain biking and all-terrain vehicle use within critical habitatSignificant alterations to the soil can result in loss of suitable substrate for nesting and aestivation. Compaction and excavation can also increase the potential for flooding or drying of extant sites

When this activity occurs within critical habitat at any time of year, the effects may be direct and/or cumulative. It is likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat.

IUCN-CMP Threat 6.1 Recreational activities

Activities that permanently fragment areas of continuous critical habitat. Examples include but are not limited to: road or trail constructionHabitat loss and fragmentation has already contributed to the decline of this species. The fragmentation of critical habitat can permanently separate individuals of a subpopulation, as roads and trails can act as permanent barriers to dispersal. This may also create patches of critical habitat that are too small to support the subpopulation

When this activity occurs within critical habitat at any time of year, the effects may be direct and/or cumulative. It is likely to result in the destruction of critical habitat.

IUCN-CMP Threat: 4.1 Roads and railroads

8. Measuring progress

The performance indicators presented below provide a way to define and measure progress toward achieving the population and distribution objectives. Every five years, success of recovery strategy implementation will be measured against the following performance indicators:

  • the current distribution (EOO 116km2; IAO 32km2) of the Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada have been maintained, including any expansions to the EOO or IAO due to new observations of the species; and
  • in the short-term, efforts are made to maintain and enhance suitable habitat at existing subpopulations, reduce threats, and address data deficiencies

9. Statement on action plans

One or more action plans will be completed and posted on the Species at Risk Public Registry for the Broad-banded Forestsnail within 10 years as priorities and resources allow.

10. References

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Appendix A: Subnational Conservation Ranks of Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda) in Canada and the United States

TableA-1. Ranks of Broad-banded Forestsnail in Canada and the United States (NatureServe 2022)
Global (G) rank National (N) rank Sub-national (S) rank
G5 (Secure – common; widespread and abundant) Canada: N1N2 (Critically Imperilled/ Imperilled) Ontario (S1S2)
G5 (Secure – common; widespread and abundant) United States: N5 (Secure) Alabama (SNR); Arkansas (SX); Illinois (SNR); Indiana (SNR); Iowa (SNR); Kansas (SNR); Kentucky (S4); Louisiana (SX); Maryland (SU); Michigan (SNR); Minnesota (SNR); Mississippi (SX); Missouri (SNR); Nebraska (SNR); New York (SNR); North Carolina (S2S3); Ohio (SNR); Pennsylvania (S2); Tennessee (S4); Virginia (S4); West Virginia (S5); Wisconsin (S2)

Rank definitions (NatureServe 2022)

N1N2/S1S2: Imperiled/Critically imperiled:
The risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction ranges from high to very high due to a restricted to very restricted range, few to very few populations or occurrences, steep to very steep declines, severe threats, or other factors.
S2S3: Vulnerable/Imperiled:
The risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction ranges from moderate to high due to a fairly restricted to restricted range, relatively few to few populations or occurrences, recent and widespread to steep declines, moderate to severe threats, or other factors.
S2: Imperiled:
At high risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to restricted range, few populations or occurrences, steep declines, severe threats, or other factors.
S4: Apparently Secure:
At a fairly low risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to an extensive range and/or many populations or occurrences, but with possible cause for some concern as a result of local recent declines, threats, or other factors.
G5/N5/S5: Secure:
At very low risk of extinction or elimination due to a very extensive range, abundant populations or occurrences, and little to no concern from declines or threats).
SNR: Unranked:
Subnational conservation status not yet assessed.
SX: Presumed Extirpated:
Species is believed to be extirpated from the jurisdiction. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered.

AppendixB: Effects on the environment and other species

A strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is conducted on all SARA recovery planning documents, in accordance with the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program ProposalsFootnote 26. The purpose of a SEA is to incorporate environmental considerations into the development of public policies, plans, and program proposals to support environmentally sound decision-making and to evaluate whether the outcomes of a recovery planning document could affect any component of the environment or any of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy’sFootnote 27 (FSDS) goals and targets.

Recovery planning is intended to benefit species at risk and biodiversity in general. However, it is recognized that strategies may also inadvertently lead to environmental effects beyond the intended benefits. The planning process based on national guidelines directly incorporates consideration of all environmental effects, with a particular focus on possible impacts upon non-target species or habitats. The results of the SEA are incorporated directly into the strategy itself, but are also summarized below in this statement.

Most broad strategies and approaches to recover Broad-banded Forestsnail are expected to have either no significant adverse impacts or to have a positive effect on the environments in which it is found, as well as on other species occupying those areas.

In Canada, Broad-banded Forestsnail is restricted to Point Pelee and Pelee Island (COSEWIC 2014a). Species at risk found, which can also be found at these sites in similar habitats include: Eastern Banded Tigersnail (Anguispira kochi kochi), Small-mouthed Salamander (Ambystoma texanum), Red Mulberry (Morus rubra), Eastern Foxsnake (Pantherophis vulpinus), Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), and Eastern Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida).

Broad-banded Forestnail surveys and research may result in the location of other species at risk and/or identify the threats acting on them and the associated level of concern. Habitat conservation and management to ensure that suitable habitat is available from year to year is likely to benefit other species found within Broad-banded Forestnail’s core area. Similarly, increased public awareness of the species through outreach and communication, including information on identification, threats to it and actions that individuals can take to aid its recovery, are likely to result in benefits to the suite of forest species through reduced recreational impacts.

Where necessary, the potential negative impacts associated with habitat modification, invasive species removal, shoreline alteration, and/or species management projects at Point Pelee National Park or as part of other federally funded projects will be addressed, and corresponding mitigation measures will be developed in a project-level environmental assessment under the Impact Assessment Act (2019). This is also completed for provincially owned sites under A Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves. Environmental assessments may require follow-up to determine the success of the techniques implemented, and the accuracy of the effects predicted. This will allow for adaptive management, the mitigation of potential environmental effects, and continual adjustment and improvement of recovery efforts. New iterations of these plans will continue to be reviewed using these environmental assessment processes.

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Date modified:
Broad-banded Forestsnail (Allogona profunda): recovery strategy [proposed] 2024 (2024)


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