American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) (2024)

ENG 1101: English Reading Skill & Public Speaking

3.00 credits, 5 hrs/wk, Prereq.: N/A

The course is aimed at strengthen student's reading comprehension skills and enrich their vocabulary by reading and reacting to a variety of adapted and authentic texts. Students also improve oral communication skills for professional and social interactions through extensive conversational practice. Practice includes forming and communicating opinions on contemporary issues, developing formal and informal oral presentations, giving and following directions, and narrating and giving explanations.

PHY 1101: Physics 1

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk Prereq.: N/A

Motion in 2D and 3D, Applications of Newton’s laws of motion, Static and Kinetic friction, Work-Kinetic energy theorem, Power, Conservative forces, Conservation of energy, Gravitation, Gravitational field, Kepler’s Law, Center of mass motion, Conservation of linear momentum for a system of particles, Elastic and inelastic collision in 1D, Angular velocity and acceleration, relation between linear and angular velocity, Calculating rotational inertia, Parallel-axis theorem, Conservation of angular momentum. Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, Calculation of Electric fields for different charge distributions; Dipole in an electric field; Gauss’ law and its applications; Electric potential and its calculation for different charge distributions; Capacitance and its calculation for different geometrical shapes, energy stored by a capacitor; dielectrics and Gauss’ law; Concept of electric current, resistance and Ohm’s law, DC circuits, Kirchhoff’s rules, RC circuits, Magnetic field, The Hall effect, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s Law, LR circuits, LC circuits and LRC circuits.

PHY1102: Physics 1 Lab

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: N/A

The goal of this course is to reinforce information presented during course lectures by providing students "hands-on" opportunities to explore the concepts and principles of physics taught in the Physics 1 course through the following experimental works:

Determination of the acceleration due to gravity by using a simple pendulum, moment of inertia of a fly wheel about its axis of rotation, temperature coefficient of the material of a wire.

Study of projectile motion and collision.

Verification of Newton’s second law of motion, Ohms law of resistance, equivalent resistance for series and parallel connections.

Construction of RC circuit, and determination of RC time constant.

Observe the DC and AC signals in a cathode ray oscilloscope and determine the frequencies of AC signals.

CHEM 1101: Chemistry

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab, Prereq.: N/A

1. Introduction to atomic structure: Dalton, Rutherford and Bohr atomic models, quantum theory radiation, atomic spectra, calculation of radius and energy of orbits of hydrogen atom.

2. Wave mechanical approach of the atom: Dual nature of matters, de Broglie’s equation, Heisenberg’s certainty principle, probability distribution curve, quantum numbers, shapes of orbitals and principle of electronic configuration.

3. Modern periodic table: Law of periodicity, main features of modern periodic table, classification of elements based on their properties into metal, nonmetal and metalloid, studies on group chemistry of elements.

4. Chemical bonds: Main types of chemical bonds and their properties, bond energy, bond length and bond angle; theories of covalent bonding; molecular structure of compounds.

5. Chemical reactions: Types of chemical reactions, concept of acids and bases, electrolytes, neutralization reactions, oxidation-reduction reactions, pH and ionization of water.

6. Solutions, solubility and solubility product: Different types of solutions, solubility, solubility product law, solubility product vs ionic product, solubility product principle with its applications and properties of dilute solution.

7. Electrochemistry: Principle of electrolysis and its application, conductance of electrolytes, specific conductance and equivalent conductance, Kohlrausch’s law of electrolysis, conductometric titration, conductometric titration behavior of acids and bases, electrochemical cells, photolithography.

8. Phase rule and phase diagram: Phase rule and its characteristics, phase diagram of a mono component system, water system and sulphur system.

9. Solid state chemistry: Crystalline and amorphous solids, crystal lattices and unit cells, closed packed structures, coordination number and packing efficiency, formation of voids in closed packing, crystal defects, band theory of conductivity, electrical properties of solids: conductors, insulators and semiconductors; n-type and p-type semiconductors.

10. Thermo chemistry: Laws of thermochemistry, exothermic and endothermic systems with block diagrams, total energy of a body, energy and its units, enthalpy and entropy, types of heat of reactions, fuels.

11. Chemical kinetics and chemical equilibrium: Rate of reaction, rate laws and order of reaction, equilibrium law and its characteristics.

12. Some selected topics: Sources and importance of organic compounds, classification and functional groups and selected organic reactions, Selected topics of nano-science, polymer chemistry and biochemistry.

Laboratory experiments based on theory involving quantitative inorganic analysis: Acid-base titration, pH measurements, oxidation-reduction titration, determination of total hardness of water, estimation of Cu, Fe, Ca etc. and conductometric analysis.

MAT 1102: Differential Calculus And Co-Ordinate Geometry

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: N/A

Differential Calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability, successive differentiation of various types of functions, Leibnitz's rule, Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form of remainders. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of limit of indeterminate forms by L' Hospital's rule. Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem. Equations of Tangent and normal. Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions and points of inflexion. Applications, curvature, radius of curvature and center of curvature. Co-ordinate Geometry: Change of axes, transformation of co-ordinates and simplification of equations of curves. Pair of straight lines, conditions under which general equations of the second degree may represent a pair of straight lines. hom*ogeneous equations of second degree. Angle between the pair of lines. Pair of lines joining the origin to the point of intersection of two curves. Standard equations of circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola with explanations. Conic together with its Cartesian and polar equations. Discussions of the general equation of second degree in x and y for for representing a conic. Representation of a point in a space. Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates. Distance and Division formulae. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line. Angle between two lines. Projection of a segment. Projection of the joint of two points on a line. The equation of a plane, its normal form and intercept form. Angle between two planes. The equation of a line in symmetrical form. Equations of sphere, paraboloid and ellipsoid

COE 1102: Introduction to Engineering Studies

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk

Difference between secondary level education and higher education, Introduction to Learning System Management, Setting Goals and Managing Time, Introduction to Self-study Journal, Academic honesty, Accessing and analyzing various information resources: Primary resources (newspaper, journals, books, magazines...), Library Skills (E-library), Introduction to various assessments techniques used in higher education, Managing stress in Academic life, Self-study techniques, Introduction to the Faculty of Engineering of AIUB, Training on the usage of Resources at AIUB (i.e. VUES, Library etc.)

ENG 1202: English Writing Skills and Communications

3.00 credits, 5 hrs/wk, Prereq.: ENG 1101

The course is designed to study various rhetorical patterns and use their writing skills to develop essays in these patterns. The rhetorical patterns studied in this course are process analysis, cause and effect, and argument/persuasion. Students will also learn the process of writing. This course will help students learn how to think more clearly, organize thoughts in logical sequence, and improve writing skills through prewriting, writing, and rewriting processes. The underlying premise of the course is that the students who take it are inexperienced writers who need practice, not that they are incapable. Like other composition courses, the course is designed to give students extensive practice in writing in order to improve their ability to invent substantial content and express it in fluent prose. It helps students learn the many functions of writing--to discover ideas, use language effectively, and communicate with and influence audiences. Along the way, students learn or review conventional practices of usage and punctuation.

CSC 1103: Introduction to Programming Language

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 1102

The goal of this course is to teach the key programming and problem-solving skills where the students will be able to design, implement, debug, and test structured and Object-Oriented Programs (OOP).

Fundamentals of Structured and OOP programming including – Data types, Operators & Expressions; Standard input/output (I/O); Conditional statements (if…else), Switch; Loops (do...while, while, for); Arrays (single, multidimensional); Pointers, Functions; Structure, Unions & Enumerations; Strings using C++

The Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles such as Classes and Objects; Constructors; Operator Overloading; Inheritance and Polymorphism; Encapsulation, Abstract Class; Stream Input/Output, File Processing, Templates, Exception Handling, String Processing, Standard Template Library (STL) etc using C++.

CSC 1104: Introduction to Programming Language Lab

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 1102

Laboratory works based on Introduction to Programming Language Theory.

PHY 1203: Physics 2

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: CHEM 1101 & PHY 1101

Basic concepts on Specific heat, First law of thermodynamics, Working principle of Carnot cycle and efficiency of heat engines; Second law of thermodynamics, idea of entropy, change in entropy for different processes, Thermodynamic functions and Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations, Clausius-Clapeyron equations.

Wave motion, characteristics of wave motion, equation of simple harmonic progressive wave, particle velocity and wave velocity, energy of a progressive wave, formation of Stationary wave, analytical treatment of stationary waves, velocity of a particle in a stationary wave, change of density at places traversed by a stationary wave, acceleration of a particle in the stationary wave, energy of a stationary wave, distinction between progressive and stationary waves, wave velocity and group velocity, velocity of a transverse wave along a stretched string, laws of vibration of a stretched string, Melde’s experiment.

An introduction to the nature and propagation of light, reflection and refraction, total internal reflection, dispersion, polarization, scattering of light, Huygens’ principle; Interference, interference and coherent sources, constructive and destructive interference, Young’s double slit experiment, Interference in thin films, Newton’s Rings; Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction, diffraction from a single slit, diffraction by a double slit, multiple slit diffraction, the diffraction gratings. Laser basics and applications, optical effects in crystals, Nonlinear optics – an introductory discussion, elementary discussion on fiber optics.

PHY1204: Physics 2 Lab

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk , Prereq.: CHEM 1101 & PHY 1101

The goal of this course is to:

  • reinforce information presented during course lectures by providing students "hands-on" opportunities to explore the concepts and principles of physics taught in the course Physics 2.
  • determine the mechanical equivalent of heat by electric method; the spring constant and effective mass of a spiral spring and the acceleration due to gravity by using compound pendulum.
  • measure the latent heat of fusion of ice and latent heat of vaporization of water by applying the method of radiation correction.
  • verify the laws of transverse vibrations of a stretched string and unknown frequency of an electrically maintained tuning fork by Melde’s experiment.
  • calculate the refractive index of the material of a prism; radius of curvature of a Plano Convex lens using Newton’s rings; wavelengths of various spectral lines by a spectrometer using a plane diffraction grating; focal length and power of a convex lens and of a concave lens by displacement method.
MAT 1205: Integral Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 1102

Differential Calculus: Limit, continuity and differentiability, successive differentiation of various types of functions, Leibnitz's rule, Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form of remainders. Expansion of functions. Evaluation of limit of indeterminate forms by L' Hospital's rule. Partial differentiation, Euler's theorem. Equations of Tangent and normal. Determination of maximum and minimum values of functions and points of inflexion. Applications, curvature, radius of curvature and center of curvature. Co-ordinate Geometry: Change of axes, transformation of co-ordinates and simplification of equations of curves. Pair of straight lines, conditions under which general equations of the second degree may represent a pair of straight lines. hom*ogeneous equations of second degree. Angle between the pair of lines. Pair of lines joining the origin to the point of intersection of two curves. Standard equations of circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola with explanations. Conic together with its Cartesian and po1ar equations. Discussions of the general equation of second degree in x and y for representing a conic. Representation of a point in a space. Rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates. Distance and Division formulae. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line. Angle between two lines. Projection of a segment. Projection of the joint of two points on a line. The equation of a plane, its normal form and intercept form. Angle between two planes. The equation of a line in symmetrical form. Equations of sphere, paraboloid and ellipsoid.

BAS 1204: Bangladesh Studies

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: N/A

The course will develop students’ knowledge of Bangla Language, political cultural traits, heritage, and socio-economic condition in Bangladesh. It will focus on the language and people of Bangladesh, its historical background, emergence of Bangladesh as a new nation, its social structure, art and literature, family patterns, religious philosophies, archaeological evidence of the cultural heritage, geography, politics and the governance.

EEE 1203: Electrical Circuits 1 (DC)

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: COE 1102 & PHY 1101

Definition of Voltage, Current, Power, Energy; Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors and Superconductors; Resistance and Conductance, Temperature Effects on resistance of a material, Ohm’s Law, Total resistance of a series circuit; Kirchhoff’s Voltage law(KVL); Related Problems. Voltage divider rule, Related Problems; Voltage sources and ground, Single subscription and double subscription notation of voltages. Internal resistance of voltage source; Total resistance and conductance of a parallel circuit, Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL); Current divider rule; Related Problems. Voltage sources in series; Voltage sources in parallel; Open and short circuits, related problems; Series-Parallel network; Methods for solving such networks, related problems; Ladder networks, Voltage Divider (loaded and unloaded); Current sources; related problems. Source conversion; Current sources in parallel, current sources in series; Related problems; Branch current analysis; Mesh Analysis; Related problems. Super-Mesh Analysis; Related problems. Nodal Analysis; Super-Node Analysis; Related problems. Y-Delta and Delta-Y conversions; Related problems; Dependent Current Source, Dependent Voltage Source; Continuation of dependent sources; Related Problems. Superposition Theorem; Related problems. Thevenin’s Theorem; Related problems. Norton’s Theorem; Maximum Power Transfer Theorem; Related problems. Millman’s Theorem; Reciprocity Theorem; Related problems. Electric Field; Capacitance; Dielectric strength; leakage current, Various types of capacitors. Transients in Capacitive networks: Charging Phase; Related problems. Transients in Capacitive networks: Discharge phase; Related problems. Continuation of transients in Capacitive networks; Energy stored by capacitor; Stray capacitance; Capacitors in series and parallel; Magnetic Field; Magnetic flux density, Permeability. Inductor; Related Problems. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction; Lenz’s law; Self-inductance; Related Problems. R-L transient: Storage cycle; Related Problems. R-L transient: Decay phase; Inductors in series and parallel; Related

Problem. R-L and R-C circuits with DC inputs; Energy stored by an inductor; Related problem. Magnetic circuits; Magnetomotive force, magnetizing force; Reluctance. Ohm’s law for magnetic circuits; Magnetizing Force; Hysteresis; Related Problems. Ampere’s circuital law; Series magnetic circuits; Series/Parallel magnetic circuits; Related Problems

EEE 1204: Electrical Circuits 1 (DC) Lab

1.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: COE 1102 & PHY 1102

Laboratory works based on Electrical Circuits 1 (DC) Theory.

MAT 2101: Complex Variable, Laplace Transform And Z -Transform

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 1205

Complex Variable: Complex number system. General functions of a complex variable. Limits and continuity of a functions of a complex variable and related theorems. Complex differentiation and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Mapping by elementary functions. Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Liouville's theorem. Taylor's and Laurent's theorems. Singular points. Residue, Cauchy's residue theorem Evaluating of residues, contour integration, conformal mapping. Laplace Transform: Definition, Laplace transformation of some elementary functions. Sufficient conditions for existence of Laplace transforms. Inverse Laplace transforms of derivatives. The unit step function. Periodic Function's. Some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial fraction. Solutions of differential equations by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of improper integrals. Difference Equations: The z-transforms; Application of the z-transforms to the solution of linear difference equations.

CSE 1201: Data Structure

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: CSE 1103

Define data structure for computer programming.

  • Explain ADTs along with their advantages and disadvantages; Details of array, stack, queue, linked list and trees and their applications.
  • Explain different types of algorithms to search and sort and manipulate data using such data structure; Sorting Algorithm: Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Counting Sort; Searching Algorithm: Linear and Binary Search.
  • Demonstrate algorithms for efficient searching, insertion and deletion operation for every data structure by computer programs.
  • Explain Tree; Basic terminology (Node, Vertex, Leaf, Left subtree, Right subtree, Height, Depth, m-ary tree), Binary tree, Binary tree representation, Binary tree traversal, Simulations.; Binary search tree
  • Explain Graphs: Definition and terminology, Representation techniques using 2D arrays and linked lists
CSE 1202: Data Structure Lab

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: CSE 1104

Laboratory works based on data structure Theory.

CSC 2101: Algorithm

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab, Prereq.: CSC 1201 & CSC 1202

  • Discuss the principles, objectives, purpose and necessity of Algorithms in the program domain.
  • Distinguish computational problems with respect to inputs and outputs in addition to their solutions in efficient ways.
  • Simplify in different ways to find out solutions of fundamental computational problems, their solutions and performances.
  • Justify the necessary and sufficient condition behind a solution of any widely accepted or self-developed algorithm.
  • Demonstrate well known algorithmic solutions of different problems as essential parts of study along with recent improvements.
  • Discuss efficiencies of different types algorithms on different problem domains; Analyze time and space complexities of any widely accepted or self-developed algorithm.
  • Apply appropriate data structures to implement the efficient algorithms; Explain classical tools and techniques for algorithms analysis and design.
  • Judge creativity in designing algorithms.
EEE 2101: Electrical Circuits 2 (AC)

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 1203

Promote the knowledge of the AC circuits, its applications and formulating their solutions in the field of electrical engineering. Introduce the generation of alternating voltage and analyze different AC circuits parameters. Perform mathematical calculations of real power, reactive power, apparent power, power factor, reactive factor for different types of AC circuit. Understand the vector or phasor representation of voltage and current signals. Implement different network theorem for analyzing AC circuits. Manipulate the conditions, characteristics and application of series and parallel resonance circuits Analyze the balanced and unbalanced polyphase systems for both star (Y) and mesh (∆) combinations. Understand the methods of power measurements with balanced Y and loads. Familiarize the magnetically coupled circuits, its parameters, importance etc.

EEE 2102: Electrical Circuits 2 (AC) Lab

1.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 1204

Laboratory works based on Electrical Circuits 2 (AC) Theory.

CSC 1204: Discrete Mathematics

3.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: MAT 1102

  • Explain propositional logic and propositional equivalences
  • Explain different types of sets and set operations
  • Determine whether two compound propositions are logically equivalent using different techniques
  • Describe different types of functions
  • Discuss different representations of graphs
  • Describe different types of tree traversal algorithms such as Preorder, Inorder, Postorder
  • Explain Euler and Hamilton paths and circuits
  • Discuss Relations and their properties
EEE 2103: Electronic Devices

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2101

Semiconductors: electron and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor, donor and acceptor impurities. Introduction to solid state electronics: Energy band structure in solids, insulators, semiconductors and metals, Conductance and semiconductors, electrons and holes, Diodes: open circuit p-n junction, diode characteristics, small signal model of diode, and circuit applications of diode, rectifiers and zener diode. Bipolar junction transistors: characteristics, different configuration of transistor amplifiers, voltage and current amplifiers small signal low frequency h parameter model analysis of transistor amplifier using h parameters, high input resistance transistor circuits, transistor biasing and thermal stabilization. MOSFET: Introduction- PMOS, NMOS and CMOS transistors and their switching characteristics, depletion and enhancement MOSFET.

EEE 2104: Electronic Devices Lab

1.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2102

Laboratory works based on Electronic Devices Theory.

MAT 2202: Matrices, Vectors and Fourier Analysis

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 2101

Matrices: Definition of matrix. Different types of matrices. Algebra of matrices. Adjoint and inverse of a matrix. Rank and elementary transformations of matrices. Normal and canonical forms. Solution of linear equations. Matrix polynomials. Eigen values and eigenvectors. Vectors: Scalars and vectors; equality of vectors. Addition .and subtraction of vectors. Multiplication of vectors by scalars. Scalar and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple products and multiple products. Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume integrals, Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions. Various formulae, Gauss's theorem, Stoke's theorem, Green's theorem. Fourier Analysis: Real and complex forms. Finite Fourier transform. Fourier integral. Fourier transforms and their uses in solving boundary value problems.

EEE 2209: Analog Electronics

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2103

Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp): Introduction to Op-Amps and its applications, AC Performance of Op-Amp: Familiarize with the frequency response of Op-Amp, Active Filter: Analyze and design diverse types of filter, Transistor at High Frequencies: Observe the performance of hybrid model and the amplifier response, Feedback Amplifiers: Classify the amplifiers and analyze different methods of a feedback amplifier, Multistage Amplifiers: Achieve a clear idea about RC coupled amplifiers and their frequency response, Power Amplifiers: class A, class B, class AB, and class C, Positive feedback and oscillator, RC, LC, and crystal oscillators such as sinusoidal oscillators, phase shift resonant circuit etc, MOSFET small signal and large signal model of MOSFET, MOSFET as an amplifier, common-source amplifier, frequency response, trans-conductance, high frequency model of MOSFET, three band diagram, differential pairs, MOS differential pair, common-mode operation, differential mode operation, mismatch and offset, frequency response of MOS differential pair, MOS capacitance.

EEE 2210: Analog Electronics Lab

1.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2104

Laboratory works based on Analog electronics theory

EEE 2213: Signals And Linear Systems

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: MAT 2202

The goal of this course is to: Characteristics, classifications and operations of signals. Characteristics of linear and time-invariant systems. Methods of transient and steady state solution of Differential equations. Methods of transient and steady state solution of Integral-Differential equations. Convolution integral and their applications. Matrix with simple applications in circuit: network function. State equation and state variables for small linear systems. Network theorems and Analogous systems. Fourier series properties and applications. Fourier Transform and its applications to signals and systems Laplace transform and its application to linear circuits.

CSC 2208: Operating System

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab, Prereq: CSC 2101

·Explain modern operating systems; Overview and history of the structure of modern operating systems

  • Describe the fundamental concepts and issues involved in operating system design and explain about the basic services provided by operating systems in general (main focus on UNIX-based operating systems along with alternative operating systems, including Windows.)
  • Analyze in detail each of the major components of an operating system (from processes to threads);
  • Explore the topics – process description and control, critical sections and mutual exclusion, deadlock, process scheduling, threads, process synchronization, semaphores and memory management strategies and file input/output.
  • Present two central building blocks of modern operating systems: Processes and Threads.
  • Processes (instances of a running computer program) and threads (a specific task running within a program) are integral to the understanding of how an OS executes a program and the communication of information between each of the computer's architectural layers;
  • Differentiate between processes and threads; Explain process on Context Switching; Analyze process synchronization methods and techniques
BBA 1102: Principles Of Accounting

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 1102

This course deals with the accumulation and use of accounting data in business, fundamental procedures and records, income measurement and preparation of financial statement. It introduces concepts, principles and system of book keeping and accounting. The whole accounting process (from transaction to financial statements preparation) is the main focus of this course.

CSC 2107: Introduction to Database

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab, Prereq: CSC 1201

·Identify the drawbacks of file-based management system and the necessity of Database management system; Use of modern tools used in Database management system

  • Understanding different types of terminologies used in Database management system
  • Discuss different tools and techniques for better performance of Database management system
  • Execute necessary and sufficient SQLs; Design ER Models and Diagrams; Use of different types of Normalization process; Analyze a system with a view to DBMS implementation; Understand different types of joining and use of different complex queries
EEE 2215: Engineering Ethics and Environmental Protection

1.00 credits, 1 hr/wk. Prereq.: COE 1102

The primary goal of the course is to encourage students to think critically about the ethical implications of what engineers do. A secondary goal is to promote improved communication skills. Several Case studies will be discussed throughout the course study. These cases will offer the opportunity for interactive classes.

BAE 2101: Computer Aided Design and Drafting

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 1203

Introduction, drafting instruments and materials, lettering, alphabet of lines, dimensioning, geometric construction, conic sections, orthographic projection, isometric and oblique views, free hand sketching, construction of scale, sections and conventions, surface development. Making plan, section and elevation of residential building. Safety rules, electricity rules and electricity codes. Electrical and Electronic symbols. Electrical wiring, house wiring and industrial installation wiring. Insulation measurement. Use of Meggars. Battery charging. Creating PCB layout, editing PCB layout, printing PCB layout. Laboratory works based on taught theory.

CSC 2209: Object Oriented Programming 1

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab, Prereq: CSC 2101

  • Create Java technology applications that leverage the object-oriented features of the Java language, such as developing and declaring classes, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism and abstraction;
  • Execute Java applications from the command line; Use Java technology data types and expressions; flow control constructs; arrays and other data collections; concept of package;
  • Implement error-handling techniques using exception handling
  • Perform multiple operations on database tables, including creating, reading, updating and deleting using both JDBC
  • Create an event-driven graphical user interface (GUI) using Swing components: panels, buttons, labels, text fields, and text areas
  • Implement input/output (I/O) functionality to read from and write to data and text files and understand advanced I/O streams
  • Create multithreaded programs
BBA 3113: Principles of Economics

2.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk. Prereq.: BBA 1102

The intention of this course is to introduce the students to principles essential to understanding the basic economizing problem and specific economic issues and policy alternatives for dealing with them. Two fortunate outcomes of this course are an ability to reason accurately and dispassionately about economic matters and a lasting interest in economics.

ENG 2103: Business Communication

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: ENG 1202

This course is designed to help the students in learning the techniques, and acquiring the skills needed to communicate effectively in the business world. The course deals with the Basic English in the practice to communication in different business situation. Various techniques of communication such as business letters, reports, project proposal and other media form an integral part of the course.

COE 3101: Digital Logic and Circuits

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2103

Perform arithmetic operations in many number systems, Definition and Problem solving on Fan out, Noise Margin, Propagation Delay, Speed Power Product, Basic Diode Transistor Logic Gates: RTL, DTL and HTL, ECL & CML with operational detail, Simplify the Boolean expressions using Karnaugh Map, Implement the Boolean Functions using various Logic Gates, Analyze and design various combinational logic circuits, Basic memory units and operations. RAM and ROM Family, Flash memory, Magnetic and optical storage, CCDs, Sequential Circuits: Analyze and design clocked sequential circuits, Timing Analysis: Introduction to timing analysis of combinational and sequential circuits, Briefly introduce the concept of Hardware Description Language (HDL) using VHDL, Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs); Implementation with PAL, PLA, CPLD and FPGA.

COE 3102: Digital Logic and Circuits Lab

1.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2104

Laboratory works based on Digital Logic and Circuits Theory.

EEE 3103: Digital Signal Processing

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: MAT 2202 & EEE 2213

Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform algorithms and applications, Z- transforms. Frequency domain analysis of discrete-time systems. Design and implementation of FIR and IIR filters with Computer-aided design projects: Discrete time signals and systems. Discrete Fourier Transformation of Discrete signals. Frequency domain analysis of discrete-time systems. Performing Z and inverse Z transforms using the definitions, and properties and partial fraction expansion. Determining if a DT (Discrete-time) system is linear, time-invariant, causal, and memory less. Determining the BIBO stability of systems given in frequency domain. Designing and implementing digital filters by theoretical calculation and by using MATLAB. Using computers and MATLAB to create, analyze and process signals, and to simulate and analyze systems to plot and interpret magnitude and phase of LTI system frequency responses.

EEE 3110: Engineering Shop

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2209

Detailed working principle of a basic radio transmitter and receiver, display devices like cathode ray tube (CRT), LCD, LED TV. Household and industrial appliances like microwave oven, washing machine, refrigeration unit, air conditioner unit etc. Power supplies like uninterruptible power supply (UPS), power banks, battery chargers etc. Identification each tool of a basic toolbox for engineers and their uses. Main distribution board (MDB) and its components in low voltage supply mains distribution system Power Factor Correction (PFC) unit design and construction for an industrial load. Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design and hardware implementation of an electrical circuit for a particular project work.

MAT 3101: Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: MAT 2202

Representation of Numbers and Errors: Roundoff and Chopping errors. Loss of significance.

Solution of Equations in One Variable: Number of real roots by Graphical method, Bisection, False position, Secant and Newton-Raphson and Fixed point iteration methods.

Systems of Linear Equations: Solution of system of linear equation by Gaussian elimination with pivoting, Method of factorization and Iterative methods.

Interpolation: Finite difference and shifting operators. Polynomial approximation. Newton Forward and Backward and divided difference formulae. Lagrange polynomial.

Curve Fitting: Interpolation using a fixed curve. Least square method. Interpolation by cubic spline.

Numerical Differentiation: Different numerical differentiation formulae. Richardson’s extrapolation.

Numerical Integration: Introduction. Newton-Cotes quadrature rules. Composite trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules. Extrapolation techniques. Romberg Integration. Gaussian quadrature rules.

Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) and Systems of ODEs: Taylor series solution. Euler’s and modified Euler’s method. Runge-Kutta methods. Predictor-corrector method, Solutions of ODEs by finite difference method.

MAT 3103: Computational Statistics and Probability

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab, Prereq.: MAT 2101

Probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions, sampling theory and estimation, test of hypothesis, regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance, decision making using probabilities, decision trees, application of game theory.

MGT 3202: Engineering Management

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk, Prereq.: EEE 2215

The purpose of this course is to acquaint engineering and science students with certain management principles and techniques having applications in engineering and scientific fields. Topics covered are principles and functions of management, managerial work roles, functions of organizations, finance, product development, operations management, quality, project planning and management, human resources management, operations research and engineering management in practice.

CSC 3115: Object Oriented Language 2

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 2209

  • Introduction to the .Net Framework
  • C# language basics
  • Creating User Interfaces for Console, Widows and WPF applications
  • Creating and Managing Components and .NET Assemblies
  • Consuming and Manipulating Data
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Deploying projects
  • Maintaining, Supporting, Configuring and Securing
  • Prepared, developed and presented a group project using .Net Solution Architectures.
COE 3218: Applied Industrial Electronics Lab

1.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2210

COE 3201: Data Communication

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 2209

  • Introduction to data communication concepts, Protocol concepts and functionality,
  • Network Architectures - OSI Model and TCP/IP Model;
  • Physical Layer: Signals, Analog and Digital Signals, Data Rate Limits, Transmission impairments;
  • Transmission Media: Guided media, Wireless media; Digital Transmission: Line Coding, Block Coding, Sampling, Transmission Mode; Analog Transmission: Modulation of digital data, Telephone modems, Modulation of analog signals.
  • Multiplexing: FDM, WDM, TDM; High Speed Digital Access: DSL, Cable Modems, and SONET;
  • Data Link Layer: Error Detection and Correction, Data Link Control and Protocols; Point-to-point Access: PPP, Multiple Access; Local Area Networks;
  • Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth; Internetworking devices, Frame Relay, ATM.
EEE 4101: Modern Control Systems

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2213

Introduction to feedback control and terminologies. Types and parts of a control system. Examples of modern control system. Mathematical modeling of physical systems. Block diagram representation and simplification to canonical form by Mason’s rule, time domain specifications, and unit step response. Location of poles and stability by Routh’s criterion. Linearization, controllability and observability. Root locus: construction rules, dominant poles, stability, PI, PD and PID state error and static error coefficient. Frequency response: Bode, Nyquist’s Plot, Gain margin, Phase margin. State space representation: formation of state equation, stability. Sampled data systems, digital control system. Introduction to fuzzy control artificial neural network.

EEE 4102: Modern Control Systems Lab

1.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 2213

Laboratory works based on Modern Control System Theory.

COE 4000: Capstone Project

3 class="fe-text".00 credit, Prereq.: 105 credits

COE 4101: Microprocessor and Embedded Systems

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3101 & CSC 2209

Introduction to different types of microprocessors (8bit.16bit etc.) instruction sets. Hardware organization. Microprocessors interfacing. Introduction to available microprocessors ICs. Microprocessors application. Design of digital computer sub system. Flow of information and logical flow diagram in timing and control signals. System organization: hardware structure. design of control unit of digital computer. introduction to microprogramming. Multi programming, real time and time-sharing computer systems. Data and instruction. data systems addressing of operative memory. Machine instruction. Channel programs. Assembler program. Program execution. interrupt systems, I/O systems, Interconnection of computer operation systems. Control program. File handler. Program structure. Virtual memory. Architecture of processor organization. Design of shifter and arithmetic logic unit. Processor unit design

COE 4105: VLSI Circuit Design

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3101

VLSI technology: terminologies and trends. MOS transistor characteristics and equations. NMOS and CMOS inverters, DC transient characteristics. Pass transistors and pass gates. CMOS layout and design rules Complex CMOS gates. Resistance and capacitance. Estimation and modeling, Signal propagation, delay, noise margin and power consumption. Interconnect. Bi CMOS circuits. CMOS building blocks, Adders, Counters, Multipliers and barrel shifters. Data paths. Memory Structures. PLAs and FPGAs. VLSI testing, Objectives and strategies.

COE 4103: Computer System Architecture

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 4101

Know the difference between computer organization and computer architecture. Understand the computer as a layered system. Learn the components common to every modern computer system. Understand a simple architecture invented to illuminate these basic concepts, and how it relates to some real architecture. instruction set design. Know how the program assembly process works. I/O organization, memory organization, Control unit design.

CSC 3224: Computer Graphics

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 2101 & MAT 2202

  • Broad overview of the basic concepts of computer graphics. Both 2D raster graphics and 3D graphics will be covered.
  • 2D Raster graphics include transformations, color theory and scan conversion of lines and polygons.
  • 3D graphics include projective geometry, representations of curves and surfaces, modeling and viewing transformations, hidden surface removal algorithms, reflection models and illumination algorithms.
  • In addition, with this a practical glimpse of computer graphics will be given using OpenGL. Learn to use mathematical transformations and vector techniques in the production of computer graphics as well as how to use these things in real world using OpenGL. Gain familiarity with the OpenGL library as a tool for writing C/C++ programs to create real graphics application.
COE 4201: Digital Design with System Verilog, VHDL & FPGAs

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq: COE 4105

Introduction to HDL-based Top-Down design methodology for ASICs and FPLDs (CPLDs/FPGAs), FPLD and ASIC architectures and Electronic Design Automation (EDA). RTL and Logic Synthesis, Mapping, Place and Route (P & R), Device Configuration, Functional and Timing Simulation. Use of an industrial EDA tool for Simulation, Synthesis, Implementation (P & R) and Hardware Realization. Introduction to a standard Hardware Description Language (HDL)—Verilog HDL (IEEE Std 1364) and a standard Hardware Description and Verification Language (HDVL)—System Verilog (IEEE Std 1800). Basic language constructs—module, interface, ports, data types (i.e. unresolved (i.e. reg, logic) and resolved (wire) multi-valued data types, signed), design management (library and config, User-defined packages), parameterization (parameter), hierarchical structuring (component instantiation, structural replication (generate)), concurrent code (assign statements), procedural code (always), control structures (i.e. if, case, case x, while), event-control (posedge, negedge), conditional compilation. Levels of Abstraction—Behavior, Dataflow, Gate and Switch. Importance of Synthesis. Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL and System Verilog—Emphasis on Behavioral Modeling and Synthesizable coding style. Design of combinational logic (adder-subtractors, multipliers, ALUs etc.) and sequential logic (registers, counters, shift registers, LFSR, Explicit and Implicit FSMs). Design of FSMs and FSMDs with and without Controller-data path partitioning. ASM and ASMD charts. Emphasis on FSM/FSMD design techniques. FSM/FSMDs for signal (pulse) generator, UART, stepper motor control and central ALU-based computation units. Design of complex digital systems such as RISC processors. Introduction to Pipelining. Writing stimulus (Test benches) for Verification. Introduction to Assertion-based verification—using assert and embedded PSL. Simulator control ($stop, $finish). IP Encryption (`protect). Introduction to VHSIC HDL (VHDL) standard Hardware Description Language (IEEE Std 1076). Basic language constructs. Synthesizable fixed and floating point data types (i.. ufixed, sfixed, float). A brief introduction to advanced verification features in System Verilog—Constrained Random Verification (CRV) and Functional Coverage.

CSC 4121: Artificial Intelligence and Expert System

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 3115

  • Computational, Parameterized, Amortized analysis & complexity,
  • Algorithms for combinatorial optimization, Practical computing and heuristics,
  • Advanced Data Structures: Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Splay Trees
  • Approximation algorithms, LP based approximation algorithms,
  • Randomized algorithms, Online algorithms
  • Algorithms in state-of-the-art fields like Bioinformatics, Grid Computing, VLSI design etc.

Major in Biomedical Engineering

COE 4101: Biomechanics

3.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: EEE 4101

COE 4103: Biomedical Informatics

3.00 credit, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: CSC 2209

EEE 4229: Biomedical Instrumentation, Measurement and Design

3.00 credit, 2 hrs/wk, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3218

Introduction to biomedical instrumentation designing and measurement principles. Action potential and propagation of action potentials in human body. Biopotential amplifier: review on operational amplifier circuitry and operations, differential amplifier, feedback amplifiers, instrumentational amplifier, and other amplifiers used in biomedical instrumentation. Sensor design and operations: resistive sensor, capacitative and inductive sensor, temperature sensor, thermistor, pressure sensor, optical sensor, piezoelectric sensor, microelectric sensor (MEMS), noise and noise removing filters. Electrocardiogram: basic ECG unit, component design, measurement procedure, electric signal conduction in heart, ECG analysis and general diagnosis of heart diseases based on ECG. Introduction to Biomedical Imaging, imaging instrumentation, and patient safety. Imaging modalities: X-ray, CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, PET, SPECT. The physics and engineering methods used in imaging. Sensor and biosensor technology

COE 4203: Biomedical Image Processing

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 4101

Major in Electronics, IC Design and Embedded System

EEE 4221: Optoelectronic Devices

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3201

Electromagnetic Theory for light propagation, group/phase velocity, Maxwell’s Equations, Irradiance, Reflection, Refraction, Snell Law, Fresnel’s Equations and Total Internal Reflection and divergence/diffraction of light. Detailed study of Single/Multimode waveguides, Mode Theory, Step-index/Graded-Index Fibers, Attenuation, Dispersion, Bandwidth, Bit Rate, Absorption and Scattering. Fiber fabrication. Review of Stimulated Emission and Photon Amplification and Stimulated Emission Rate and Einstein Coefficients. Study of Optical Fiber Amplifiers, LASER efficiency, divergence, spectrum and gain. Principles, characteristics and structures of Laser Diodes, Optical cavity, wavelength variation and VCSELs. Detailed study of Photodiodes and phototransistors: Quantum efficiency, Responsitivity, Operation, Noise, Gain.

CSC 4253: Embedded Technology

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 4233

EEE 4211: Measurement and Instrumentation

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 4101

Define measurement and instrument system. Different static and dynamic characteristics of measurement and instrument system. Acquire knowledge about different methods of resistance measurement. Learn about Localization of faulty cable. Illumination and magnetic measurement. Identify different types of instrument and their application. Learn about instrument transformers and their applications. Define and classify different transducers used in measurement system. Learn about liquid flow and level measurement. Learn about digital data acquisition system, frequency measurement system, sample and hold operation, microwave power measurement, digital voltmeter and bolometers.

EEE 4229: Biomedical Instrumentation, Measurement and Design

3.00 credit, 2 hrs/wk, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3218

Introduction to biomedical instrumentation designing and measurement principles. Action potential and propagation of action potentials in human body. Biopotential amplifier: review on operational amplifier circuitry and operations, differential amplifier, feedback amplifiers, instrumentational amplifier, and other amplifiers used in biomedical instrumentation. Sensor design and operations: resistive sensor, capacitative and inductive sensor, temperature sensor, thermistor, pressure sensor, optical sensor, piezoelectric sensor, microelectric sensor (MEMS), noise and noise removing filters. Electrocardiogram: basic ECG unit, component design, measurement

procedure, electric signal conduction in heart, ECG analysis and general diagnosis of heart diseases based on ECG. Introduction to Biomedical Imaging, imaging instrumentation, and patient safety. Imaging modalities: X-ray, CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, PET, SPECT. The physics and engineering methods used in imaging. Sensor and biosensor technology

Major in Communication Engineering

EEE 3107: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: PHY 1203 & MAT 2202

Review of vector analysis, curvilinear orthogonal co-ordinates, Cartesian or rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate, and solutions to static field problems. Electrostatics: Coulomb's law, force, electric field intensity, electrical flux density. Gauss's theorem with application, Electrostatic potential, boundary conditions, method of images, Laplace's and Poisson's equations, energy of an electrostatic system, conductor and dielectrics. Magnetostatics: Concepts of magnetic field, Ampere's law, Biot-Savart law, vector magnetic potential, energy of magnetostatic system, Mechanical forces and torques in Electric and Magnetic fields. Concept of good and perfect conductors and dielectrics. Current distribution in various types of conductors, depth of penetration, internal impedance, power loss, calculation of inductance and capacitance. Time Varying Fields: Maxwell's equations: Their derivatives, continuity of charges, concepts of displacement currents. Boundary conditions for time varying systems. Potentials used with varying charges and currents. Retarded potentials. Maxwell's equations in different coordinate systems. Polarization: Propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves in unbounded media: plane wave propagation, polarization, power flow and Poynting's theorem. Transmission line analogy, reflection from conducting and dielectric boundary display lines ion in dielectrics, plane wave propagation through the ionosphere. Introduction to radiation.

EEE 4209: Telecommunications Engineering

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq: COE 3201

Introduction to Optical Fiber communications, LED, Laser, APD, WDM, ATM, FTTH, SDH, SONET and undersea Fiber Laying techniques, Digital Exchange; Introduction to cellular mobile communications (Cellular concepts, GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G, 5G); Introduction to radio wave propagation, effects of ionosphere and earth’s curvature, Basics of RADAR; Introduction to Satellite Communication; Introduction to Spectrum Management Issues, Emerging Technologies (WLL, ALL IP, IPv6); Internet of Things (IOT), WIFI IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n, NFC; Introduction to Data Communication 8) Introduction to Compression and Cryptography; Principles of Error Correction and Error Detection.

EEE 4205: Microwave Engineering

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3201

Introduction to Microwave Engineering: Microwave Frequency Ranges. Millimeter wave Frequency Ranges. Basic idea about propagation of Microwaves in space and through guides. Application of Microwave frequencies in communication and RADAR: (i) terrestrial communication, (ii) satellite communication, (iii) satellite broadcasting, (iv) military applications and (v) RADAR. Other applications of Microwave frequencies. Microwave Oscillators, Amplifiers, Cables, Waveguides, Connectors. Safety standards of microwave radiation. Concept of Distributed parameter circuits, comparison between distributed circuits and lumped parameter circuits. Propagation of electric and magnetic waves in Microwave circuits in place of voltage and currents in lumped circuits. Different types of Transmission lines for Microwave circuits. Distributed circuit L-C model of a loss-less (ideal) Microwave Transmission-line. Telegraphist's equations, the wave equations, solutions of the wave equations. Relation between voltage and current in an ideal transmission- line. Reflection and transmission at a discontinuity. Reflection Coefficient, Transmission Coefficient, Return loss. Ideal line with applied sinusoidal voltages; Input Impedance and Input Admittance at a plane on the line. Voltage Standing-Wave Ratio (VSWR). The Smith Transmission- line chart. Equations for obtaining the plots of a Smith Chart. Parameters which can be obtained using a Smith Chart. Procedure of finding reflection coefficient from a given impedance and conversely. Procedure of transferring impedance along the lines. Procedure of finding VSWR and position of voltage maximum from a given impedance and conversely. Use of Smith Chart as an Admittance diagram. Solution of problems using Smith Chart. Different types of impedance matching in Microwave Networks. Quarter wave transformer matching. Single Stub Matching technique. Double Stub Matching technique. Transmission- lines with general forms of distributed impedances. Generalized wave equation, solutions and equations for input impedance at a plane. Solution of problems of input impedance using Smith Chart. Transmission- line with series and shunt losses. The expressions for propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase constant and characteristic impedance. A filter type distributed circuit. Phase Velocity and Group Velocity of wave propagation. Dispersion, - plot, Group velocity as the "velocity of energy travel". Guided E.M. waves. Basic equations for waves along uniform systems. Basic wave types: TEM, TM and TE waves. TEM waves guided by ideal (lossless) parallel plane conductors TEM waves between lossy parallel planes. TM waves between lossless parallel planes. Physical discussions of TM waves. TE waves between parallel planes. General analysis of guided waves: TEM, TM and TE. General wave types in rectangular coordinates. General wave types in cylindrical coordinates. Comparison of general wave behaviour and physical explanations of wave types. TM and TE waves in rectangular waveguides - a comparison of analytical solutions. Plot of field lines inside a rectangular waveguide for TE10 and TM11 waves. The TE10 waves in a rectangular guide. Microwave Network Analysis, Impedance and Admittance Matrices, Reciprocal Networks, Lossless Networks, The Scattering Matrix, Reciprocal Networks and Lossless Networks, A Shift in Reference Planes, Power Waves and Generalized Scattering Parameters, The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix, Relation to Impedance Matrix, Equivalent Circuits for Two-Port Networks; Classification of antennas on the basis of mode

of radiation. Examples. The Small Current Element Antenna (Hertzian Dipole). The Long Straight Antenna.The Half-wave Dipole. Directivity, Antenna Gain, Radiation pattern. Antennas above perfect earth.

EEE 4223: Cellular Mobile Communications

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 4209

The primary purpose of this course is to teach students the basic of cellular mobile communication. Topics includes but not limited to the Mobile Wireless to Cellular concept, Historical development of Cellular Mobile Communication. An introduction to AMPS system – channel assignment, Path loss and Path loss models in Mobile Wireless Communications, Foliage loss, Loss due to atmospheric conditions, Different types of Fading in Mobile Wireless Communications, Cell design, 4 cell and 7 cell design concept, Cell divisions, Sectoral Antennas for the cell sites for different types of cell design, Types of antennas used in Cell sites, Frequency reuse and its application for different types of cell design, Co- channel interference and non-cochannel interference, other Interferences. Call drops and necessity of Handoffs, types of Handoffs. GSM specifications for cellular telephony, Difference between GSM and other types of Cellular Mobile Communication system, GSM Architecture, Functions of MSC, BSC, BTS and other functional blocks (subsystems and parts) of a GSM system, Different types of Channels and Signalling in GSM, Voice and Control channels of a GSM system, Channel Structure and traffic channels, Control Channel and Burst structure, Speech Coding, Channel coding, modulation and power coding in GSM, Situations and Techniques of Handover in GSM, Enhancement of GSM for Data transmission, (GPRS and EDGE). An introduction to CDMA in mobile communication and CDMA 2000, Brief introductions to 3G and 4G Cellular Mobile Communications Systems.

Elective Subjects from EEE

EEE 4221: Optoelectronic Devices

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 3215

Electromagnetic Theory for light propagation, group/phase velocity, Maxwell’s Equations, Irradiance, Reflection, Refraction, Snell Law, Fresnel’s Equations and Total Internal Reflection and divergence/diffraction of light. Detailed study of Single/Multimode waveguides, Mode Theory, Step-index/Graded-Index Fibers, Attenuation, Dispersion, Bandwidth, Bit Rate, Absorption and Scattering. Fiber fabrication. Review of Stimulated Emission and Photon Amplification and Stimulated Emission Rate and Einstein Coefficients. Study of Optical Fiber Amplifiers, LASER efficiency, divergence, spectrum and gain. Principles, characteristics and structures of Laser Diodes, Optical cavity, wavelength variation and VCSELs. Detailed study of Photodiodes and phototransistors: Quantum efficiency, Responsitivity, Operation, Noise, Gain.

BAE 1201: Basic Mechanical Engineering

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk. Prereq.: PHY 1101

Properties of steam, Properties of liquid, uses of Steam table and Mollier chart, Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Air and Vapor cycles, Refrigeration system, Air conditioning system, Psychrometry and uses of psychrometric chart, steam boiler and its mountings and accessories, steam turbine, Internal combustion engine, Thermal efficiency of engines, Heat and mass transfer (through solid to solid), Application of Bernoulli’s equation.

EEE 4205: Microwave Engineering

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3201

Introduction to Microwave Engineering: Microwave Frequency Ranges. Millimeter wave Frequency Ranges. Basic idea about propagation of Microwaves in space and through guides. Application of Microwave frequencies in communication and RADAR: (i) terrestrial communication, (ii) satellite communication, (iii) satellite broadcasting, (iv) military applications and (v) RADAR. Other applications of Microwave frequencies. Microwave Oscillators, Amplifiers, Cables, Waveguides, Connectors. Safety standards of microwave radiation. Concept of Distributed parameter circuits, comparison between distributed circuits and lumped parameter circuits. Propagation of electric and magnetic waves in Microwave circuits in place of voltage and currents in lumped circuits. Different types of Transmission lines for Microwave circuits. Distributed circuit L-C model of a loss-less (ideal) Microwave Transmission-line. Telegraphist's equations, the wave equations, solutions of the wave equations. Relation between voltage and current in an ideal transmission- line. Reflection and transmission at a discontinuity. Reflection Coefficient, Transmission Coefficient, Return loss. Ideal line with applied sinusoidal voltages; Input Impedance and Input Admittance at a plane on the line. Voltage Standing-Wave Ratio (VSWR). The Smith Transmission- line chart. Equations for obtaining the plots of a Smith Chart. Parameters which can be obtained using a Smith Chart. Procedure of finding reflection coefficient from a given impedance and conversely. Procedure of transferring impedance along the lines. Procedure of finding VSWR and position of voltage maximum from a given impedance and conversely. Use of Smith Chart as an Admittance diagram. Solution of problems using Smith Chart. Different types of impedance matching in Microwave Networks. Quarter wave transformer matching. Single Stub Matching technique. Double Stub Matching technique. Transmission- lines with general forms of distributed impedances. Generalized wave equation, solutions and equations for input impedance at a plane. Solution of problems of input impedance using Smith Chart. Transmission- line with series and shunt losses. The expressions for propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase constant and characteristic impedance. A filter type distributed circuit. Phase Velocity and Group Velocity of wave propagation. Dispersion, - plot, Group velocity as the "velocity of energy travel". Guided E.M. waves. Basic equations for waves along uniform systems. Basic wave types: TEM, TM and TE waves. TEM waves guided by ideal (lossless) parallel plane conductors TEM waves between lossy parallel planes. TM waves between lossless parallel planes. Physical discussions of TM waves. TE waves between parallel planes. General analysis of guided waves: TEM, TM and TE. General wave types in rectangular coordinates. General wave types in cylindrical coordinates. Comparison of

general wave behaviour and physical explanations of wave types. TM and TE waves in rectangular waveguides - a comparison of analytical solutions. Plot of field lines inside a rectangular waveguide for TE10 and TM11 waves. The TE10 waves in a rectangular guide. Microwave Network Analysis, Impedance and Admittance Matrices, Reciprocal Networks, Lossless Networks, The Scattering Matrix, Reciprocal Networks and Lossless Networks, A Shift in Reference Planes, Power Waves and Generalized Scattering Parameters, The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix, Relation to Impedance Matrix, Equivalent Circuits for Two-Port Networks; Classification of antennas on the basis of mode of radiation. Examples. The Small Current Element Antenna (Hertzian Dipole). The Long Straight Antenna.The Half-wave Dipole. Directivity, Antenna Gain, Radiation pattern. Antennas above perfect earth.

EEE 4229: Biomedical Instrumentation, Measurement and Design

3.00 credit, 2 hrs/wk, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3218

Introduction to biomedical instrumentation designing and measurement principles. Action potential and propagation of action potentials in human body. Biopotential amplifier: review on operational amplifier circuitry and operations, differential amplifier, feedback amplifiers, instrumentational amplifier, and other amplifiers used in biomedical instrumentation. Sensor design and operations: resistive sensor, capacitative and inductive sensor, temperature sensor, thermistor, pressure sensor, optical sensor, piezoelectric sensor, microelectric sensor (MEMS), noise and noise removing filters. Electrocardiogram: basic ECG unit, component design, measurement procedure, electric signal conduction in heart, ECG analysis and general diagnosis of heart diseases based on ECG. Introduction to Biomedical Imaging, imaging instrumentation, and patient safety. Imaging modalities: X-ray, CT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, PET, SPECT. The physics and engineering methods used in imaging. Sensor and biosensor technology

EEE 4235: Robotics Engineering

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 4101

This is an elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. It will expose students to the history and current developments in the field of robotics; strengthen students’ grasp of the mathematics and physics involved in the design, construction and control of robots, with a focus on linear algebra and geometry. Introduce students to fundamental concepts of electrical and mechanical engineering that will help them better understand the design and development challenges in the field of robotics; give students hands-on practice in building and programming an actual robot; engage students in an engineering design task that sharpens their analytical, planning, presentation and teamwork skills; provide a challenging, highly engaging and personally rewarding learning experience.

CSC 3114: Software Engineering

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 2207

  • Comprehend introduction to the modern study of software engineering.
  • Discuss the present software engineering practices; Discuss various process models used software engineering
  • Describe requirements engineering and design process; Comprehend the technologies used in coding and testing; Discuss the software project management and planning
  • Prepare software requirement specification and design document based on standard SRS and Design document templates.
  • Assess and prepare a project plan using standard project planning process and tools.
  • Assess project associated risks and prepare Risk management documentation.
MMC 4003: Introduction to Animation

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 2207

This course is an introduction to the art and history of animation which includes the exploration of different techniques and trends developed in the animation industry through the years. The students will have the opportunity to do both traditional and digital drawing and painting, using the latest software – the basic knowledge and skills needed to be able to design and conceptualize their own characters, props and backgrounds for the final production bible requirement.

EEE 4109: Computer Interface Design

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 4103

This is an elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

EEE 4239: Nanotechnology for Engineers

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 4105

This is an elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. This course provides an overview of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Shapes and size of nanomaterials, Characterization techniques, Applications of nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

EEE 4241: Mixed-Signal Analog Circuits

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 4105

This elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program prepares students to design state-of-the-art electronic systems, emphasizing analog electronic design in microelectronics. Major focus will be on the knowledge that mixed-signal analog companies demand from the engineers entering the workplace. It will cover in-depth analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, emphasizing fundamentals and new paradigms that aspiring and practicing engineers need to master in today’s industry. Compounding

this challenge is the constant drive by microelectronics to reduce power supply and power dissipation without compromising die size. The objective of the course is to enable students to address all these challenges systematically.

EEE 4243: Intelligent Robotics and Automation

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: EEE 4101

This is an elective course of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Computer Engineering program. This course provides an overview of robot mechanisms, dynamics, and intelligent controls. Topics include planar and spatial kinematics, and motion planning; mechanism design for manipulators and mobile robots, multi-rigid-body dynamics, 3D graphic simulation; control design, actuators, and sensors; wireless networking, task modeling, human-machine interface, embedded software, artificial intelligence, machine learning and block chain. Weekly laboratories provide experience with servo drives, real-time control, and embedded software. Students will design and fabricate working robotic systems in a group-based term project.

Elective Subjects from CSE

CSC 2210: Object Oriented Analysis and Design

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 2107

  • Explain the necessity of formal modelling techniques in system development
  • Describe system analysis and design using object oriented concepts and techniques
  • Quote the UML building blocks along with their notations
  • Demonstrate the use of object oriented analysis concept with UML diagrams
  • Solve complex engineering problems using UML concepts and tools
CSC 3114: Software Engineering

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 2210

  • Comprehend introduction to the modern study of software engineering.
  • Discuss the present software engineering practices; Discuss various process models used software engineering
  • Describe requirements engineering and design process; Comprehend the technologies used in coding and testing; Discuss the software project management and planning
  • Prepare software requirement specification and design document based on standard SRS and Design document templates.
  • Assess and prepare a project plan using standard project planning process and tools.
  • Assess project associated risks and prepare Risk management documentation
CSC 4133: Software Quality and Testing

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3114

  • This course provides a comprehensive study of software quality assurance and testing.
  • Topics include levels and techniques of testing, verification and validation, quality assurance processes and techniques,
  • ISO 9126 and CMMI models. The course focuses on real-life software quality assurance and testing activities as well.
  • The course covers both manual and automated testing techniques with an introduction to functional and regression testing tools like Selenium.
CSC 3116: Computer Networks

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: COE 3201

  • Introduction to IPv6 addressing, special addressing of IPv6, address mapping
  • Introduction to Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN), Inter-VLAN communication and Virtual Trunk Port(VTP)
  • Introduction to Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT) in details.
  • Introduction to different protocols – DHCP, ARP, ICMP, OSPF
  • Routing table formation and optimization of routing protocols.
  • Analyze the network security threads for example virus, intrusion types etc. and introduction to basic network security,
  • Multimedia;
  • Introduction to advanced topics of networking – wireless sensor networks (WSN), IoT, SDN, Cloud Computing,
CSC 3223: Advance Computer Networks

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3116

  • Introduction to IPv6 addressing, special addressing of IPv6, address mapping
  • Introduction to Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN), Inter-VLAN communication and Virtual Trunk Port(VTP)
  • Introduction to Network Address Translation (NAT) and Port Address Translation (PAT) in details.
  • Introduction to different protocols – DHCP, ARP, ICMP, OSPF
  • Routing table formation and optimization of routing protocols.
  • Analyze the network security threads for example virus, intrusion types etc. and introduction to basic network security,
  • Multimedia;
  • Introduction to advanced topics of networking – wireless sensor networks (WSN), IoT, SDN, Cloud Computing,
CSC 3231: Network Security

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3223

  • Introduction to the Basic Network Security, Generic Classification of Intrusion Types,
  • Hacking tools and techniques, Different phase of attacks, Virus, DOS attack and some DOS attack methods, Brute force attack, TCP SYN attack, Smurf attack, Ping of death attack etc.
  • Basic Cryptography, Introduction with Public and Private key, Stream Cipher (Substitution Ciphers (Playfair Cipher, Transposition Cipher, Caesar Cipher, Vigenere Cipher), Block Cipher(DES, AES).
  • Firewalls, Packet Filtering Router Concepts, Gateway Firewall, Network Address Translation (NAT), Digital Signatures in Authentication Systems, Virtual Private Network (VPN).
CSC 3222: Web Technologies

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 3115

  • This course investigates how the Internet and related changes in the technological environment affect the marketing of goods and services.
  • With an emphasis on traditional marketing concepts, theories, and frameworks, this course explores factors that affect the adoption of digital technologies, changes in customer behavior across digital platforms.
  • B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C E-businesses;
  • Resulting opportunities and challenges for firms’ marketing strategies.
  • Tools including mobile and location marketing, crowd sourcing and user generated content, and social media communication.
CSC 4180: Advance Topics in Programming 1

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3115

CSC 4181: Advance Topics in Programming 2

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3115

CSC 4182: Advance Topics in Programming 3

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3222

CSC 2212: Advance Database Management

3.00 credits, 2 hrs/wk lecture, 3 hrs/wk lab. Prereq.: CSC 2107

  • Advance database module is designed to enhance the knowledge of database for those students who has already completed basic database.
  • Completion of this module will provide the student s with the insight of RDBMS and ORDBMS using ORACLE.
  • A real-life project is also designed for this module to help the students with their concepts of RDBMS and present business need regarding database.
CSC 4139: Data Warehouse and Data Mining

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 4121 & CSC 2107

  • Introduction to knowledge discovery and data mining in databases and to present basic concepts relevant to real data mining applications, as well as reveal important research issues related to the knowledge discovery and mining applications.
  • Fundamental concepts underlying knowledge discovery, data mining and hands-on experience with implementation of some data mining algorithms applied to real world cases.
  • Research issues as well as mining strategies and issues relating specific industrial sectors; Systems for data mining.
CSC 4140: Human Computer Interaction

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 4121

  • Overview of human-computer interaction strategies from a number of perspectives including that of the engineer, cognitive psychologist, and end-user.
  • Major themes include the design and evaluation of usable interfaces, matching computer systems with the cognitive capabilities of users and an investigation of novel paradigms in human-computer interaction.
  • A team-based project, dealing with the design, development, and evaluation of a computer-based device to support distributed human communication.
CSC 4138: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 3224 & CSC 4121

CSC 4141: Linear Programming

3.00 credits, 3 hrs/wk lecture, Prereq.: CSC 4121 & MAT 3101

  • Introduction and overview, Linear inequalities, Geometry of linear programming, The linear programming problem, Structural optimization, FIR filter design,
  • Applications in control, Network optimization, Duality, The simplex method, The barrier method, Convergence analysis of the barrier method, Primal-dual interior-point methods, Self-dual formulations, Large-scale linear programming, Integer linear programming.
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.